
08 April 2012

Philofaxy Mini Meet-up - Liverpool

I've been back in UK this last week, it has been a very hectic week, so it was nice to have some time out on Friday to meet up with Kate and Hannah in Liverpool City Centre.

The arrangements were very last minute, but it all worked out very well. I travelled over to Liverpool on the underground train from New Brighton on the Wirral, something I've not done for I guess about 20 years.

So as I emerged from the station, the road layouts seemed familiar but the shops and shopping centres had nearly all changed from when I lived in the North West. I had a wander around on my own for an hour or so getting familiar with the city centre again.

Hannah (on the left in the picture above) had recommended a cafe in the city centre and that's where we met. We all had a light lunch and talked about all things Filofax.

Afterwards we took a stroll in to John Lewis and cast our experienced eyes of their range of organisers, it was quite a good selection, but no sign of any purple Maldens... double sighs from the two ladies! I was slightly tempted by the Holborn... but I resisted it in the end!

We also had a quick look in Paperchase and a quick scoot around TK Max, but no Filofax organisers in TK Max... wrong time of year I suspect!

I enjoyed the afternoon, thank you to Hannah and Kate for meeting me at such short notice. It was good fun.

Are there any readers near you that you could meet up with?


  1. Alison reeves and I have met up once before, but it all rather depends on our respective movements, she being in the West Midlands and I in west Wales! we met up when we were there on business (separately, coincidentally), and had a great 90 minute or so in Conduit St shop, and in the Starbucks at the end of the road.

    If anyone reading this is in London I'm there twice-monthly, often with some 'slack' in my schedule, and I'm always willing to meet fellow-FF enthusiasts and to talk about that, and about personal organisation in general. Just message me via @davidpopely on Twitter, or email me via davidpopely (at) googlemail (dot) com - it would be great to see you.

  2. Oops...should have said we met in *London*!

  3. Yes, it was fun to meet up to compare binders and have a browse round the Filofax shop with a fellow enthusiast. Hopefully we can do so again when our schedules allow.
