
15 November 2012

My FiloPal Filofax

A few weeks ago one of our readers Steph set up an interesting project on her blog My Once Upon the Moon called FiloPal. I signed up for the project because I liked the idea and also l like to support all new projects, if I can.  The project initially was about people writing to Steph. But as it got under way Steph suggested people might like to write to each other in the group.

At first I just kept the odd letter I had received in the front pocket of my main planner. When Steph showed off her Filofax that she is using for the project it got me thinking of doing something similar.

So I picked out one of my grey A5 Maldens and decided what I was going to put in it. When I looked at what I would need for this organiser it came down to just writing paper, information (addresses) and the received correspondence. I also store some stamps for European post as well.

I've also produced a 'Letter' A5 template which I just did in Word and ran off a few sheets, they have my address details on one side and they are blank on the other side.  I find unruled A5 easier for me to be able to hand write on compared to ruled or ruled personal pages.

Sorry about having to obscure my address details... but it's for obvious reasons!

Not everyone is using A5, but personal pages fit in to the A5, you just have to bend up the bottom corner on the side of the rings to avoid the clash with the rings.

One of the main advantages of having a separate organiser for this project is I can just grab it off of my desk and go and sit elsewhere around the house and I have all I need with me.

Why not join the project? Contact Steph and get added to the list of correspondents, you don't have to write to everyone on the list. There are some people on there who I'm in regular electronic contact, so I have been picking out people I've not come across on the net so far.  But if you write to me.... you will get a reply I promise.

Must dash... got to catch the post!


  1. I used to have Filofax envelopes in my personal ff about 20 years ago.
    They were the same size as the paper, opened on the long edge and had six holes punched in the other long edge for storage.

  2. What a lovely idea Steve - I missed this one. I love letters and writing and it give me a chance to use my fountain pens!

  3. Great idea, i'm thinking of setting up my A5 Ochre Malden for this seen as my wellness journey isn't going too well. I need a new use for this Filo, i've just been using a section in my Main Home Filo for Penpals/FiloPal :-)

  4. Such a great idea!!!! Totally doing it too :D
