
26 October 2012

Free For All Friday No. 206

This weekend sees European countries going back a hour at the end of 'Summer Time' or Day Light Saving Time. As usual it leads to a lot of confusion... well for me anyway, because the US doesn't change for another week. Why we can't all change at the same time I don't know.

To try to make sure I don't forget these important dates I've got them recorded in my Filofax for this year and next year. I have lost count of the number of clocks I have to change twice a year!

So apart from clock changing this weekend have you got any major events planned for this weekend in your Filofax.

But as it is a Friday please feel free to discuss anything Filofax related.


  1. I'm going to Frankfurt to watch my husband run the marathon.
    I have new A5 and haven't had time to customize pages for it so my stuff it just written on plain paper.
    I am using the address A-Z as a general index.
    Packing list. - filed under T for travel.
    Flights and hotels list. - ditto
    Copy of the sock pattern I am knitting - filed under K
    My diary is under D (obviously).

    1. That is a clever way of using the A-Z index. I use mine with the WWW pages (in a personal) to record all my user names and passwords.

  2. Hi Steve. An even better idea might be to forget about British Summer Time, EST, and all the rest, and just stop trying to 'fiddle with nature'! Heads-up to the campaigners - you don't get any more daylight by changing the clocks!

    Natalie - please pass on my best wishes to your husband for his marathon? Does he have a time goal in mind? Did me use a Filo to plan his training? As an ex marathon runner (PB of 3:06:20, I had all my schedules, and my training diary, in my Filo from 1978 until a decade later..... Have a great weekend. You didn't say where you are travelling *from*?!

    1. we get an extra hours sleep though... works for me!

    2. I agree with David - I don't see that much benefit these days for changing the hours. It can also be very confusing when dealing with people in other countries.

    3. Totally agree Alison and David, I really don't see the point of the change at all, but it might if you are a Scottish farmer...

    4. Deborah - you're right! It has always been the Scottish farming lobby that has stopped the change, arguing that farming needs to maximise the hours of morning daylight.

      The most recent proposal - which nearly happened - was to NOT put the clocks forward this autumn, but still put them forward by an hour next spring. This would have brought us inline with our European neighbours and would have been a tremendous boost for UK tourism and reduced electric consumption. So we would have had an extra hour in the evening before dark - most UK outdoor attractions now have to close by 4.30pm in the winter and all the lights in homes and shops turned on by then.

      I'm old enough to remember the experiment (1968-71) when we didn't put the clocks back. OK, it was dark (ish) going to school in the mornings but at least it wasn't so dark after school. It was abandoned in 1972 largely due to pressure from the farming industry.

      To get back on Filofax - it's only recently that we (in Europe) have changed clocks at the same time. France used to change at the end of September, for example and making a headache for printing international Filofax inserts.

    5. I would fully support UK coming in to line with Europe... but for selfish reasons... living in France all the TV we watch is an hour later!

    6. I live way North up in Sweden and when the clocks go back it pitches us into almost total darkness until March 10 when the light finally comes back.

    7. I swear 'daylight saving' in New Zealand will be pretty much year-round before too long. It seems to me that every year, we put the clocks forward earlier and back later.

  3. I'm working out my set-up for next year, can I manage with one filo?? or do I stick with A5 for home, Slimline for carrying around or do I upgrade to compact to carry around and main appointments and keep the A5 purely for home management .......... decisions, decisions !!!! :-)

    1. For several months now I have been using A5 at home and a compact as my 'carry-around' it works for me... although occasionally I wish I had more capacity... I'm doing a post on this at the moment! Watch this space.

    2. Looking forward to that one, I have an a5 for work which sits on my desk and a personal which I carry around as a wallet and for day to home stuff.

    3. I'm in the same boat...A5 at home, compact as 'carry around' but I go back and forth on feeling I am leaving important info at home that doesn't fit in the compact vs not wanting to carry a personal around because it got too heavy. Looking forward to the post.

    4. I am struggling, too - between Classic and Compact (FC) - but I can't use two. Everything has to go in one place! I think I need to use the Classic but I can't quite bring myself to commit. It's SO heavy and big. And I know this is dumb, but I heard someone else say it here recently, carrying the Classic makes me feel like a nerd. I guess I shouldn't worry about that - I am a nerd!

