
08 January 2013

Free For All Tuesday No. 101

For this weeks Free For All Tuesday as it's number 101, I would like to do a sort of a Room 101 with you to find out what you like and dislike in terms of posts on Philofaxy.

So :
  • what would you like to see more of, 
  • what would you like to see less of, 
  • what would you like to see that we haven't done before, 
  • what sort of things should we revisit and how often.
I'm not sure we will be able to accommodate all requests, but we will do our best. 

Also for information, I'm currently working my way through all the posts on Philofaxy, starting in Oct 2005 to check and update links, labels etc. I'm spreading this job out over the next 6-9 months doing a batch each day. But it's fun reading through the old posts at the same time.

But as tradition dictates, if you have any Filofax related questions then this is the place to ask them. 


  1. Steve,

    Not sure if this is right place to ask this, so, if not, please let me know what is the right place....

    Was using an A5 Cuban about a year ago, but had issue with binder strap edging and returned it....very briefly tested a Personal size FF, but as a left-hander, I felt my hand was hitting the rings too much when writing on the page to the right of the rings. So, returned it....

    Been using a Rhodia Webnotebook the past year and just put my own section tabs on it as needed. Works OK, but obviously not as flexible as a FF....

    So, thinking of getting another A5, this time a Malden Ochre perhaps...but having hard time locating one in US now....see that some places have the Personal size, but a bit wary due to previous experience mentioned with rings above. However, maybe it's something I just need to get used to???...on other hand, A5 allows a nice amount of room for comfortable writing of notes....but could just keep using the Rhodia Webnotebook for that....but then have to carry two things around....

    So, you can see my state of confusion....

    Any input or advice from you or others regarding FF size and issue of being leftie would be greatly appreciated!



    1. Have you tried a Compact? the 15mm rings may well combat the problem with getting in the way of your hand?

    2. Yes you could use a compact or slimline for a diary/planner and perhaps an ARC or Circa notebook for notes as the pages can also be re positioned in this. Or if you want more space for your planner you could use one of these and print out one of Steve and Rays inserts, punch and insert?

      Another option is to make sure that your most written on pages sit in the center of the binder, so the rings are less likely to bother you.

    3. As a fellow left-hander (around 1 in 10 of us are) it's a problem I've long been familiar with. It's a right-handed world - from the traditional potato peeler through to cheque book stubs, it's impossible to reach and the pen chained to the post office counter on the wrong side!

      Despite the vast range, I've never seen a Filofax designed for left-handers. The pen loop is usually on the right, the notebook is at the back (on the right) etc. For pens, a two-loop model or one with the loop at the top helps and, to be fair, Flex works very well for us lefties!

      The original Filofaxes (personal/ compact size forms) were never intended for lots of writing, but were a set of pre-printed information sheets ("a file of facts"). As a result, 95mm page width is perfect for a jacket pocket or bag, but is too narrow for left-handers to work with, especially when combined with large rings.

      Clareio's Compact solution is a good one. An alternative is a brand with wider paper such as Time Manager (180mm x 110mm) or Franklin Covey. Beware of an A5 with 30mm rings (such as the Malden) as you may still struggle to write around the big mechanism.

      My solution was a small (13mm) ring mechanism fitted to an A5 Flex binder (see 12th July 2012 posting). I get the full width of A5 without the bulky binder or the large ring mechanism problem. It has worked for me!

    4. @Clareio
      Thank you for your, have never tried a compact size FF....maybe it would help due to small ring size. Although not much room to write on pages....but will look into it....

      Thank you for your great ideas.....will look at slimline as well as compact....

      Have 2 Circa notebooks now with nice leather covers...used them for a while about 3 years ago....they do work well all in all, but almost a bit too flexible and a bit clunky somewhow as I had to use pretty big discs in order to hold the amount of paper I wanted to use plus dividers and then cover was pretty thick.....

      Hello, fellow leftie!.... ;-)
      Yes, you're right (oops, no pun intended.... ;-)....) it is a right-handed world....oh well....

      For me, don't mind where the pen loop is, but do mind if I feel that the rings are bothering my hand when writing....

      Good point about intended use of smaller size FF's....makes sense....

      FWIW, I tried the Time Manager A5 pages a few years ago....very nice pages actually...and have also used Franklin Covey binder/pages...very nice pages and system, but binder was a bit chunky to me....

