
13 June 2012

1500 not out...

1500 published posts in just under seven years, it's quite a mile stone really.

The 1500th was the post this morning about the Alice Temperley announcement.  However, we are not sitting back, there are plenty more posts in the pipeline and other ideas to expand our community and share our knowledge amongst you all.

On behalf of the team, thank you all for your continued support, without that we wouldn't have written so many posts I don't think! 

Here's to the next 1500 !


  1. 1500 posts wow!! So glad to be part of this community, i'm relatively new around here but look forward to the next 1500 :)

  2. Congratulations to the Philofaxy team -- and a hearty thank you for nurturing and growing this wonderful community. Here's to the next 1500!

  3. Thank you Nan, Laurie, Anita and Steve. This is a big achievement. The relevance and high quality of the content regularly posted, week after week, is remarkable. Congratulations.

  4. Thanks for this wonderful site and all the thought, generosity, kindness, and hard work that goes into it. I appreciate you guys and all that you do. Congrats on the milestone.

  5. Congratulations, team. Virtual pats on the back all round.

  6. Congratulations on this blog, you all deserve a round of applause! Also thanks to everyone who answered my plea for help with which filofax to buy my high school daughter! She is now awaiting her raspberry metropol to arrive, just got to find some fun inserts for her now!

  7. Sincere thanks and congratulations to Team Philofaxy.

  8. Many congratulations and thanks

  9. To the next 1500! Congratulations to you all, and thank you for creating and maintaining this amazing community!

  10. Comments are up to 16000 or 15995 to be exact as I post this one!

  11. Congratulations to all.

  12. Thanks guys for all your hard work in keeping us informed, up-to-date and entertained on a regular basis :o) We all think you are awesome :o)

  13. Congrats!
    And thanks for all these great tips and articles!

  14. I absolutely love this community. Thank you for your dedication and leadership in keeping it going! No small feat!

  15. Here here, thank you and congratulations on the continued and rising success of this site. The generosity of 'the team' in their time and help to readers and maintaining this site is true dedication to the cause, and involves hours of work!
    Thank you one and all :)
    HUGE congratulations

  16. ... it's certainly a great team. Of the early contributors, Nan and Laurie are still here (hurrah!). Many of us longtime readers will also remember the original "Philofaxer" himself, who started it all off in late 2005 - often with the only comments coming from "anonymous"! Some of their exchanges was, well - whacky - but interesting nonetheless!

  17. So glad I found Philofaxy! Congratulations!

  18. Wow - amazing - and I reckon I have read most of them! Well done to Steve, Nan and Laurie for some wonderful content that never fails to entertain!

    This is the fist place I come in the morning (as well as the Kindle Daily Deal) when I am around! Sorry I've not been so active recently - I am still reading it all, but very, very busy!

  19. hi Steve, Nan, Laurie, Anita

    Thank you for your continued commitment to this site and community - it really is very much appreciated....

  20. Yay! Thank you for all of your hard work in making this community so great! I'd be lost without all of you! ;)

  21. yes - cin-cin to philofaxy and all its fans! so key in a lot of peoples' day-to-day. thank you all for being you

  22. O_o; my original post is gone...

    YAY! Congratulations! :D Thank you for everything and keep up the amazing work!

    I hope more lurkers step out of the shadow and join in the great community that is Philofaxy. (I know that at least I immediately got more out of this blog when I started commenting. ^_^)

  23. Congratulations. I appreciate all of the hard work hat everyone puts into the community.