    5. Patty I hear you! Whenever I'm using a huge or really complicated planner, I always feel a little crazy pulling it out in front of people. I know I shouldn't care what other people think, but I can't help wondering if they think I'm nuts!

  4. I've finally decided on a diary format for 2013, only to find I can't order it! I use a personal page per day, and want cotton cream, and I found exactly this on the Swedish site, but they don't ship to New Zealand! Does anyone know any way round this? Are there any other sites selling this insert (or other DPP cotton cream personal 2013 diaries) that might ship to the far away side of the world?

    1. Bridget - I feel your pain. I have to get 2013 sorted but can't find what I want in cotton cream. Perhaps I should spend some time this weekend trying out the self print ones from Ray and Steve, but I seem to get into a pickle with the printer!

    2. Do they deliver to the UK? If so, and if you are prepared to trust me, you can order them, send them here and I will post them on to New Zealand for you at my cost. You can then pay that forward by doing something nice for someone in new Zealand when you egt the chance. Contact me at studioconway (at) to exchange snail mail addresses if you like.

    3. I am in Sweden so I don't mind buying them and posting them on to you if you have Paypal. I can buy and send them and then you just reimburse me. Email me at janet.carr at gmail dot com.


    4. thank you Helen and Janet you are both so lovely to offer! I think its easier to go direct from Sweden so I'll pop you an email Janet. thank you again, philofaxy is such a lovely community!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. It's a pleasure Bridget. My husband is in New Zealand next week so he can bring them over for you which means you will get them sooner. Janet

  5. I've had my head down with my work (bid and tender writing) the last couple of weeks and it spilled over into last weekend. So - assuming nothing goes really haywire with the bid - this weekend I should get some time to myself. I am looking forward to doing some quilting / sewing and also some filofax organising.

    I recently moved into a personal to see how I got on, and it's working out really well - I would never have carried my A5 around with me and things got messy if I updated my phone and forgot to update the planner in my filofax. I still have a lot of setting up to do (I wanted to see if it worked before moving in completely), and I'm keen to create some new dividers and get everything labeled up.

    I've been using my Snake Bronze personal which is a really pretty binder and very durable and comfortable to hold. I've just received the Holborn I won on the twitter Filofax competition - it's a zipped wine one and very, very beautiful. I'm keen to move into that, the only thing that concerns me is the rings. When you open up the binder the zip seems to pull at the rings so I can see problems ahead. Also the place where the zip pull opens to (at the bottom) sort of gets in the way of the opening mechanism and I'm not sure if this is a design fault.

  6. Does anyone know why we have to use the levers when opening the ring mechanisms? You don't have to in other binders (normal ring binders) so why in the Filofax? I've read it can damage the rings if you don't open them properly, but have never known why.

    1. Maybe it's that if we were to pull it open by the same ring every time, such as the top ring, that one would get pulled hundreds of times per year and would eventually cause a gap in the rings? Otherwise, I don't know, and there seem to be enough problems even when we do use the levers!!

    2. The levers operate on the base of the mechanism so it opens all of the rings with the same pressure. If you have an old Filofax, you can remove the tin plate cover of the mechanism and you will see how it all works.

      I did a post on it here:

      The amount of movement in the plates is very small but enough to open the rings so you can insert the pages.

      The channel that the plates sit in provides the spring compression action to hold the rings open or closed.


    3. I compared my Filofax's with my FC's and the levers on the Filofax are small as compared to the FC's. Not that the ones on FC are very large, they just are a bit larger and snap open very easily as compared to the Filofax. Sometimes I struggle getting the rings open on the Filofax binders. One of the websites you posted yesterday (can't remember which one)had on their website to be sure you used the levers and not open the binder by the rings for the very reason you stated...eventually the ring you are pulling will separate and get out of alignment.

    4. Just because you can do it with other binders doesn't mean you should. All binders will have the same issue. Use one too much and it is likely to give.

  7. Does anyone know the site where I can buy the cheapest NEW A5 (with 2032 inserts)Filofax - I want Finchley, Malden, or Domino, with international shipping, to Russia (also with cheap shipping)? Thank you in advance for answering!