      Will read your July posting sometime soon.....sounds very promising....thanks for all your input!

    5. I take the pages out of the rings to write on when the rings are too close then replace the pages!

    6. I'm left handed too and I do exactly what Helen's the easiest way for me because I can't write around the rings very well either.

    7. The 'Ray and Steve. day on two pages and week on two pages layouts have the diary appointments on the left hand page, which should suit lefties just fine. As a rightie, I certainly have difficulty writing on those left hand pages!

    8. Oddly Ray I think is left handed... I'm right handed, but it was me that rejigged those pages so the appointments where on the left hand page not the right hand one! So blame me for that one!

      We could do an insert with them the other way around if anyone wanted them?

      Where else can you buy....sorry download Planner pages designed for left or right handed people? !!!!

    9. I'm a lefty and (probably because I am so old....) I have just had to learn living in a right handed world. I used to curse the all-in-one chair + exam desks at university because the writing surface was to the right of the chair. I can't pour out of a saucepan with a pouring function because it is at the wrong side, and I hate using scissors.

      They say there are more and more of us now as people now want to breed with us which they didn't before. So perhaps in our future somewhere more left handed thingies will appear.

  2. Ohhh, I just love the tv programme room 101.. although I never did read right to the end of Orwell's 1984!! Must do that sometime. My personal 101 item would be jigsaws.... as I can't do them,... no spatial awareness ....they usually have the most boring of pictures on the front. when they are done, there is usually a piece missing .... and enfin... it's all taken to bits again!!! What is... the point???!!!! The only annoyance about Philofaxy for me personally, is the video posts, as my broadband speed is soooo slow!! I have broadband, but on dial up, as my street is not one of the ones on high speed. So, the videos keep stopping and stalling. Maddening, as I'd love to watch them and enjoy.I don't want less of them.... just wish they'd work.Talking of watching, can I put in a teensy request for a Ray and Steve TV and radio planner on the downloads page?? Love to plan my tv and radio ahead, so I am not mindlessly wasting time on rubbishy tv. In my owm named room 202.... the room of perfection, would go all your diary pages and downloads,all the free for alls and web finds on a Saturday... great for the weekend, and your meet ups.I loved coming to London and meeting folks !! In fact... all of Philofaxy could make it into room 202!!

    1. Jane,
      Email me a rough outline of what your ideal TV planner page would look like and I will see what magic I can perform on it!

  3. ArchiMark. I am right handed,though as a pianist I am pretty may be short of the mark in suggesting this,but what about trying a Levenger or Staples Arc system, which are self bound?? Maybe a stupid suggestion, but can you do your own downloads and allow for wider margins near the rings, or print single pages, punched the way you need, so that the rings don't get in the way? Know there have been a few posts about left handed solutions in the past,so worth a search. All the best. xx

  4. Us righties have the same problem but the other way round...have you considered writing on the left hand pages only?

  5. I have a Malden Personal since March 2012. I was putting something into the back pocket yesterday when it got stuck and would not go in. On closer examination the lining has torn in the pocket in the inner pocket. I am very disappointed as the binder is less than 12 months old and I expected to get years of use out of it. and not have a tear after 9 months. It is not as if I even use that pocket much, I was just gathering all my bits of paper and sorting them and putting away what I wanted to keep.

    I have heard much talk on this blog about problems with rings which I thought was sometimes a bit ott. After all a little mis-alingment can't be bad. But I have noticed in the last week or two that my bottom 3 rings are slightly mis-aligned and do not meet as perfectly as the top three rings. And the paper does catch a tiny bit when I turn over to a new page.

    Is the build quality in general this poor. When I bought the filofax I expected to be using it forever, these things are not cheap and I do love the flexibility I have with it and how more organised I feel now with the filofax, but I do expect high build quality.

  6. I was wondering if there was a catalogue anywhere of all the filofax models made, with a brief description and photos? Maybe even the year of release? I think it would be interesting to look through.

  7. Ever since reading David Popely's 1/02/2013 guest post, I have been searching for more How-to articles on planning and the actual execution of the plan. I often get caught up in the set-up and then fail at the execution.

