
12 August 2013

All Stars Tour 2013

The All Stars Tour is about to happen again. This is where we get a group or team of bloggers from within our community to tour around other blog sites and they provide guest posts for those sites. In exchange everyone gets some new content and hopefully some extra visitors to their site.

Anyone can join the tour, there's no pre-requiste to join the team. The only thing is you agree to is if someone guest posts on your site you offer them a guest post for their site in return.

All of these posts will be added to webfinds as they happen so that will ensure the sites are getting a boost in publicity.

If there are 20 people in the team, you don't have to agree to guest post on every single one.. 3 or 4 is a typical number sometimes more.

The subject of your guest post doesn't have to be planner or Filofax related, you just agree with the blog site host what your post will be about and away you go. So if you have an in-depth knowledge about bee keeping with may be a brief reference to records you keep in your Filofax that will be fine, but so would a blog post about how to write a great CV for a job application.

We have run this tour the last couple of years, but I'm sure/hoping that with so many new faces on the blogging circuit we can encourage some of these new people to join in as well.

How do you sign up... simple email steve at philofaxy dot com and make the subject of your email Allstars. All I need to know is that you are happy for your email address to be shared with the rest of the team and the address of your blog.

You can see the list of previous tours here: All Stars Tour 2011,  All Stars Tour 2012

Thanks for your support.


  1. Good morning Steve,
    I love the idea of enriching the content focus and with that also raising the number of potential future contributions. Despite not being a blogger myself - I always enjoy the inspiring information that come from all the wonderful people of the Philofaxy community. A big thank you to you all & especially to the creators of the philofaxy forum! Loving it...

  2. By the way, the new head picture of the forum is a nice change. Could it be that there is a Gillio planner on it as well? Looking at the clasp shape it seems so ;-)

    1. Hi
      Thank you. Yes I thought a fresh new picture would improve things. Yes that is a Gillio in the line up!

  3. Enjoyed looking through the posts last year! Be good to take part this time! (Have sent the email :3)

  4. Does this need to be a reciprocal thing? I ask because my Tumblr is very much a personal journal posted publicly. I'd be happy to write a post or two for someone else but I'm not sure that I'm looking for a guest post on my Tumblr and I don't maintain a "real" blog.

  5. Love the new banner...but I do miss Mrs. Morton's hand and fountain pen!

    1. Shh... I've not told her yet! She might make a reappearance some day! She is in UK at the moment so 'the hand' wasn't available for the photo shoot I did at the weekend! But I quite like the new pictures a bit more colourful.

  6. This sounds fun! I'd love to be part of it! Sent you an email. :)
