
05 August 2012

10 things about my filofax

  1. It doesn't have any stickers in it, even though I'm female. I did put some on the flyleaf and today bookmark, but removed them shortly afterwards as I just found it too visually busy for my liking.
  2. I'm nowhere near as precious as I used to be about it, and am happy to pop it into a bag with all sorts of stuff without worrying (that said, my keys are kept well away).
  3. I love that it doesn't beep or ring to grab my attention, but is always ready when I am.
  4. It doesn't mind if I'm fickle and just start all over again.
  5. It's an only child and won't be getting any other siblings (the minimalist in me breathes a sigh of relief).
  6. I don't care if someone thinks I'm a dinosaur for owning one as it makes me happy. 
  7. It helps me feel a little saner and more organised in this beautiful and crazy world.
  8. They say that you can meet more people by owning a dog, but owning a filofax has helped me meet wonderful folk that I wouldn't have found otherwise.
  9. In my opinion, it's much more beautiful than a smartphone.
  10. And finally, it's been in the presence of the Dalai Lama :) 


  1. Hee. I love this post, Anita. Totally true about meeting wonderful people!

  2. I like this post very much, it also warms my crusty black heart to see another female who doesn´t have a sticker on her FF. * raises eyebrows approvingly *

    This is what I´ve been pondering too. Smartphones, iPhones etc...
    Now, I´ve been in meetings with my thing of beauty. The older generation has expressed unreserved appreciation at its gorgeousness ( ladies, I mean ) and younger generation has ogled at it quasi- reserved as they nonchalantly have slipped their little phone-apparatus on the table. They end up making notes either on A4´s or on their phones. When schedules have been set, I´ve been able to flap my dairy open in an instant and have already made a note of the certain date and ready to move on but those phone fiddlers still try to find their ways out of their notes to the calendar part and really. These devices are supposed to be so time and space saving etc. In reality, in meetings I´ve noticed that they do not save time, since I´m always waiting for them to finger their ways from point A to B ( talk about Freudian slips... ) and I´m engaged with other people around the table whereas the fiddlers are hunched over their devices, frantically trying to keep up. If these phonegadget- things work for some, great. But in meetings, they leave much to be desired when it comes to time management and also consideration to others.
    Needless, to say, I can simultaneously reference to my contacts and dates of prior action or agreements no matter how many months ago these things took place. It is just very fast to operate around one´s organizer.
    Technology might have taken steps forward but there still is room for improvement.

  3. Okay, #10 alone would be enough for me to hold it in a high place of honor! How awesome!! Bonus points: did he actually see it??

  4. And I bet you would have had no chance of getting a dog anywhere near The Dalai Lama.

  5. Ok tell us more about Dalai Lama please :)

    I'd love to own only one Filofax, maybe on day, minimalist is something I long to be but I have a lot of work to do :o

  6. Great list!

    I LOVE my FF and have used one for more than 20 years. I wouldn't be without it. It contains everything I need in one place and I can lay my hands on information in a trice.

    It still draws attention in meetings - admiring comments from those of a certain age who used to have one (and wish they still did!) and questions from the younger set. I gave a tour to some youngsters half my age, who highlighted to me some of the limitations of their smartphones. We ran a test to see who could access information quicker, or note down some information fastest. I won hands down.

    I've just taken delivery of 'Red' a personal sized ostrich. It is a graduation gift to myself, and a downsize from A5 to Personal. I use my FF for work, so I've gone for a mono-chrome look with inspirational B&W photos for dividers, and splashes of colour down the edge of white paper for the inserts. The only stickers I've used are coloured dots that I fold over the top of each page as a marker for sub-dividers for each project.

    The colourful section at the back is my 'whiteboard' page for brainstorming in colour and my motivational pictures and photographs!

    1. I would love to see how you set up Red. I'm just sayin'

    2. Will do - I'll write it on my "To do list", with a big frog* sticker to remind me to action it!

      *For those who missed it, see Ray’s (my life in one place) blog on the 5 frogs as a reminder on turning lists into action.

  7. Brilliant post!!
    I too always win in a speed and utility test in meetings with my trusty filofax versus the "smart" phone/tablets around the table.
    And the Dalai Lama. how fantastic!

  8. When I saw the title of this post, a little thrill went down my spine. I put down my computer, went to the kitchen, made a cup of tea to go with a slice of honey pound cake,came back and sat in my favorite leather club chair to settle in for a good read.I was not disappointed. Wonderful post!

  9. Oh, I almost forgot...I, too am female, and you will find no stickers in my Osterly :)

  10. Terrific post. I'm also a female who doesn't have stickers on any part of her filofax. I also only have 1, a Ranger and it's second hand. I'mt I'm longing for the day when I can get a new one. Great bragging rights with the Dalai Lama btw.

  11. also female, no stickers. :) although i do meet more people thru my dog i must admit.... but he is a cutie :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Great Post! Great Comments from Weird Rock Star and Cloudberry! Cloudy Have a Great Day Everyone!

    2. Thanks Mrs P. I had a fun day playing around with my new FF instead of getting things done on my weekend to-do list!

    3. Thank You, MsPencil!
      Would you believe I just had a house guests and Missus House Guest claimed that " one only has need for a sheet of paper for a calendar, anything excess is only if said person wants to splurge. You can only almost guess what level of a death stare I gave her, through my reading glasses. She´s a dear friend so the pacifist in me remained still but I was mightily miffed!

  13. I know I'm repeating everyone else but, wonderful post! Thank you for sharing. Now I want to start chronicling where my Ostrich goes! And I want to start a similar list. Thanks for the inspiration.

  14. Good Lord you enablers! Now I think I must have a red Filofax of some sort!!! Smiles widely. Great post and f/u comments.

    1. I TOTALLY misinterpreted 'f/u comments' at first!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Now with the spell-checker! Yes lovely post thanks Anita. No stickers in mine either, though I do have a fairly glittery pen.

    And since it has been in the company of the Dalai Lama, does that mean your Filofax is now one with everything?

  17. Finally someone says they only own one Filofax ^^ I've decided to buy my very first Filofax and on all the blogs/youtube vids I've seen everyone owns so many! Got a little intimidated by that haha so good to read someone sticks to one.

    Reason number three is brilliant!! Hahaha. Overall fantastic post!

    1. You can definitely stick to one binder! I'll admit, I bought a Domino as my first binder, and upgraded to a leather Malden a few months later. But I've happily been in the Malden for over a year and half now, and have no intentions of leaving it any time soon!

    2. We are a rarity amongst the Filofax faithful but there are several of us that use only one binder, and even own only one.

      Brilliant post, Anita! Loved it

    3. Yes it definitely is a rarity! Hahaha but it's great to know there's a few! :) I just have to wait for mine to arrive!!

  18. Typo, correction- I had house guests. Not a guests.

  19. More is definitely needed on number 10!

  20. Awesome list! I have to agree on the smartphone issue- I actually had mine out looking through the calendar the other day (cut me some slack, it was closer than the Filo) but after about 30 seconds of just trying to get the darn calendar app to open, I tossed the phone down in frustration and grabbed the Filo. I had the info I needed five seconds later.

    Lesson learned!

  21. Hmm, what has having no stickers in one's FF to do with being a female? Honestly I don't get it. Otherwise I love the list.