    1. Yes - I am with Gail - I like to read about how-tos as well. But I love all the other stuff as well! Some of the Tues and Fri comments often end up focusing on how people use their binders. Perhaps a series? Instead of (or as well as) 'reader under the spotlight' we could have 'what is in my binder' or 'how I use my binder'. Those very organised souls can go first, then when the rest of us have perfected out systems based on their advise, we could follow! Some people have several binders for different usages (for example reading lists, knitting, quilting and other hobbies, homemakeing/flylady and so on) so could focus on only one binder each time.

      I find I use a lot of tips from these sorts of posts - I don't necessarily replicate what I see, I take what can use and blend it into my setup.

    2. In TMI the link between the plans section and the (separate) diary section is appropriately called 'The bridge' - not a physical bridge, but a discipline of carrying thins forward from the plans to the diary on a regular basis, or bases. In GTD the fulcrum around which the whole system operates is the weekly review - again, not a physical item or (God forbid) an 'app', but a discipline of regularly revisiting the plans section (TMI) or lists section (GTD) and carrying things forward to the diary. This is why no physical system alone will ever work alone (apps included) - the disciplines *must* be in place. For me, those disciplines are the weekly review/update (about 30 minutes) and the twice-yearly check-in with my goals and higher-level aspirations.

      Hope this helps....I can probably write more, but as I'm just in from a day on business in Bristol, maybe I'll see if this is enough!

    3. I like this idea also. I love seeing pictures of Filofaxes and other planners, but the real "meat" of a system is how one uses that planner to get things done. I would love to read more about how others actual plan their items and carry out the planning process. On the flip side, I would be more than willing to provide information on this topic as well.

    4. Maybe this could be a series of posts in the same manner as RUTS only concentrating on the nuts and bolts of planning rather than just layouts and setups? Or a series of syndicated blog posts?

      Working series title, 'Planning - How I Do It'?

      Just my two-pennyworth

    5. We are always willing to accept Guest Posts on any topic related to our main themes - Ring Bound Organisers, not just Filofax, the use of such planners, and even if you have an article that isn't in a ring bound organiser but the method could equally be applied to one then let's have it...

      There's no bar on who can enter a Guest Post, contact us first to help us plan your post, when it will feature, how to get it to us etc.

      But David's idea of 'Planning - How I Do It' sounds a great topic title for such posts.


  8. Gail,
    When I get stuck I set my timer for 15 mins. and see how many things I can knock off my list or if it is a big project that I am not wanting to do (the way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time). A lot of the time it's fun to sit, dream, write, plan and the actual doing is just no fun. Is it something you have to do or are you trying to make yourself do something that is really no necessary ?

    1. Timer is a great idea. I also have a problem where I think I have to finish everything I start, and of course we don't - bite sized chunks or timed chunks may well be the way to go.

  9. Cassandra, Taking small bites may be the answer for me. I have been breaking out tasks into smaller piecess to help me visualize and understand the various tasks better. Sometimes, I forget that everything does not have to be done at one sitting. When I get stuck again, I'll try the timer idea. Great question about is it really necessary! I'll add this prompt when reviewing my plans.

    Alison, I totally agree!

  10. I would like to see more of the insides of people planners - how they colour-code, use sticky notes, plan their lives. But then you can find these things on every other filofax blog (including mine).

    Maybe you could do a binder a week review - ask some readers to submit some maybe - like the Ascot and Malden and Baroque etc - such as pocket layouts - softness of leather/non leather on a scale of 1-10 or something. Ring dimensions - notepad slot or not etc.

    Personally...just more pictures! Im a person who skips the writing, looks at the pictures to see if there is anything worthwhile and if i like what i see i then read to find out more! But then that's just me!

    1. I know from past evidence that posts that feature pictures as well as descriptions are always popular. Also it's not good showing blank pages. People want to see how a particular page is used.

      In the past I will admit to actually using 'mocked up' pages to show the use of a particular insert. The information would be typical of the information I would put on such a page but it might not be actual information from my own planner.. sneaky may be but it keeps privacy matters to a minimum and I don't have to smudge or cover up the page, you get to see the whole page.


    2. I sometimes wish i did that instead of 'baring all' on my blog! - Sometimes i have to use a mocked up page or i use paint to blur things out (so tech savvy here!).
      I just love posts with pictures, im a skimmer, i skim for the pictures and i skim read books until i find a good bit then i read properly!

