
21 June 2012

Philofaxy London Meet Up - September 2012

So this is a 'calling notice' for people who would like to attend the next Philofaxy Meet Up in London. This is not the Conference/Convention mentioned in my post earlier this week.

Please read all of the post before you apply for a place on the meet up. Places are limited in numbers.

When and Where

The date of the meet up is  Saturday 22nd September 2012 and we will meet initially at 12 noon at Tate Modern which is at Bankside on the South Bank of the Thames.

We will be eating at Cafe 2 which is at the western end of the building (See map at foot of this post)

The menu for Cafe2 is quite varied and in the past we have found it quite reasonably priced. It is easier for us if you bring cash for the meal, generally we just split the bill by the number of people eating, although it will be possible to pay for exactly what you ordered plus your share of the service charge.

During the meal there will be plenty of time for chatting and sharing Filofax organisers...

Then we will take a walk across the river to City Organiser who have kindly agreed to open their shop for us on the Saturday afternoon... in fact Andy will be joining us for lunch at Tate Modern. 

Our meet up will finish at about 5:30pm

How to book a place on the meet up

To get a place on the meet up you need to email: steve[at]philofaxy[dot]com and mark your email September 2012 London Meetup but not before 9am (UK time) tomorrow Friday 22 June 2012. Please only request a place if you are 99% certain that you will be able to attend on the 22nd  I'm hoping this time to have full attendance.

Once all ten places are assigned additional names will be added to a reserve list, in case anyone has to drop out of the meet up between the 12th and 22nd September.

As places are allocated you will receive an email back again confirming your place on the meet up.

Please do not book travel tickets etc until you have a confirmed place. I will attempt to confirm places within 2-3 hours of receiving your email.

Should you be unsuccessful in booking a place on this particular meet up in September there is a strong likelihood that there will be another meet up in November the date is as yet to be confirmed.

Additional Information

If you aren't familiar with London or how to get to Tate Modern from the station you are arriving at then use the Transport for London Journey Planner, it's generally quite good. 

Once we have our full list of people, we will exchange email addresses and if you aren't familiar with London you might be able to get someone to meet you at the station you are arriving at.

Your safety on the day and your enjoyment on the day is of paramount importance to me, so don't be afraid to ask any questions by email, I want everyone who attends to get the most from the day.

I'm going to be staying at the Holiday Inn Express in Southwark Street, just behind Tate Modern. If you are going to be staying over night in London either on the Friday night or Saturday night then I'm sure we can meet up for dinner or a drink somewhere.

Thank you... any questions?

[Update] All places are now allocated for this meet up, but I'm still adding to the reserve list

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  1. Sounds like a lot of fun. :-)

  2. Hi, this sounds fun - is there any chance of arranging a Scottish/Northern one? Will have to persuade Laurie!!

    Mags Rennie

    1. Yes let's definitely arrange a Scottish meetup! When I get my housing situation sorted out and get settled a little, I'll post asking when and where we could meet up.

      I'd love to meet the Scottish Philofaxers!

  3. Not sure if it's just me but the menu and cafe 2 links don't work for me.

    1. Try now, they had changed the links on their site since I drafted the post!
