
08 August 2012

Guest Post - Helen - Rotary Cutting for Filofaxers

Thank you to Helen for doing a Guest Post/Video of how she has been using her 'Ray and Steve' diary inserts and how she cuts them after printing them. Watch carefully. 

Here are some stockists of the equipment shown in the video:
I have no affiliation with these stores and many other stockists are available. Google searches for rotary cutter, quilting ruler and cutting mat will find them


Thank you Helen for a great video, I was certainly not aware that type of cutter existed.  


  1. I use Fiskars paper cutters which are small and easy. Fit into an A4 binder.

  2. How embarrassing. I'd heard of a rotary cutter, but had never seen one, so assumed they were designed to......cut circular things. Oh dear. Great post, I can't believe that it slices through so much paper in one go. Even some guillotines would struggle with that amount. Like you, Helen, I have wasted a lot of paper and time trying to print Filofax inserts dual-sided, I just can't get it right. Maybe one day.....

  3. It's a natural problem having issues with double sided printing. I design and create booklets as part of my job. In theory easy peasy to print double sided and fold to form an A5 booklet. But each printer is different (some flip pages when double sided printing, some don't, some default to American paper sizes) and each workplace has different operating systems and default paper settings for handling documents and nowadays with central printers it is getting harder and harder to customise.

    I consider it a success if 80% of people can print my booklets successfully :)

  4. Brilliant thanks Helen. I recently took up quilting as a hobby so have a rotary cutter etc but never thought about using it for paper! I've been put off using a personal sized binder because of paper issues, so this open up a whole new area for decisions to be made!!!

    I am very much looking forward to future blog posts about how you use your binders.

    1. Just be warned that you might want a separate cutter for paper anf fabric because paper dulls the blade faster. Or just be prepared to change theblade a little more often if you use it for both. You can tell when you need a new blade when you didnt get a clean cut on the fabric. But that blade will happily do paper for a while after that.

  5. Helen, it's the same with scissors..... always have paper scissors and fabric scissors as separate pairs. I saw some rotary cutters in the craft section of TK Maxx a couple of weeks ago. There were 6 different blades, so scalloped edges etc were possible. Maybe just a 1 off in my local store though, but it was interesting to see and fascinating to see used for a Filofax here. xx

  6. Some of the ladies I know use those cutters for craft work, but I have to say that I never considered they could be used for other things. Looks like it could make life a hole lot easier. We also have a large craft franchise in South Australia called "Spotlight" and I know the cutters can be bought there.

  7. Life would be a whole lot easier if this thing didn't keep skipping letters :o)