    1. Try City Organiser, they do ship worldwide Click on the link in the side bar.

      Their discount code (10%) at the moment is firework


    2. 2032 inserts? I ad no idea Filofax were so far ahead on diaries!!!

      I bet that's not FF UK you're ordering from......:)

  8. Hey guys, I found some A5 rings with small diameters on ebay!!!!!

    1. Good find Lily. Shame they are 22mm size. Now that Filofax have numerous 20mm fitted binders, these won't be so attractive. Now if they were A5 but 15mm....

  9. Hello all. This is my first posting on Philofaxy, although I have been lurking for quite a while now. I bought my first Filofax a couple of years ago, and quickly became addicted. I now use two filofaxes, a personal and a pocket, but recently changed the personal to a compact. I really love my new compact Holborn, and it is the first Filofax I’ve owned which lies flat! This has made me rather dissatisfied with my pocket, which is a Kendal and does not lie flat at all (although I love it in every other respect) and so I am now looking for a pocket-sized Filofax which lies flat “out of the box”. I am not so keen on the ones which have the full-width wallet-style pocket, because that makes them feel rather bulky to me, so that rules out the pocket Holborn, Malden and probably several others. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Many thanks

    1. Hi Paul
      Welcome to Philofaxy....

      The Aston and the Finchley pockets don't have the full length rear pocket. It's the rear pocket that stops these from laying flat, initially at least.


    2. Thank you very much for these suggestions Steve - I'll check them out.


    3. I had a look in the shops at lunchtime. I found an Aston, but there was something about it I didn’t like . I couldn’t find a Finchley anywhere, but I had a look on the Filofax website. Looks OK, but I don’t know if I could love it as much as my Kendal. I’ll keep looking. I think my ideal pocket would be a kind of “compact pocket” but I don’t think such a thing exists.
      Incidentally, I wonder why “Compact” does not appear as an option on the Filofax UK website? The compacts are certainly there, but not very easy to find unless you already know about them. (I also wonder why they are still saying that they have a store in Neal Street!)


    4. I have a pocket Balmoral and it's a Compact, smaller rings than the usual pocket size. I can measure it if you wish. Doesn't lay flat though, and doubt it ever will. But if it's to be used as a wallet, maybe it wouldn't matter so much.

      And I believe the pocket Finchley has the full length pocket for notes, at least on my Teal. Again, writing from memory. Can double-check if you really need to know.

    5. Thanks Doris. I am not familiar with the Balmoral. My pocket Kendal has 15mm rings, I think, whereas some pockets have 19mm, so it is already slightly compact. I would ideally like a compact that was also slightly narrower, in the same way that the standard compact is narrower than the personal). I’m going to check out the Boston next, I think (although I am rather put off by the price tag!). Interesting that you think your Finchley *does* have the full length pocket - according to the Filofax website it doesn't, but maybe there have been variations in the past.

    6. The ultimate pocket slim is the Guildford Extra Slim. They are no longer in production, but do turn up on e bay once in a great while. I have one that is my daily carry Filo, and I just love it. It does not have a pen loop or the strap, therefore if necessary, I can carry it in a shirt pocket but don't often do so. The pocket Kendal will eventually lay flat, and will do so much longer than a Finchley or any of the other so called "soft leather" models. If you like that one Paul, stick with it, it will lie flat eventually.

    7. The Topaz pocket slim is still available at Pens and Leather.

    8. @crofter: Thanks for the information about the Guildford. I’ll keep an eye out for one of those. I wouldn’t mind it not having a pen loop. I think pen loops don’t work well in certain sizes anyway – in compact and slimline they just seem to get in the way - and as I always carry a Fisher Space Pen in my pocket I don’t really need one in my Filofax as well! But thanks for the encouragement about the Kendal – yes, I do really love it, and if it will eventually lay flat then it will be perfect.

      @mstraat: Wow, I really like the look of the Topaz – thanks!