  11. @Butanben
    Thanks for your great suggestions....have tried Circa/Levenger before....does help with comfortable writing issue....but as described in my reply comments above, had other issues for me...great idea to do search for other left-handed articles here....

    Good to know that righties have issues too.... ;-)
    Not sure that I want to sacrifice about 50% of pages though....

    Haven't had Malden but did have some issues with 2 other FF's, one with ring alignment issue and one with edging trim coming loose from the leather closure, stuff happens....but FF USA took care of me in both cases...

    @Gail B & Alison

    +1 for enjoying How To articles....and I enjoy reading about different binders too....

    Lots of good stuff at Philofaxy and some very nice people too!


  12. @Tim: way off topic but since you raised it.. have you tried the ambidextrous Chef n Palm peelers available on Amazon? Fab for righties and lefties!!

    1. Do they come in large and small apple core sizes?

      I'm one of these odd balls (also known as an Engineer) that tends to swap hands depending on the task... For instance I write with my right hand. But at the table I lift my wine glass with my left hand... Mainly because of knocking over too many glasses when serving food... I'm also clumsy!


    2. Thanks Helen! Many modern peelers have two blades so can be used either way. I've developed a technique for use with traditional peelers that keeps the need for first aid to a minimum! I've also found a solution to the pen chained to the desk at the bank - Internet banking! I eat right-handed but only because I was forced to eat school dinners that way!

      I still can't believe that Filofax never saw a niche market by designing a model for left- handers.

  13. Does anyone know where I could get a rapesco punch for personal size in Canada?

    1. Can I just offer an alternative? I've got a rapesco punch and two Franklin Covey compact punches. I prefer the FC over the rapesco. Should be available in Canada, too?

  14. More of: reviews! and tours through reader's filofax setups. Love looking at them.

  15. I have a question as well, it's not 100% filofax related but I figured that people here might be able to point me in the right direction.

    I need a travel journal that is slim with high quality blank paper that I can draw on with fairly wet pens. I hate getting big thick journals for just a two week trip and having them be half full.

    All my searches for travel journals bring up huge journals with world maps pasted all over them. I'm looking more for something in leather or a really basic cover. Any suggestions? Even a basic pad of super nice paper that I could make into my own journal would be appreciated.

    1. Have you thought about a Midori Traveler's Notebook? It's a leather cover with elastics running the length of the spine, under which you slide refill notebooks. I'm a writer so I can't attest to the quality of the sketchbook paper, but there are a lot of pictures and videos out there for you to get a better sense of what the paper can handle. The initial investment is steep, but then you have a leather cover you use over and over again. It can also be used as a planner, a journal, &c., depending on which refills you use. (If you're paper-crafty, you can also make your own refills.) My favorite on-line stores for Traveler's Notebook items: Baum Kuchen, Resor Shop, and My Maido. If you have one in your area, Kinokuniya stocks them. (Sorry, I'm in a rush, so didn't include links!) Good luck -- and have a lovely trip!

    2. I have some really lovely leather notebooks - handmade paper bound in Buffalo leather which are really light and ideal for travelling. Drop me a line if you want more info?

    3. For once I'm suggesting a Moleskine : have you tried the water color notebook? It's landscape, with the regular black fake leather cover, the paper quality is good enough for wet water color, and it's not too big/too many pages. Also, I'm going to make a water color Filo for my mom, and I'm just going to punch some water color paper :)
      Hope it helps, and have a great trip!

  16. I just like everything and would say to please keep the videos and web finds coming. It is so handy having them all in one place and if you can't get through them all at once you know you can go back to Philofaxy and find the list. I also appreciate that they come twice a week as you don't have to wait a whole week for new ones! :) :) :) I also enjoy 'Reader under the spotlight'. I also very much appreciate when a new style is introduced, the in depth reviews given by Steve or others. Best reviews ever--you don't miss a single detail. Really appreciate that as I don't have a store very near by and the one that does carry Filofax has a pitiful small collection. They usually have very few selections and then if they have, say, a Malden, they might only have it in one size. Usually all they have are the Cross/Classics. So frustrating. So these indepth reviews are very helpful since I usually purchase on line. The details around the feel, the softness/stiffness of the pockets, the flexibility of the card slots and other pockets, all very helpful.

