
16 May 2012

Mixing Paper and Digital Devices

I can hear the cries of Nooooo as soon as you have read the title... but if the thought doesn't scare you too much do read on....

I am putting my A5 Malden on a diet for my trip back to UK, the aim to reduce its overall weight as I have a limited carry on baggage allowance only for the trip.

Whilst removing spare pages, I also removed the pad at the back.

As you can see I'm not regularly using the pad anyway as the page corners get a little bent.

Once removed it gives you a useful pocket. I want to take my Kindle, but not in it's own case, another weight and bulk saving. It fits neatly in to the pocket.

And it pushes down in neatly

The Kindle is about the same thickness as the writing pad so it doesn't add any bulk to the A5. 

I already knew the iPod Touch fitted in my Pocket Chameleon zip pocket, but I hadn't tried the same trick in the Malden notepad pocket. 

It fits too and I can also slot the note pad back in again as well. But in this size of Filofax the iPod does add quite a bit of weight to the Filofax.

Then I had to try the iPad. It obviously doesn't fit in the A5... too big. But it will fit in the note pad slot of my A4 Classic... ! But I have a very good slim leather case for the iPad already so I doubt if I will be bringing the A4 out of retirement just yet!

Let's just say I had to try these ideas out... something else to tick off on the list of ideas! Photos apart from the last two taken with my iPad!


  1. I was wondering if I could fit my 7 inch BlackBerry tablet inside a binder. I think it would fit in an A5. It's about the size of a personal size binder (height and width, much thinner, obviously).

    I've been using evernote for a lot of "born-digital" information from work and using my tablet to access on the go. If I think I will need regular access I print it out and punch for the filofax, but more peripheral stuff can just go on evernote or just be saved on the tablet. I think that using a filofax with an electronic device is quite "synergistic."

  2. I think that I'd worry about the rings damaging the kindle, even though there is a sheet of leather between them. It might put pressure points on the screen. Otherwise, it looks very spiffy!

    1. The rings lay to the left of the pocket on the A5 Malden so it's well clear of the rings. Also although I showed it facing inwards, you could reverse it to the screen wasn't towards the rings anyway.

      The Kindle is a lot narrower than the pocket so I was able to move it right over to the right well clear of the rings when the organiser is closed.

    2. The Kindle will fit in to my Personal size Cuban Zip, but the rings do get in the way in that size. Just checked again with the A5 Malden and it's well clear of the rings in that.

  3. Ooh - Kindle in my filo... now I'm tempted to move back out of my A5 Holborn Zip... what a fabulous idea!!!

  4. oooohhh, that is so neat! I love that idea!

  5. Great ideas! I was only looking at the pocket on my Malden the other day, thinking that my iPod touch would fit in the zip pocket. Must resist the Kindle...

  6. I don't know who suggested it lately, but touch screens do work while inside a plastic envelope! I tested it with my iPod touch4: the touchscreen still reacts swiftly, and since you can't phone with it anyway, there's no need to fiddle it out of the envelope. Since the 4th gen is so ultra thin and lightweight, it fits perfectly in a pocket Filofax !

  7. I'm the proud new owner of an A5 Finsbury, an instant addict to Filofax, and a converted reader of this blog.

    This post has pulled me out of lurking coz I just had to comment and say, "Ahhh, isn't it great?!" I discovered that my Kindle fits in the cover pocket (although mine is in the front cover rather than the notepad pocket) only yesterday afternoon and I'm even more excited about this whole organisation thing than I was before. Now slightly obsessed with seeing what I else I can make fit...

  8. Great idea, gives me a good reason for updating my A5 once I have some pennies!!! :)

  9. I think the combination of digital & paper is perfection... I've been using my Mini Finsbury as a protective cover for my Nokia candy-bar phone, it also fitted the old Alcatel clamshell I used in '10, and works to take note on calls etc when I'm out and about.

    The combination of the two was greater than the sum of their parts, and I would imagine a Kindle (I don't have one yet) and A5 for making notes & jotting down quotes is pretty much the perfect digital library set-up - so, thanks for sharing the info on fit, and those gorgeous photos!

  10. Interesting how the new iPad Pennybridge is out, eh?

    1. And there is a Malden version due soon as well:
