
10 August 2012

Free For All Friday No. 195

I decided a little while ago that it was about time for me to watch 27 Dresses to add to my 'Filofax CV'. I'd already missed the beginning, but happily settled down with a cuppa and my cat. When the credits came up I realised that I'd managed to completely miss her filo! When the film came on again more recently I decided to watch it to catch up on the parts I hadn't seen. Unfortunately due to some phone calls I didn't get to see it all the way through (yet again) and to my amusement sat down on the sofa at pretty much the same scene I'd originally seen it from... Never mind, maybe third time lucky?

Please feel free to ask any questions or discuss anything Filofax related.

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am working on the goal of paying more attention to the three existing blogs and one existinh website to which I want to contribute more frequently and more regularly and with a more predictable content pattern.. I am also working on launching a new magazine type site which will require regular posts. Clearly I need a diary or planning system of some kind in a filofax. Do any of you do this and if so what exactly is your choice of insert and method? ( Steve this question is for you as much as the general readership!!)

    1. Hi Helen
      Yes for keeping track of posts on Philofaxy as we are currently working about 2-3 weeks ahead of ourselves I us a Month Per Page diary insert on A5... one of our own, printed out and put in to my A5 Malden. It really helps me spot gaps in our schedule and I can see the organisation of posts better in that format compared to a list of dates.

    2. But what information do you put on that? is it just for this blog or do you try to combine planning with you other two blogs as well? Do you use other pages for notes on your post ideas or is the montly insert enough?

    3. This topic interests me for similar reasons. I have two business websites which I need to get moving blog-wise.

    4. Mainly the info on the calendar is just the blog post and who is going to do it. And for things like todays FFAF it will be what the number of the post it is.


    5. When I finish my MA in mid-Sept I am going to be doing a lot more on my blog, and for that I will be using a month-on-2-pages insert in either one of my A5s or my everyday personal sized filo. I have been unable to do many posts for the last few months because of my uni work, but when I finish I am going to make it my main hobby and hopefully post a few times a week!

  3. I've just set up a section in my A5 Filofax "Social Media" this is where I will plan blog posts, Youtube videos and anything for facebook and twitter, if I can ever remember my password, i've kinda avoided twitter and facebook for a while because I'll never get anything done lol. One section is enough right now as I only have one blog as yet and don't plan far in advance as yet, but I will watch this topic with interest.

    1. To both the Alisons who replied above: you are clearly doing the same kind of thing as me so lot to talk abot when I meet up with each of you soon! I will bring my Internet Filofax ( new since the Rearder under the Spotlight post!) to the NorthWest meet up and we can compare ideas!

  4. I am not wanting to hog this post but I have another question!My A5 cherry classic was creasing so I sent it back and Filofax sent me a Purple malden A5 in exchange but when it came it had a letter R on it in pen, a ring did not meet and the leather on the back was sort of 'pouchy' or 'puffy' as if there was slightly too much leather for the size of the perimeter, if that makes sense. I sent it back and they sent another purple Malden yesterday. That is the same in that the leather is not taut but puffs up in places and sort of wrinkles/ ripples. Its difficut to describe. My Ochre has very flexible leather but it is taut and flat across the cover. when I unwrapped the second Purple my husband immediately said, "That looks awful!" so back it has gone. But I am wondering - is that a feature of the Purple Maldens? Are they just different from the Ochres? I am awaiting a response from Filofax returns.

  5. Hi Alison....I'm also in the process of setting up a blog post planner, because I'm useless at it! I'm probably going to use a basic A5 year planner....what are you using?

    1. Hi David, I only really decided on it last night so it's not up and running as such, i'm thinking maybe a week on two pages to plan which posts when but only keep a month at a time in there so it doesn't get too bulky. I try to do at least one post a week, more if I get chance, an ideas page for future posts and write up my next post in there or just make notes, picture no's etc in what order so its easier to upload.

  6. I use a moleskine to plan my blog, but the ideas could easily be implemented in a Filofax. I use a week on two page diary to make notes on the posts I want to do for each day. I use the monthly spread to record which posts are scheduled and as Steve pointed out above I can see where there are gaps or trends on the types of posts. I posted about it here:

    I'd love to see how other people plan their blogs, I'm nosey that way!

