
29 April 2013

Reader Under The Spotlight - Rebecca

Hi to all the Filofax enthusiasts out there!  My name is Rebecca (Bec) Cripps, otherwise known as the Crazy Tasmanian!!

I am on the younger side of 40 and that's all you will get out of me on THAT subject :)

I am married to my husband Neil (a cameraman and volunteer Fire Fighter) and the proud mother of Emily (13) and Matthew (6).

I currently work FullTime as an Accommodation Manger/Compliance Officer/Food Safety Supervisor.  I also own and run my own business called Queen of Admin (providing Virtual Administration Support).  In other words I am VERY busy and my Filfoaxes get ALOT of use!!

I first got into Filofax by searching for planner templates.  I only ever looked at the templates on Philofaxy, but one day after reading blogs from My Purpley Life and Life is Crafted and watching videos from Organised Like Jen and Imy's World I became hooked.

I don't have my own blog, I am way too busy for that, but I am on Facebook alot on the three associated Philofaxy pages, as well as trying to set up an Australian Meet Up.

1. When did you buy your first Filofax and what was it?

I bought a Personal Metropol in Brown from Australian Filofax.  Hideous price and the Metropol and I just did not click!

2. What other brands have you used or considered using?

DayRunner, DayTimer and Planner Pad

3. Out of the organisers you own which is your current favourite (Style and Size)?

My A5 Chameleon in Red!!  I often have to stop myself from stroking it!! (Disturbing, yeah I know!!)

4. How many Filofax organisers do you own?

I own one A5 Chameleon in Red and currently trying to swap or sell my Pocket Zipped Malden in Purple.  I am waiting on the arrival of an A5 Chameleon in Black and my dream Filofax the A5 Finchley in Imperial Purple **swoon** I also have an A4 FF and a Personal Baroque in Teal that is being stored, so........6

5. What is the oldest Filofax in your collection?

My A4 Filofax is approximately 3 years old

6. What do you use your Filofax for?

I use my Red Chameleon currently for both Personal and my own business.  When my Black Chameleon arrives it will be used for my Fulltime job and the A5 Finchley will be for my Home business.  The A4 and the Personal Baroque are not in use.

7. What was the feature about Filofax you like most?

I love the prettiness and durability of some of the leathers and the pockets and versatility of the system.

8. If you could design your own Filofax what would it feature?

It would be A5, in a variety of colours, but more importantly in Purple.  It would have the detailing of the Baroque, but on the inside and outside with gold rings.  Lots of Business card slots that can actually take the size of all business cards and a roomy zippered section  **swoon**

9. How do you carry your Filofax?

The A5 Red Chameleon is the only one in current use.  It sits by my side everywhere, but when we are mobile it has its own tote bag inside my bag.

10. Which Filofax in the current range do you like the most? Are you going to buy it?

In the current range I would adore the A5 Osterley in any of the colours.  That or possible the A5 Aqua Malden.  I am seriously considering getting the Osterley

11. What is the most you have ever spent on a Filofax? Which model?

I spent $150 on an A5 Holborn Zip in Wine that I ended up swapping for my A5 Red Chameleon.

12. What's your favourite Filofax tip or hack?

No real hacks, I have to personalise my pages and make my own dividers and have lots of cute things to use with my FF.  I splurge on the nice pens that I want otherwise I will loose the inspiration to use my FF.
13. Turning to Philofaxy, what do you like the most?
I love the community.  The shared wealth of knowledge.  I have discovered that you can learn something from the newest of people to the group.  The opportunities to expand your horizons are limitless!  Also the opportunity to meet new people is great.  I can't wait until the Australian Meetup at the end of this year.

14. And what do you not like about Philofaxy?

I find it hard to search for things on the blogspot, but besides that.....NOTHING!!

15. What was the last music track you downloaded or bought?

It was Led Zeppelin - Remasters I downloaded from CD onto my computer.  LOVE THEM!!  Before that, it was some Metallica.  I have a very eclectic taste is music.

16.  Mark Darcy or Daniel Cleaver?

I have never seen the movie **ducks** so I would have to say Mark Darcy as I love Colin Firth as an actor and I cannot stand Hugh Grant.

Thank you Rebecca for taking part in our Reader Under The Spotlight feature. And of course if any of our readers would like to take part then please contact us at philofaxy at gmail dot com


  1. Hi Rebecca! Nice to meet you here!
    Of course, you have to expect a floodload of emails now from Philofaxy-readers who are searching all end of the world to get their hands on a personal Baroque ..... while you admit to owning one and not using it! (LOL!) On the other hand, you might wanna use it as ammo to get your dream filo!

  2. I loved the comment that you made about Hugh Grant. I so often think that many actors are like Marmite, you either love them or you hate them. That said the Marmite theory can be true of many things in life. As for my own view on Hugh Grant now that would be telling.

  3. Hi nice to meet you Rebecca! I also wish of owning a A5 Finchley in Imperial Purple! They are like gold dust now. I agree with you on Mark Darcy! I'm not a huge fan of Hugh Grant myself. :-p Enjoy Filofaxing!


  4. So nice to meet you Rebecca! It wasn't until a few months ago that I found out about Filofax through the 'A Bowl Full of Lemons' blog. Several searches later, I found the wonderful world of 'phILOFAXY'. The information seems to be endless here. Love it!

    Best wishes for Queen of Admin! :)


  5. I, too, would so love an A5 Finchley in Imperial Purple - I only discovered them once it was impossible to order one!

  6. Nice to meet you, Rebecca!
