
31 October 2012

Seven Years Ago Today

Today is our 7th birthday.... the birth of Philofaxy which came in to the world at 12:35 on 31 October 2005. Mother and baby are doing fine!

I wasn't around back then, in fact I'm not sure many people would have noticed this new blog back then... but a few comments did appear on that very first post:
It was then closely followed by a second post on the same day:
Time might have moved on in the Philofaxy world but as you can see the discussions haven't changed too much... what size, which make etc etc!! Constantly seeking perfection.

We managed to get the original Philofaxer back to do a guest post to celebrate our 5th birthday, and you might like to take a read of that post too.
Our success is down to you the readers, without any readers we would writing to ourselves.... So thank you for your continued support and appreciation.

Raise your glasses to Philofaxy.... long may it continue.....


  1. Three cheers for Philofaxy!!

  2. Happy birthday Philofaxy, it's just a shame I wasn't here from the beginning but so glad I eventually found you!!! :-)

  3. I can't believe it's been 7 years!

  4. Happy Birthday Philofaxy! Here's to the next 7 years.

  5. Happy birthday! I love reading the archives. Seems like I've been missing out on my daily planning for years but glad i found this blog.. Im finally happy with my Filofax planning..

  6. Happy Birthday! I'm raising my bottle of water for now (boo work) but I'll raise a glass of something more celebratory tonight!

  7. Happy Birthday Philofaxy!!! Here's to celebrating many more birthdays with you and your friends :-)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hooray for these seven years! I have been reading from the very beginning, even though I am not a frequent commenter. But I always enjoy the posts, and I want to thank all of you for all the work you are doing and the fun you bring into our days.

  10. Happy Birthday Philofaxy - you have no idea how much pleasure you bring to so many of us!

  11. and may there be many years more- Happy Birthday

  12. Hi, Congratulations on the anniversary. I'm not here for a long time but I like to dive deep into the past. So far I have four FF leather organisers - Malden's family: Ochre Mini, Grey Pocket, Ochre Personal and A5 Holborn Brown Zipped. Also thanks Philofaxy. Have a nice day.

  13. Congrats on the 7th anniversary! A fantastic blog, with spontaneous, daily participation of a diverse, intelligent and amiable community.


  14. Happy birthday! Wonder what Filofax-ers did before Philofaxy hehe ;) x

  15. Happy birthday....hope there will be more than 7 years to come....

  16. Happy birthday to Philofaxy, Nan, Steve, Laurie, Anita, and the original Philofaxer!!

  17. Happy birthday! :)

  18. Imagine Marilyn Monroe in a slinky dress singing huskily here!!!

    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday Philofaxy,
    Happy Birthday to you!!

    Round of applause!! (and many Happy Returns!!) xxxxxxx

  19. Three cheers, and yes, here's to many more amazing years of knowledge and friendship :)

  20. Philofaxer used to have me in stitches with his acerbic comments.

  21. Glad for this blog and its community; getting so many great ideas. And to the folks who maintain this a big thank you for all the work you do. Happy Birthday and many more!