    1. Yeah think I may add a two pages per month in there too!!

  7. I woke up this morning and for a split second I thought it was already Saturday... What was I most disappointed about when I realised it wasn't?..... another whole day to wait for the webfinds!

    1. Lol, Saturday's are great, just wish I had it all to myself, i'd never leave the computer for the whole day :)

    2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't know what day of the week is it when they wake up!!

      Yes set aside a couple of hours tomorrow... 'Gromit' has been busy finding posts and videos this morning and assembling them in to a Web Finds for us to read!

    3. I have trouble with the day of the week, too! Sometimes I wake up and have to consciously think about what day it is. "Okay. Yesterday I went to the grocery store so that means today is Thursday."

      Glad I'm not the only one!

    4. Count me in on this as well...I'm unaware more often than not of what day of the week it is, especially if I've been away on business for a couple of days. When we get to the series of bank holidays in March/April/May, things just break down altogether, the business trips still happen, and I spend sometimes seven or eight weeks not having a clue....

    5. I also love webfinds! :)

  8. Hi there,
    I am having to be brave to post this, as it is a tentative thought at the moment.I am thinking of setting up my own blog page, which will be Filofax related and I want to make it a monthly blog.Thing is..... I just don't have the first clue how to set one up and how the design bit works etc etc. Any snippets of help as to how to set up?? The writing bit doesn't worry me, just the actual setting up computer wise. I love my PC, laptop etc, but not a clue about this. Thanks folks!!

    1. This is a huge area Jane. I have built my new web pages on Wordpress, which although not hard is not for the faint hearted if you have no experience. My suggestion would be for you to Google and read up on Blogger - which is really easy to set up and use and if you want to move over to something more sophisticated later on, then you can do so. I think initially it's a good idea to dip your toe in the water and see how you feel about it, and if you find you have time to maintain it.

    2. PS - I believe that Philofaxy is on Blogger.

    3. It certainly is. And it's one of the easiest to set up from scratch. All you need is a Google account.. which I'm sure you have got. Then go to:

      and follow the instructions for selecting the name (and address) of your blog.

      If you get stuck just ask... I use both Blogger (on here) and Wordpress (most other sites)


    4. I am on Wordpress and it is very easy to set up. The themes and templates can come later once you have started posting. All you will need to get going is to fill in your details when you register and then play around. You can always switch around your layout as the content stays the same. All your content is saved in a file so you can export it to another platform if you would like to later.

      My blog is at - I usually update daily. I only have one Filofax post there at the moment but just after I posted it a Philofaxy reader found me. I will be starting with more Filo stuff from this weekend.

    5. Just to add...sorry...good luck with your blog and look forward to reading it!

    6. I can also thoroughly recommend Blogger as when I started I had very little idea or much confidence about setting up a blog. I´d also be more than happy to help with any questions :)

    7. I set up a blog on wordpress, found all these wonderful plugins.....then found you can't use them if Wordpress host your site. Gutted. Put me off going any further :(

    8. Sorry I should have clarified that point all my WordPress sites are self hosted on a server I rent located in Europe. So I can do more or less what I want on it.

    9. Awwwww.... thanks guys!!! Well, I've taken the leap and written my first blog page.I've entitled my blog Each Shining Hour and it is available at Although I am a bit miffed, as I cannot find it on the internet yet.I posted it onto Facebook, and Babs reliably informed me there that it may take a while to go internet live. A bit nervous as it is my first go at blogging...... but hey..... the computer disdn't self destruct...... or the world grind to a halt. If you are on Facebook, please click and read my first post!!! My blogs are going to be monthly to start with. So the next will follow at the end of August, ready for September's Diary. Thank you for all your help and encouragement. You are just all great people here. xx

    10. Working here Jane... now logged in to the big Web Finds machine!

    11. Wanted to thank you all for this post. Have now written my second post about Filofaxes and of course linked to Philofaxy! I am at @Butanben - well done and I am off to read!

    12. Butanben it is not showing up andit should do almost at once. Go back to blogger and check in your settings that you have not accidentally marked it as a private blog and see if that is the issue.

