
17 May 2013

Free For All Friday No 235

Today is World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.
Its purpose is to help raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of the internet and other ICT can bring to societies and economies, as well as of ways to bridge the digital divide. I think it's great that my love of pen and paper has led me to this wonderful online community, and it would have been much harder to find fellow Filo-enthusiasts without the internet.
How has Philofaxy added to your overall experience of using Filofax?

And as it's Friday, please feel free to discuss anything Filofax or ringbound planner related.


  1. Does anyone recognize this model?

    It has the same layout as the Sherwood, but without the corner protectors or Gold rings.

    1. It looks like a Cavendish? If it has 30mm rings it probably is that model

    2. My Cavendish has "Personal Cavendish" embossed into it. Were there Cavendishes made without the embossing?

  2. Talking of Internet I have just refound the great City Organiser!! Amazon sent me an email because for some reason they thought I might be interested in Filofaxes and on investigation ( to be polite you understand!) I found CO behind some of the recommended products. Their profile says when they stopped trading on London they moved mail order to Farnham. Their storefront is at

    1. I have now emailed Andy. Sadly they are only selling off stock from the business closure and will not be getting new stock in. But still, there are some great prices there.

  3. I found Philofaxy at an interesting moment where I was trundling around in the doldrums as far as systems of organisation were concerned. In my time I've tried various methods but spent longest on GTD and a system called SuperFocus. In the mists of time I had used a filofax - I still have my tan Sherwood personal with the gold rings and metal corners, although it's more than a bit worn at this point - but eventually gave it up in favour of 'the device' (in this case a PalmPilot - where are they these days? Vanished...). I think part of the problem is that personal size never suited me terribly well - the paper was too small etc, but it was the best solution at that point in time.

    Roll forward to last year and I was using a variation on SF in a bound book (a Rhodia Webnotebook) when I suddenly suddenly realised that I needed a bound book but with loose leaves. Googling for filofax led me to Philofaxy and the answer presented itself! A quick search on eBay and I was soon the proud owner of first one, then two A5 vintage faxes (a red Pimlico and a black Ascot). I haven't looked back since.

  4. My love and passion for planners in general led me to a friend who mentioned Filofax. Then I had never heard of it. Some googling led me to Philofaxy, and while the product Filofax was the main point for finding the community, it's the community itself that had me sticking around. I could easily switch brands and layouts and what not, but knowing there are a ton of people who share my passion, that is why I have never left. So I think in my case, one may have led to the other, but both feed into the other, creating a warm sphere of organizational bliss wi like-minded people. What could be better?

  5. @kanalt, we have to do a meet up! I don't remember how I found Philofaxy, but I do remember that once I found it I went back in its history to read each post! I love how its a real community of sharing information and especially the love of paper and pen!

    1. Hi Michele! We're actually having a NYC meet up on June 15. It was posted here a couple of weeks ago. If you're interested, email me at kanalt17 at gmail dot com. There are a few spots still open. Of course, we're close enough that we can always do our own meet up at another time if that's better for you. :)

    2. @michele - you're not the only one. I must have spent days wading through all the old posts!

    3. I decided to start at the beginning and work my way through, too. I'm having a great time!

  6. I wish it had been available in the 80s. Philofaxy has brought numerous benefits for me. Just a few: a large repository of useful inserts (many as source files so you can easily customise); picking up very useful ideas from other people's setups; seeing solutions to problems you've just learned to live with for years; meeting people to discuss them in person (David Popely and I whiled away a very pleasant evening over dinner in London, comparing planning notes); reading reviews on planners and accessories, which have far more detail than the commercial websites; seeing innovative hacks such as Ray Blake's Personal Expenses envelopes, no longer available from Filofax, which filled a huge gap in my insert needs....the list is long and this is just a sample. It has proved to be a brilliant resource and everyone is extremely helpful. Long may it continue.

  7. Hey Y'all, I have been reading on this site for a year. I stumbled over it after looking on Flickr for planners and organizers. I have a Personal Tan Dakota, a Persoal Rose Finley and this week, from the UK, came THE FILOFAX, a Personal Malden in Ochre!!!!

    I just wish the UK ebay folks shipped to the States. Y'all are so lucky in the Isles. Ebay here they buy a bunch of new Filos from somewhere and sell them at 1-5 dollars under the new price. However, my Malden, which is GORGEOUS!! I found from a store, preordered it (could'nt find Ochre ANYWHERE else) and waited patiently (sort of) for two months.

    I love this site. I too started reading at the beginning of the posts and am working forward. I love the community feel of this site.

    I hope it continues for a long long time.

  8. I don't have very many friends who use paper planners. So when I stumbled upon Philofaxy, I was ecstatic. Finally - some people who loved planners the way I did and understood what I was talking about. It was awesome! And then I discovered Filofax. I had looked at the site once a long time ago but wasn't impressed for some reason. This time around was different. A whole new world of planner opportunity.