    Okay, this may seem like a strange request. I love all the diary's and forms that have been created and made available for free (!) on this blog. But I have issues with printing on American 8.5x11 paper especially back to back (don't own a spiffy printer at this time either). What I would really love is to be able to pay someone to print and hole punch and then mail me a whole year's worth of diary inserts because I seriously don't have the patience, know how or interest in doing it myself! I know this would be an awesome bother to do this but it would make my life so much easier. I don't care what the cost is; I would gladly pay someone to print and hole punch some inserts!!! (need a little retail shop set up-haha)

    On a final note, I receive the Personal Cuban in Chestnut yesterday which I purchased from the Filofax USA website at 60% off. Its a beauty and I love it! The color is so rich and matches the leather on my gorgeous sectional couch. I also like the simplicity of the design; not alot of pockets, etc. Just that secretarial flap in front with card slots and the zip pocket in back. Rings seem to be in perfect alignment as well so far. As much as I love my Personal Grey Malden, I decided to switch to the Cuban for a bit. It also looks sharp sitting on top of my A5 Finchley in Brown and even with the A5 Malden in Grey. In fact, since most of my decor is in chocolate, chestnut, black and white, it looks rather stunning sitting on the edge of my coffee table. hahaha The bad news: I like it so much its killing me not to go back to the website and buy a black one or a chocolate one or an A5 Cuban. Don't need it, can't afford it...but oh so tempted!

  17. I know that this is a recurring issue on here but I've got to express my disappointment at the quality of the paper in the 2013 A5 Page per day Business diary. I've used this format for several years and never had a problem when I use a Sheaffer Valor fine nib fountain pen. I finished my last page on the 20th December (teachers' holidays) and sat down the other night to fill in this term's appointments in to my 2013 version only to find that the feathering and bleed-through was the worst I've ever seen. Has anyone else had a particularly bad experience with the 2013 batch of diaries or have I just been unlucky?

    Off to download Ray and Steve's version...

    1. Sadly you're not unlucky, or at least only to the same extent as the rest of us. For me the biggest disappointment is that Filofax continually try to front this obvious lowering of quality out (in other words, lying to their customers). meanwhile I've been enjoying the quality of Rhodia notebooks and wondering if that's where the future might be for me. At least Rhodia and Clairefontaine aren't trying to cover up paper quality economies with lies (not that they have made any compromises).

      Bottom line - now that paper-based organisation seems to have become the province of the minority, we will both demand and be prepared to pay for quality, and we certainly won't stand for the type of disingenuous "Hat reduction in quality?" strategy currently being adopted by Filofax. We're all experts now, and we can't be deceived in that way. Plus we all talk to one another......looks like hard times ahead for Filofax. Unless, of course, they can find a new market among trendy fashionistas who like to make notes..........

    2. Hi Rob
      If you can photograph or scan in a page from 2012 and a page from 2013 showing the difference in performance of the paper with your particular pen/ink combination I will pass this on to Filofax UK so they can see the sort of issues real users are actually having since they had to change paper suppliers due to the plant in Japan being destroyed

      If you can give me the pen and ink details when you send me the scans/photos that will help too.

      Please email philofaxy at gmail dot com


  18. You're absolutely right David, Rhodia and (in my opinion) Leuchtturm are offering far superior paper quality to Filofax and Moleskine. I use a Rhodia pad in the back of my A5 Kendal and can recommend the 'R' bloc if you haven't tried them. I think what struck me was the marked difference between one year's diary and the next. I even took photos with the aim of sending them to Filofax but sadly I don't think that will get anywhere. I'd expect bleed-through with a wet pen such as a Mont Blanc but have never seen it with the Sheaffer. Maybe I should look at FC diaries?

    1. With reference to my comments elsewhere on this page, I'm interested in the 'process' which lies behind the FC system, and which I believe is expounded most fully in Covey's 'First Things First'. I don't know about the paper quality as I've never used FC's binder, refills *or* system, but I'm interested.

      Clairefontaine and Rhodia paper will take some beating, I suspect. I have four fountain pens - a *very* wet Waterman, vintage Scaeffer and Parkers which I 'inherited' from my late father-in-law, and a modern Parker which is actually the best, and probably the cheapest, of the bunch. I want to use them all daily, and Filofax paper renders this impossible....