    13. Works fine here: Butanben Blog

      You might have included the trailing full stop in the address?


  9. I'm reading Philofaxy blog relatively not long ago - for about 2 mo. I wonder why people love Filofax binder that much? I don't ask about inserts, just the binder. Is there any other binders to compare with Filofax?
    I owned Covey binder but stopped using it because of it's weight. Currently I'm using unknown binder that I love a lot. It is small (9.5x16,5 cm) and light, has 4 pockets inside for credit cards on the left inside and a pocket for a notebook on the right inside, covered in "fur".
    I found a lot of useful information about insert shere, and since I couldn't find any inserts that I like, I make them myself.

    1. "I wonder why people love Filofax binder that much?"

      I can't speak for the community but I can tell you why based on my personal experiences.

      People will repeatedly use & recommend tools they are happy to work with. I've tried several binders and I always come back to my trusty filofaxes. I prefer the leather binders. One of my favourite binders in my collection is a brown personal size Bromley. Its made of Italian leather & its already more than 4 years old. I love the soft, smooth leather. And I love that it still smells like new shoes.

      Another manufacturer I can highly recommend is Montblanc.

  10. I bought A4 paper to try printing out the personal diary inserts. They worked better in terms of duplex printing, but are still more narrow than regular personal pages. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

    1. If you are printing from the PDF files make sure you turn off the scaling of the printing in the print dialogue box.

      Details are here:


    2. Thanks, Steve. I'll try printing from PDF. I was using Word.

    3. Ah same things apply, you will need to check in Word what paper size it is expecting and the size the printer is set to. Set everything to A4 and it should all be ok.

  11. (27 Dresses Filofax)

    If I remember correctly, I think the filo was a Topaz.

    1. In that movie was where I first heard about Filofax. I saw the planner and heard her mention it and as soon as the movie was over went on-line to see what a Filofax was.

  12. I've just spent most of the day re-setting up my FF after having a real FF fail and not using it for a while (and not getting much done!). I've gone for a much simpler setup in the hope it works better. I've got a real headache now - I find it such hard work!!! I thought we were supposed to enjoy it!!

    1. Oh I agree, I am in the process of re-setting mine up as well! Seems I've been so busy/exhausted lately I've hardly opened it, and my head is so cluttered I need to be able to organize things better on paper! Hoping this weekend to get it set up differently so I can use it more frequently and more easily.

    2. I'm probably going to re-organise mine tomorrow, with a few additions from the recent FFAT on how this community uses them on a daily basis. Might even try a second diary for quick look, if I get chance to go to the Mall.

  13. I set up my 2013 diary a week ago and I too got a headache.Stupido that I am, I decided to modify my 2012 A5TMWTV, as I now use labels..... a brilliant idea of Gail's which I love..... but was getting irritated with white labels within a cream diary. Soooooo.... I made labels, my 2012 diary is now on gorgeously thick white paper, re- written with gourgeous labels attached, and my 2013 diary has been printed and all entries entered.I feel shattered..... and yes, I too got a headache..... and started to get the grumps about this never ending task I had set myself, but oh..... I feel better now my Filofax is sorted. The same feeling as when you have a bath and snuggle into fresh bed linen, or have just finished decorating a room!!!!! Contentment. xx

  14. This is my very first post and I am very new to Filofax so please forgive me if this is a dumb question but is this really a hole puncher for a personal size (Metropol) Filofax?

    The hole puncher on the Filofax website is about 4 times as much as the one in the link and I'm worried that it is too good to be true.

    Again, forgive me for my lack of knowledge.
    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi and Welcome to Philofaxy

      You need to compare like with like...

      The item you have sent a link to is the same as this one:

      Priced at $15, but it's just a plastic paper punch. Which to be honest and in my own personal opinion I wouldn't waste your money on. Go for something like the Rapseco punch in this post

      You will find it lasts a lot longer and is cheaper, oh and it also does Personal, Pocket and Mini sizes... it does not do A5, unless you punch the paper twice but we are getting ahead of ourselves.

      The plastic ones are great if you need to carry a punch in your filofax for very occasional single sheet punching.