    9. I had a graphite Topaz slimline pocket briefly & it was a great size, fitting easily into the back pocket of my jeans :)

  10. If you can stand the claustrophobia, it seems WHS are having a clearance on binders at the moment, both in-store and online (obviously the claustrophobia isn't so bad online unless you take your laptop to one of their shops, which would be a bit pointless, n'est-ce pas?). I saw a rather nice scarlet Cuban Personal in Swansea this morning.....also the increasingly-rare Kendal Personal, which I've just ordered online for onward transmission to Fiona in Oz.

    Free P&P on orders over £15 (which would be all of them in this case. Many binders half price.

    What a shame you have to go to WHS to get them....

    1. Yes it is a shame....Whsmiths crowded....My local store in Reading has not been crowded for years...and doesn't have much of a choice,but online the choice is fairly good...

    2. Yes my local WHSmith has Finchleys Personal size £39 in red and other sizes etc all at half price. The area where they were on display was completed deserted.

  11. I'm still in planner fail- I need to find an insert that allows me to plan my day by appointment slots when I need to, still with space for space for to-dos and notes, but on days when I don't have many appointments, I want more space for to-dos. I am testing out different diary formats, but nothing works perfectly at the moment, but I am going to try some hacks to find something that works!

    1. Have you tried Daytimer Day on two pages. I find these ideal

    2. Yes, I had them in the lovely Flavia range- but there is far too much space for me! That's my problem, inserts either have too much, or not enough, space for me!

      Have you heard of Chronodex? The mindmap format could be ideal for a day per page.

    4. Why not use day per page inserts, then add a lined page when you need more room for notes? Or use the week on on page, adding in pages for lists or day per page diary insert pages when you need more room? That's what's so great about ring binders, you can have whichever types of pages suit your needs that day, even if it means using different types!

    5. (That said, some people don't like using different types of diary pages and prefer a consistent format, so if that's you please disregard my comment above!)

    6. I'm just writing a blog post to explain my predicament!

    7. Just a thought - you can get undated day planner pages from CO - could you just slot one of these in on very busy days?

    8. @ TPS - Try using a day per page format, and utilise any unused space on previous days for your "to do" lists. Unless you're using Frixion pens, using a diary in this way is an excellent way of not only saving paper but also keeping your filo as light weight as possible.

    9. I've just written a blog post about my problem!

  12. Why do I get the feeling the perfect outlay does not exist!

    1. I agree, I gave up. This is why I always have post its inside my binder in the event that I need to expand whatever format I'm using if needed and use scrap or lined pages when I feel I need more planning power on any given day. What I do know is that I feel dissonance if I don't use two pages per week for my planning framework.

    2. I've found the perfect planner layout for me.... the Ray and Steve 5 line Time Management diary in A5.... so good, I've not changed it all year.... the diary equivalent of comfy shoes!!!! Perfect!!!1

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. (Sorry about that above). Football, World Series baseball (Go Tigers) on the tv and fiddling with the A5 Health filofax for me this weekend. Blah. I had a wonderful weekend planned but it all went south when a) I twisted the ankle I just had surgery on and now walking in my walking boot has become impossible and b) my SIL fell last week in the church parking lot (!) and broke her knee cap and both wrists. Good Lord. That's when our 'girls weekend' with my 4 SIL's went from wine tasting, shopping and such to a hospital visit up north. Except I won't be going (doctor's orders). I did send up a box of the most delicious gourmet cupcakes from our local cupcake shop for the girls to enjoy. As for me, I'm home bound this weekend and it just went from 80 degrees yesterday to 50 degrees and rainy today and in the 40's this weekend. Pass a cupcake please. :)

    1. Awww.... Cheryl.... sorry to hear about that!! Rest on up and get well soon!! xxxx

    2. Ps.. A huge get well to your SIL too!! The cupcakes sound like a marvellous gift!! xxxx

  15. I just bought my first Filofax this morning!!! After LOTS of reading and reviewing different blogs on which one I would want for me, I decided on the Holborn Personal in Brown. I like the idea of all the pockets inside as I will use this as my wallet as well. I have used LOTS of different planners and sizes, thought it was time to join the Filofax family! = ) I have made my own pages for other planners I have used and hope to use them in this one. I LOVE your blog! I almost purchased the Holborn zip that you have. But was out of my price range.. I'm looking forward to filling this new baby of mine up and show it off. I'm obessed at looking at everyones pages and set ups and can spend too much time on the net looking at them all..
    Ok I got a question. I see alot of switching of sizes, do you start a new page or write the past weeks down in the new one? If its a same size I know to just move the pages. My dream is to use this for a solid year !! I have different planners/ pages in file boxes and its so hard for me to go back to look up a certain advent or date for something.
    BTW, thanks for reminding me of the time change.. I have forgotten before until 3 days later lol