    2. @David Popely: if you send me your email address to I can email you a scan of the Franklin Covey "quick start" booklet that came with their refills a few years back.

    3. One other factor in ink bleed-through is what ink you use in your fountain pen....

      Some inks are actually much 'drier' than, good to experiment a bit....

      But agree that Rhodia paper is quite good for fountain pens, which are my pens of choice...have a bunch....

  19. I absolutely love 'Reader Under the Spotlight'. In fact, I think it's my favourite part of Philofaxy!

    1. So would you like to be a Reader Under the Spotlight? or RUS as I know them!


  20. Thank you everyone for your feed back today. I've not had a chance yet to respond to everyone but I will set some time to one side later in the week to review all the comments we have received about more or less etc and I will try to formulate this in to future posts etc.

    Thank you, keep leaving comments.


  21. It's late and I can't really think this through properly but might it be possible to use a Philofaxy diary and re-order the printing, and then reconfigure the whole Filofax so it works from right to left instead of left to right?
    To Do lists and other things like addresses are ambidextrous, and the tabs are labelled on both sides so they should work OK.

    1. Interesting thought, Natalie.....



  22. I am a Filofax revisitor & stumbled across Philofaxy last year. I recently wrote two posts which Steve featured on the web links post (thanks!) I am enjoying re exploring the world of Filofax & enjoy reading this blog, and currently reading the earlier posts. I love how reading how other users design theirs & the different uses.

  23. I think that while I share a binder fetish with many others, more and more I'm really interested in the meat of the planner, i.e. how does one run their business/department/finances/etc. from their filofax or similar. What ways are people managing recurring tasks, project steps, birthday cards... In other words, the ways we actually use our books to run our lives.

  24. I would also vote for articles on how people actually use their planner on a daily basis. Not how it's set-up - although I do love that, too - but how they use it in a typical day. What their life is like and how they plan. Does that make sense?

    1. Yes it does...great idea. I second that!

  25. I've been reading this blog for years now, but only since a year or so (since I've had my first Filofax) I've been reading the other of the community and participating in the comments and on my own blog. So first I want to say that Philofaxy is for me the mothership to which I always come back :)
    I absolutely love the webfinds. I would be very sad to see them gone! I personally don't like to watch the videos (the content interests me, but I just prefer reading). But it's really not a problem to have them in the same post, as I can ignore them easily and the ones who like them (the majority I guess?) can watch them!
    Then I love 'Reader Under the Spotlight'. I'm so curious, I love reading about others' planners, and it's especially good for people who we might see in the comments section but who don't have a blog where to show their pics and so on.
    I also really enjoy binder reviews! Filofax websites never have enough pictures or description for me :)
    Finally, beyond the Filofax talk, I really love all the productivity/organization/what's inside the planner discussions. I learn so much from others' ideas!!!!
    Thanks for all the time and effort you put in maintaining such an awesome website for us. So many great things going on here. I'm a fan!!!

    1. I'm considering changing the questions slightly to bring them up to date, who buy's CD's these days! I will add in a couple of fun but optional questions at the end as well just to expand the personality of the person under our Low Energy spotlight!

  26. Without wanting to sound deliberately provocative, I'd like to see Philofaxy devote a little more time to vintage filofaxes (in other words, binders made in England up to around 1991), particularly given that quality "issues" are very much on the "agenda".

    Not only would this help provide an additional perspective for readers dissatisfied with quality issues associated with modern filofax products, who may simply be unfamiliar with the quality binders of yesteryear, but may also help Filofax themselves to understand why many of us prefer to actively use (rather than just collect) a vintage binder rather than a modern one.

    I also wonder whether Philofaxy can suggest to bloggers that they add a line or two of explanation in their post titles to some of their more "esoterically" titled blog posts, so that the subject matter becomes clearer when read from a list of "web finds".

    My final suggestion is that references to productivity techniques are not generically decribed as "GTD" which is, after all" a registered trade mark and collective term for just one of many "systems". I've made this mistake myself in the past, but I have read that the company concerned is "keen" to protect their intellectual property, as is their right so to do. Perhaps "productivity" is a better collective term to use? I certainly think there is room to expand on paper based productivity issues, along the lines that other commenters have already outlined.