    2. Thank you very much Steve.

      The Rapseco sounds like it's the best choice.

    3. I bought this punch on this very recommendation. It's adjustable and just what I needed. Definitely the way to go.

  15. I have a question for all the guys out there:

    My brother is thinking of getting a Filofax for his university studies. I gave him a saddle brown Cuban slimline for his birthday, but he couldn't work with the format. He said he needed a larger one.

    We went to look at some binders and he decided he likes the A5 size the best. But he complained that most binders looked either too plain ("boring") or that they were borderline femenine.
    So my question is basically "which filofax design would you recommend - and why - for a 20 year old guy who is just starting university to become a real estate agent?"

    He has already said the Kendal looks a bit "boring" and that he found the texture of the Malden to be "yucky" (at least the black, grey and ochre). I think he didn't even want to consider the Holborn as he knows that style is my current favorite when it comes to leather and layout...

    I should probably tell you he's somewhat of a fashionista... and want things to look expensive, haha!

    Thanks in advance! ^_^

    1. Personally, I would recommend purchasing an inexpensive A5 Filofax and trying it out for at least a month before investing on a more expensive, "business" filofax.

      If your brother is sure about the A5 format, then I would recommend something in leather. My recommendations would be: Lyndhurst, Guildford Zip, Cuban, Classic & Luxe. Those are the ones I feel are business-like and not too feminine.

    2. I agree with the above, get a cheap one first, like a Domino or Apex (there, I said it....shoot me), and see if he likes the format first. Pity this wasn't posted two weeks ago, he could have had my Brown Finsbury for a song. His complaint resonates with many guys on here, the range IS female-focused but if that's what they say their target marget is, so be it.

      In Filofax, I would suggest the Cuban Zip or non-zip. The leather is beautiful, and looks very expensive. Personally, I wouldn't recommend the Finsbury but I may be biased. I used it for 3 years in Afghanistan and lots of the dots in the grain simply wore away. Probably due to excessive heat and sweat, but my slimline finsbury of many years vintage, in black, simply gets smoother every year. Likewise, teh Classic seems to have been beset by problems with coatings peeling away. Not very expensive-looking! My personal recommendation would be try Adspot and eBay.I saw an A5 Cuban Zip in Saddle Brown go for less than £20 (4US30) last week.

      Non-filofax, if he's got money (or you have!), Mulberry quality simply knocks spots off Filofax. Its the kind of leather Filofax used to use in the golden heyday of the 80s and 90s and will last decades. Again, they're £380 new, but lots on eBay for just under £100.

      My friend has a black Mont Blanc A5 and it looks expensive and IS expensive. Not as many on eBay, people don't tend to sell them as often but worth looking.

      Finally,I would strongly recommend looking on eBay for a vintage Filofax A5, mainloy due to the quality of the leather.

    3. Take a look the Classic range on - first class leather and fully FF compatible. Note that Mulberry A5 ring spacing is not FF compatible.

    4. Thanks for the replies! :D

      Yeah, we're both coveting Mulberry planners or Louis Vuitton ones as they both ooze quality. My brother wants a Burberry planner in the future if he can find one, but we can't find a reliable source on whether or not they exist. Not even the Burberry store in Stockholm knows, which is really weird!

      I didn't know Mont Blanc did planners - that's a great thing to know for the future. If we both stick to paper planners (very likely) we will both end up with jobs that demand our planners to look classy and expensive. (Unfortunately... or not?)

      I've also thought about just having one custom made for him by that company someone mentioned in a guest post. But I guess that would cost just as much as a Mulberry - and we're both young people still in university with student loans... even though we also have part time jobs. >.<

      I think I'll just let him borrow my A5 Amazona or Cuban and let him test the format first. But he said he wanted a larger paper size than the personal - we both do. But unfortunately, Filofax doesn't make a size between personal and A5. =(

    5. >.<; should say "Luxe" up there instead of "Amazona", although I have both. But like joffreyca said, the Luxe looks more "unisex".

      @ Paul B - Wow... three years in Afghanistan! O_O

    6. What about a Chameleon? Lovely leather texture

    7. The black Chameleon and Aston were the filos that made him decide he wants the A5. But he complained about them being boring, although he likes the leather of the Aston. Very picky...