    1. Congrats on your purchase! I've read about the fabulousness of the Holborn but I don't have one myself. Actually, was thinking about getting one while they are still on offer on the US website. Have you stumbled across all the Flicker photos/groups and You Tube videos of Filofax's online? As for switching sizes, I am usually just transferring pages from one size to the same size because I use my larger A5 binders for other purposes not as a diary or day time. The larger A5's are journals or health/fitness books where I don't necessarily need a calendar. As far as archiving past pages I keep my past calendar pages in either a storage binder or Filofax that I am not using and I use the Jan-Feb tabs to keep them organized for easier reference.

      When you get your Holborn give us an update on how you set it up!

    2. I've avoided that issue by just staying with only personal sized binders, and even then, I've only bought two!

      And, if you love the Filo enough, you'll stay in it- I've been in my Malden for almost a year and a half (it is also used as my wallet) and I have no desire to get another binder!

      Good luck, and make sure to share plenty of photos :)

    3. Thanks Cheryl and J! I like to stick to one size, but have used a classic size binder and it just seems like wasting space on those big pages. I have scanned some Flickr groups and probably will be looking at some tonight! lol
      I liked the Maldens too! I'm sure I will enjoy mine for a long time. I will post pics soon! Hoping to get my Holborn in a week.

  16. I had a phone call this morning from someone Filofax has engaged to gauge reader opinion on Filofax and their website ahead of a potential revamp of their website.

    I gave him my comments on how I used my filofaxes, quality control around the rings and leather, inserts and their lack of range and quality, requirement for more cotton cream, time management style inserts for personal, the burying of TM inserts on the website and lack of it being updated this year, can't find compacts without a specific search (not sure if these are now showing up on the general size page) and how we would like access to a wide range of inserts as per other European sites. I explained how a lack of inserts has resulted in a large number of users printing their own inserts thus eating into their potential sales. I also told him about Philofaxy which he knew nothings about - this really surprised me as I would have thought Filofax would have pointed him here for opinion for his research.

    I told him how I thought that the website could do a lot more to promote planner use with a blog with useful examples, and much more interaction with everyone here. Also better photographs of the products and graphics of the insides of every product (sadly lacking these days). Also how a video showing an actual product and inserts would be useful for each product (not the current glammed up slideshow masquerading as a video). Also how I thought the facebook and twitter were run by their PR company rather than themselves (which he confirmed) and that it didn't seem authentic or interested in followers views. I mentioned that I thought the fashion focus should be a strand of their marketing and not their whole marketing plan and that there were many of us who want a high quality binder that lasts and the facility to by good quality inserts that would take a fountain pen, rather than a throw away accessory. I also voiced my personal view that I didn't like planner/digital binders as they ended up being too heavy - that I would rather have matching leather accessories that each did one job. So I could have a phone case, ipad case and binder all to match. He was interested in how digital and paper blended together.

    Hope I covered everything - he probably wished he hadn't called me! However I tried to be constructive.

    Did anyone else get a call? Two things he said which interested me - 1) Filofax as a company are not as big as we might think?? 2) They are looking at the possibility of print on demand inserts so you choose from a combination of factors to get your perfect insert - I thought this sounded interesting and pointed out that it would be nice to do the same with binders - so we get to choose what coloured rings (gold/chrome) and what inserts we want when we buy.

    1. Alison Reeves did he need to? I think you covered everything thats ever been said.. No, I haven't received a phone call. Also if he had any sense he should have pleased that someone was prepared to give up their time to answer and to answer so eloquently. If he doesn't want to hear the truth, or anything he doesn't want to hear, then why do a survey. Well done Alison.