    Apart from that, I can't think of anything else I'd like to change. Philofaxy is an enjoyable read and a credit to its contributors.

    1. I refer to my own system as GTD because that's the system I use. I don't see how or why David Allen Co should consider that to be an IP issue.

    2. @Neil & @David

      I think Neil raises a good point that not all productivity post titles should use the term 'GTD'....

      However, I think to clarify the point, I'd rephrase the statement to say not all references to productivity techniques in post titles should refer to GTD, UNLESS they are actually about using the GTD (ie, David Allen's...) system. In other words, if post is really about some other productivity system, ie, Stephen Covey's 7 Habits, etc, then don't use GTD as if it is a generic term.

      I do think it's OK for David and anyone else to refer to their own use of GTD, whether literal use of GTD or their own modified version of GTD, as this is the basis or model for their productivity system.

    3. Thans for that. I would think that if I was using David Allen's system and principles (which I am), to go after me and forbid me to tell anyone for IP reasons would be a bit of a shot in the foot, n'est-ce pas?

    4. Neil
      I would do more reviews on earlier 1990's Filofax organisers but I only own the one... my Winchester circa 1986, it's been featured a few times including a comparison to other modern day models.

      Being resident in France doesn't help with acquiring more 'vintage' ones via Ebay or similar.

      But if anyone has a Vintage Filofax that they would like to review and photograph we will be very happy to feature it as a Guest Post.

      Regarding the blog posts we feature in Web Finds over the last couple of days I've looked in to making this a bit easier for you the reader, but there's no easy solution that would take up even more of my time to compiling those lists each week. I don't keep a track of the number of hours I spend on Philofaxy each week, it's most probably more that the full time job I left in 2010!!! Not that I'm complaining, far from it. I get a lot of enjoyment from the 'work' I put in to the site.

      That said I agree with you if bloggers would be a bit more specific with their titles it would help me as well when it comes to deciding if I will include a post or not.

      I looked in to adding a topic tag to each post but it's not quite straight forward and it would add to the length of each line making the posts even longer than they are now. I will continue to think of a better way of presenting these web finds links, I have some ideas which I will try out over the next few posts and we will see which works best for everyone.

      I've noted your comments about GTD/Productivity etc.. I will include this in to my post review which is slowly progressing...


    5. Thanks for that, Steve. I didn't realise just how much work you put into the site. Sterling work!

      Next time I post, I'll add an explanitary note in the title, to help readers decide whether to read it, or skip it.

    6. Oh one more thing about GTD.... it should not be confused with 'Going The Distance' Yep it gets used for that as well.....

      I was trying to generate a suitable Google Search yesterday to try and find more 'productivity or time management' posts. But it's not as easy as searching for 'Filofax' anything I searched on just brought up dozens and dozens of blog posts per day.

      Some how I don't think you want Websfinds to grow by a factor of 10 or 20!


  27. @ David - Your thoughts on GTD are both considered and informative, and I agree that there is no reason not to refer to your own use of David Allen's proprietry GTD system. However, I suspect that many readers will associate the term "GTD", or "getting things done" as an almost ubiquitous term for any attempt at paper based organisation. Other readers may miss productivity related posts entirely, simply through having no idea as to what GTD stands for.

    David, it is not the content, or title, of your posts that I'm suggesting should change, it is a request for Philofaxy to provide an easy way to navigate to posts related to productivity in general.

    My suggestion, purely for the sake of clarity, is the provision of a generic term, such as "productivity", on the Philofaxy site itself, so that it becomes easier to find productivity related posts.

  28. Just adding my two cents,

    I love Webfinds and the videos, by far my favorite part. For Reader Under the Spotlight posts, maybe add a "What's your favorite tip or hack?" where people could add a quick tip to use in a Filofax whether it be something physical (set up related) or a productivity tip. I'd also welcome more content on how people use and or set up their binders.

    1. Consider that question added...



  29. Philofaxy has changed a lot during the past couple of years. In particular, the community now seems to be overwhelmingly female (which backs-up the Filofax statement that over 75% of products are now purchased by women). Secondly, there seems a lot less interest in time management/ productivity postings. I suspect that with smart phones and tablets, many more people (of both sexes) are using these devices for such purposes. I know I am!

