
09 June 2012

Web Finds - 9 June 2012

Slight change this week...Does having these posts numbered make it easier for you to track where you got to reading them? 

So it is now time to grab some light refreshment of your choice and sit and enjoy for an hour or so.....
  1. The Stationery Cupboard - BBC Radio 4, something to listen to for a change
  2. The Olympics: On Filofax - The Crazy Suburban Mom
  3. How Do You To Do: Work vs. Personal - Well Planned Life
  4. My Filofax Week #7 - Paper Lovestory 
  5. A5 zipped Holborn ordered… - The Purple Pen of Doom
  6. Going for the Professional Look...? - LJ's Blog of Stuff
  7. Poll: Which Filofax arrangement?  - The Life of the Perpetual Student
  8. chameleon aqua review - Paper Lovestory
  9. My hybrid business card index cards - My Life All in One Place
  10. My new Filofax from Denmark! - All Things Stationery
  11. Filofax Swap 2 - The attempt! - Lime Tree
  12. Pocket Filofax Insert Suggestions Please! - The Purple Pen of Doom
  13. Breaking back... - Productive Living
  14. The case for paper-based productivity - GTD Times
  15. Moving into the Holborn - Paper Pens Ink
  16. Purple Malden A5 Filofax - so disappointed - Dawnabella
  17. Filofax Love! - Said the Cat
  18. A Special Treat, Guest Post from Doris: MEET MY (CURRENT) FILOFAX TEAM - Vanjilla
  19. I was bad, very very bad... - The Crazy Suburban Mom
  20. why I think everyone should downsize to a 'compact' - Paperlove Story
  21. the baroque... is here... (wait, what?) - Serendipity
  22. I understand the fuss.... - My Once Upon the Moon
  23. How I use my Flex by Filofax - Filofancy
  24. Improving the Flex by Filofax - Filofancy
  25. Filofax Blog of the Week: Paper Lovestory - My Life All in One Place
  26. What is this I have been using? - Imysworld
  27. Making my own stamps (So difficult!) - Filofax Love
  28. Too Excited!!! - LJ's Blog of Stuff
  29. Friday Filofax Poll! - Vanjilla
  30. One True Filofax? - The Life of the Perpetual Student
  31. Zip-lock bags for the Holborn - Paper Pens Ink
  32. Making dividers as unique as what I am. - Angel Jem's City Cottage
  33. Dearest beloved friend… - The Paper Blog
  34. What do you get when you combine a Brit, two Chicagoans, and an Englishman residing in France? - The Crazy Life of J
  • Your blog post could appear here next week if we missed you this time around. Email us the details and we will include it if we can. 
  • We can't guarantee people will read your posts, but we know there is a higher chance of people reading your posts and returning to read other posts if you make them interesting with pictures and good hints and tips
And here is this weeks Video Finds



  1. I love Saturday mornings. Oldest boy is watching Spiderman, and little chap is still asleep (weird) so I can read Web Finds without being disrupted too much :o)

    As for the numbering of the posts, for me personally it doesn't really make a difference as I read them all by the end of the day. But if I were to have to save some for later in the week then it would be useful.

    Thanks Steve :o)

  2. Really sorry Steve, I deleted my post (16) because I thought it was boring, sorry again, Dawn

    1. I read your post in the week about the scratch on the spine of your new Malden, what was the outcome in the end? Have you sent it back for a replacement?

      I will remove your listing a little later, I've just struck it out for the time being and removed the link.

  3. OMG I'm there! Officially on Philofaxy! Thanks Steve! And numbered is a really good idea. I have to read in bursts on smartphone or puter so numbers makes place saving easier. Thanks!

  4. The numbered posts definitely help! Thanks Steve!!
    I am going to be on a train most of today, without the internet, so while I'm still in wifi-zone before I leave, I'm saving each post of today's webfinds on my laptop so I can read them offline!!

  5. These are gonna provide a welcome revision break later, thanks very much Steve!

  6. Thanks Steve. Taking a "revision" break (which would be better if I'd actually *done* some revision) so looking forward to reading them!

    I find tabbed browsing is the way forward for the "web finds" post. I open them all at once, then just close as I read them. Means I don't miss any that way!

  7. Steve, I like them numbered. It does make it easier to remember where I was when I have to stop and come back to web finds.

  8. Numbering the posts is an excellent idea. I love Saturday mornings, when I was a child (and who am I kidding I still do sometimes lol) it was Saturday morning cartoons, and now that I am a grown up(on the outside of course lol) it is Web Finds on it!!!

  9. Very, very good idea Steve, there are so many that I want to go back to look at, and I can't find them. I am relaxing with nice refreshments and I am enjoying Philofaxy!

  10. I'm with Angel Gem...I can't believe my video made it onto Filofaxy, my favorite-ever site to visit!Thanks so much-I'm beyond honored!

  11. The numbering is so helpful Steve, thanks.... allows for coffee breaks and a Philofaxy browse..... keeps me sane in- between my form filling!!!Love the Saturday slot.
    If I am ever lost in the USA, I'll know who to call for travel directions now!!!! Only kidding..... think that was just fantastic.... reminded me of what used to be one of my favourite tv progs Treasure Hunt with Anneka Rice.... only the Chicago meet up gang didn't have the helicopter to hand!! Heee Heeee!! Gosh that dates me doesn't it??!!

    1. We should test Steve's mettle with directions around Los Angeles. Chicago's Stevenson Expy would probably be paradise in comparison!

  12. I prefer the numbering too.....just started my very first blog today, who knows maybe one day I will see it on here too.