    2. Deborah-Jane - the chap I spoke to was very nice and did really listen to me - I believe Filofax had commissioned him to do this research. He is presenting his findings in the next week or two. I understand there is a meeting in November with some Philofaxers, the PR company and Filofax themselves and I'm sure these are all issues they will want to discuss as well.

      I really hope that if Filofax are getting this same information from different sources that they will act on it.

    3. Great job Alison, you really represented us well!

      I'm surprised Filofax is suddenly interested in what we want as customers and are listening to our input. I'm holding out hope that maybe the brand will turn around.

    4. When I read your post, Alison, I nearly fell off my office chair. I couldn't believe that Filofax were phoning customers and asking for their opinions.

      I've been banging on at them for a while, trying to get them to consider "print on demand" and "custom fill", so it's great to hear that they're at least thinking about it.

      Of course, being a bloke and "merely" using a filofax as an efficient 21st century paper based productivity tool probably means they're not interested my opinions, but it's good to discover a glimmer of positive news.

      Well done, Alison.

    5. Well Alison heres to hope...and may it do the best it can...

    6. Well done our Alison.... I think you had it all covered here!! Like Neil and yourself, I think a bespoke service for binders and stationery would be spot on. so that binders and other accessories can actually mix and match, and be of good quality!!

    7. I would LOVE print-on-demand inserts! I'm incredibly frustrated that FF don't do a Mo2P tabbed in the grid format.

  17. i need to share my excitement... On Wednesday I bought a compact Regency from Amazon at over £100 off . It was from Webster Pens but the Regency did not show up at all on their own website so I was waiting for an email saying it was actually not available. But last night I got an email saying it was dispatched and arriving on Tuesday. Yeah!!! But then I got home from work today to find a special delivery card . Straight back in the car to the PO and yes, it was there! It is just gorgeous. Elegant and classy and ... Well , am clearly going to have to learn how to live up to it!! Thanks to Imy and Lady Filo for their posts on the Regency which persuaded me to get one ... Especially Imys waving hers around in the car on the video!

    I told my French speaking husband that he could help me order inserts for 2013 from the French site tonight to make sure I get it right. He asked why it was cheaper to order from France. I explained it wasn't but they have day on two pages I can't get in the UK. he looked totally confused and asked why Filofax didnt sell all their products everwhere.... Sigh. If only I could explain!!

    1. Helen - she looks a beauty - the Regency is one of my favourites of the moment as it looks so classy, so congratulations! I look foward to hearing / seeing how you set it up.

    2. Helen, because thats would make sense..

  18. Hi everyone,
    I've been a philofaxy reader for about a year, though I rarely comment. Though I've used ring bound planners since i was in grade school, I first discovered filofax when I found a pocket domino at my local charity shop for $2. I then found philofaxy and purchased my first new filofax (a personal purple Finchley) through a sale on the Swedish filofax site (which i discovered through philofaxy!). It's still the only filofax I use, and I love it, but the rings have started gapping! It seems, from reading here, that this is a common problem. It seems many of you have been able to get this problem repaired by filofax, but I'm not sure how this works. Especially since I didn't order from the US site (where I live), and don't speak Swedish. :-) I'm guessing that I will need to work through the Swedish filofax site to handle this though, right? Or do you think that if I contacted the US site, they would be able to help? also, do they usually repair, or exchange? Not sure how I'd live without my filofax for even a week, but these rings are just gettig worse! My pages are catching... Thanks for any advice :-)

    1. Amanda - not sure what others think, but I would contact Filofax US and ask for their customer service details (address/phone number) and deal with them. They don't have to know it came from Sweden - just say you were bought it as a gift. My understanding is that they are offering an exchange - at least that is what is happening here in the UK.

      If you can't do without one, could you get a cheap one on ebay or similar and use it afterwards for storing your papers etc? Otherwise you could just put some treasury tags through the holes and use it without a binder for a short while.

    2. Does anyone know if there exists Two Days Per Page Personal in which the pages are ruled. Filofax it appears does not. I just wonder if another company has such a product.

    3. Filofax France do a Two Days per page, but it's not ruled.

      Ray and I have got a lined Two Days per Page insert here: on A4 paper so fairly easy to print.


  19. Thanks Steve I'll print off the templates I must have overlooked it when I last looked at the Diary Inserts.