    There is still a place here for time management/ GTD articles. However, one other very useful site for those interested is Time Management Ninja. . It's almost totally gadget rather than paper based, so rarely gets flagged-up by Steve in web finds. However, there's a lot of useful tips there that apply to both techy and paper set-ups.

    1. Hi Neil. I've been to that site before, it's very good. As someone who's not really into the binder-decorating, divider-making side of things, think it's an excellent site for time management and productivity all round.

    2. @Tim

      +1 regarding the issue of smartphones and tablets, impacting use of paper based devices...

      I struggle with this issue in the past year my workplace got me an iPhone and an iPad in addition to the laptop they already provided.....

      So, how many gadgets am I supposed to use and carry around with me all day long???? (as I go from meeting to meeting in various locations managing the very large and complex set of building projects I'm responsible for)

      Makes life more difficult and complex....even though all the devices I mention are excellent devices themselves....but add in a Filofax and/or the Rhodia Webnotebook I've been using the past year and your manbag gets heavy pretty quickly!

      TMN is a good site and read over there periodically for the past year or so....there are other good sites as well, occasionally Lifehacker has some interesting articles other sites that I'll remember later.... ;-)

    3. Interesting point, this...once upon a time, carrying a fair-sized organiser (such as my TMI bbinder) was perfectly acceptable. Then came the smartphone, and those of us who stuck with the organisers were regularly pilloried for being refuseniks to the portability of the smartphone. The fact they didn't actually do the job was least you weren't carrying around that BIG organiser!


      Add in the now-ubiquitous tablet, maybe a laptop, a smartphone, and maybe we were the sensible ones all along, not because we recognised that you couldn't organise yourself on a phone (or any of the other toys), but because we ended up actually travelling lighter overall!

      Another victory for low-tech, methinks..... (polishes self-awarded medal and sense of self-righteousness)

    4. I currently monitor the output over 200 blogs and websites on an hourly/daily/weekly/monthly basis... Gromit my system had a upgrade recently to expand it's capacity!

      TMNinja is in there but it's difficult to decide if some of Craig's posts should be included in WF's or not... they have appeared before and will continue to be in the mix.

      For info the twitter account @philofaxynews is now connected to 'Gromit' and it feeds out Filofax posts 'he' finds, it's taken me some time to perfect the Twitter feed so that only Filofax related posts find their way out on to Twitter. I'm sure you don't want to have to wade through the latest recipe for blueberry pie, or tips on eye make up...

      So it has have been through a few changes until I managed to tame it over Christmas with a few updates and modifications.

      Monitoring the feed it seems to have got the balance about right.

      But I continue to look for suitable posts and blogs to feature as well as the well established one so that the news feeds are a 'one stop shop' for everyone keen to read about Filofax and other planner topics.

      Nothing is cast in stone the system is flexible enough to be tweaked to what ever you want to see more or less of....


    5. Steve - you do an absolutely fantastic job! Even though my only Filofax set-up for 2013 is a Flex binder fitted with rings that supports my iPad and iPhone, I'll still be checking-in here most days!

  30. @David

    Congrats on your medal, David!.... ;-)


    Will have to check out your twitter posts more often...I don't go to twitter much the past year...find the endless stream of tweets a bit too much, ie, info overload & feeling of never ending stream that I can't keep up with....but again, will try to check them out sometimes...

    As for other posts, how's about addressing the topic I brought up (unless it's already been done & I just missed it...) of how people are integrating or mixing up use of Filofaxes and mobile computing devices in their daily or work lives?

    Also, since this is still parto of Free For All....

    Anyone familiar with either De Vecchi or Aspinal leather binders? Stumbled across them the other's link to one of the Aspinal binders:



  31. Hi
    Quite a few of you have said you love the Web finds and videos etc.

    Would it help those of you that don't watch all the videos if we put them out as a separate post rather than being included in Webfinds?


  32. That would definitely be great help to me....

    1. Thanks David it's easy enough for me to change them out and bring the two back together if there is ever a need. I will try it tomorrow.


  33. Hi, looking at people's videos on you tube everyone seems to like sticky notes etc. I'm from the uk and would like to swap stickers/sticky notes/accessories with other filofax friends. If anyone is interested please mail me : melaniedavies79@yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk
