
02 June 2012

Web Finds - 2 June 2012

I'm catching up a little this week, so a longer than normal batch of posts, so grab some light refreshment of your choice and sit and enjoy for an hour or two or three so..... And don't skip any posts!!
Pause here and top up your refreshments...

Don't forget we are on Twitter @philofaxy and there is also our Filofax News Feed @philofaxynews

And this afternoon (Saturday) we have a Philofaxy Roundtable.


  1. Wow. This will take all day!

  2. That is one big list!!! Thank you :o)

  3. oh my! look at that list! Juicy saturday!

  4. Wow, that Filofax design competition is a pretty big deal, I'm amazed this is the first I've heard of it.

    Good luck to anyone who enters: I'd make a plea for no more flowers, pixies, or whimsical stuff, but I expect that places me in the grouchy minority!

    And going by their design template, that's actually what they're courting... oh well, anyway hope this provides someone with their big break!

  5. Thank goodness we have a four-day weekend, what with the Jubilee and all that - it will take me that long to get through the list!!

    Thank you for featuring me btw!

  6. Wow! This list gets longer every week. I love it!

  7. Uaa, It took me about 3 hours without interruption to read all of it, with small exceptions for articles I have read already thoughout the week :) Thanks!

  8. The web finds just keep getting bigger and better! Forget caffeine--PHilofaxy is the crack that keeps me awake!