    8. The black Chameleon and Aston were the filos that made him decide he wants the A5. But he complained about them being boring, although he likes the leather of the Aston. Very picky...

  16. Finsbury? - although it might be a bit plain.

  17. Just got my first Filofax today - pink Malden personal. I've been a Franklin Covey user for 20+ years. The pen loop is really small. None of my pens fit. Does it stretch out at all? Kind of disappointed about that.

    1. They may stretch slightly but not much. Try looking at a quiver or a pen loop which might help?

  18. Shameless self-promotion time....I've got an A5 Finsbury on Adspot if anyone's interested. t's in good condition and I'll throw in a set of increasingly-rare 'professional' A5 dividers if you would like them.

    If no takers by the end of the weekend I'll probably put it up on Ebay.

    1. Please include a link. I couldn't find it.

    2. It's currently the first one on the list here:


  19. Watching 27 Dresses. Just saw the Filofax. A big thick over stuffed messy beautiful thing! Can't tell for sure, but it looks like a gorgeous English saddle tan color, like the one I'm yearning for but unfortunately Filofax doesn't sell. Maybe its an older heritage model. Ok gotta go watch for more sightings. Happy weekend everyone!

  20. A friend of mine works in new York city. I had her pick up my 2013 inserts for me. I will be getting them from her tonight. So to celebrate, I have taken a day off during the week, I have rented 27 dresses from the library (can you believe I have never seen it), and I will watch it while putting together my 2013 inserts. I'm insanely excited about it!

  21. First of hello everyone!! I'm new to all this Filofax love, not to the planners love tho (thank God my school gave us one every year starting in Grade 1!) So just writing to say this blog (and all the others I've found) are very entertaining and helpful! And as it seems to be a tradition I'll do a blog post about setting up the Filofax! :)

    Now to what the post was about...there's a filofax in 27 dresses? I don't remember ever seen a planner/book or whatever! hahaha I was mostly fixated by the terrible dresses the poor girl had to wear! I shall see it again and look for the Filofax. Btw What is Filofax CV?

    Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!

    Tina x

  22. OK sorry for posting this so far in arrears, but I hope to get through to a good number of already-good friends, as I need some advice before I travel to London tomorrow (Tuesday).

    I'm looking for a couple of notebooks for a specific research project I'm going to do. I'm not going to use either of my Filofaxes for this, so this is also off-topic (sorry again, but maybe that's a good reason for leaving it late).

    The two notebooks should be as follows:-

    * Hard cover. I have a strong preference for black in this case.
    * Hardbound - viz. not spiral bound (I might use spiral if I really can't get properly bound books)
    * Have 200-300 pages each (I'm not looking for a thin Moleskine-type)
    * Take fountain pen or calligraphy ink without bleed-through. his is *essential* in this case.

    I'm in London most of the week, as already mentioned, so I can visit any relevant outlets there, or I can order online, although this is such a tactile business that I'm inclined to want to see the notebooks before I buy.

    Anyone have any ideas? Or any other blogs/sites you can link me onwards to? I'd be really grateful if anyone has any input.

    Many thanks!

    1. David I don't know of a notebook with 200-300 pages, but one option for that is to use a day-per-page diary and just ignore the dates and use it as a notebook.

      Jottrr notebooks have 120 gsm paper:

      Of course anything from Clairefontaine/ Quo Vadis would be appropriate for use with fountain pens.

      A notebook brand I recently discovered but haven't tried is Denbigh, made by the same company as Alwych notebooks. The Denbigh notebooks are specifically noted as being for use with fountain pens:

      I hope this helps!

    2. hi Laurie - thanks for all that. I agree, the size is going to be the challenge, but I'll check out all the links here - thank you!

    3. Hi David
      If you don't need a lined paper I'd try the art shops. Artist journals usually have thick pages and you can find one with 200-300 pages. Don't know any particular brand tho.

    4. Voila! I had already just thought I might pay a visit to London Graphic Centre in Covent Garden. Great minds think alike! Thank you!

    5. Of course they do! Haha no worries!! Have fun in London! :)
