
20 August 2013

Free For All Tuesday No. 133

Tuesdays are your chance to ask any Filofax related questions you might have.

So fire away and we will collectively try to answer your questions or offer opinions.


  1. My pink personal Classic is showing signs of the dreaded peeling of the film on top of the leather. I forget who it was that this happened to, and what they did about it. Would appreciate any advice.

    I did contact Filofax UK but have not heard back from them. Maybe I should write FF US as well.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Where did you buy it from?

    2. A shame... Did you buy it directly from filofax? As far as I can recall, folks who contacted customer service were offered replacement but that was at least a year ago. Wishing you luck, Doris!

    3. Steve, I got it off of ebay.

      Josh, thanks. I'm not expecting a replacement because this isn't available anymore but will probably take them up on it if they offered. I'd just like to know if I can still salvage it.

    4. Oh, is this a known thing? I recently noticed it on my classic A5, was rather disappointed! Unfortunately I can't remember for the life of me where I bought it from!

    5. Have you tried just peeling the plastic layer off, quite a few people have done that and found the leather underneath is unblemished

    6. Steve, I may have to wait a bit for it to actually peel. It's still just showing signs of peeling and creasing. I did try to peel it off but nothing has come off yet. Thanks.

  2. Hi Steve... I have one question that I was HOPING someone would "suggest" as a possible (change) to the Philofaxy site. As one from the US, I find it sooo frustrating to ALWAYS have to look up "pounds to dollars". In that I realize Filofax is UK born... is it really asking to much to add BOTH when putting prices on the site?

    And on that same note... I often wonder... what is your UK audience and US audience equate to? Ever tried to figure that out?

    Just my two cents worth. ;-)

    1. Hi Tina
      The problem is I'm only told what the price will be in £ (GBP) not what the price will be in USD, it would be guessing to just convert the prices because they might not be just a conversion due to the differences in local taxes, sales taxes etc. I will try to find out from Filofax USA if they do similar press releases or not with the prices on them.

      UK vs USA audience, the numbers vary from month to month, but USA recently is slightly higher than UK, but only by a couple of thousand. Over a period of years it balances out to be fairly similar in numbers.

      We have readers now in all the European countries. I just wished more people would contribute in the comments!

    2. Hi Tina - Philofaxy has readers around the world - not just the UK and the USA. The community is big in places like Australia and Canada so prices need to be converted by readers there The largest part of the community is probably spread around mainland Europe, so if any main currency were to be shown t should surely be the Euro?

      Most folk use their own currency on Adspot (Dollars ,Pounds, Euros etc). If a new Filofax product is being launched in the UK it's natural that the price will be in Pounds. If it was a release in the USA, I'd expect it to be priced in US Dollars!

      I suggest keeping a simple currency conversion page in your Filofax, showing the main currencies used around the world.

    3. Hi Tina, I don't know what sort of information Steve has access to, but if he might not know how much it's going to cost in the US.
      Example: (it's from, and

      Calipso personal organiser compact:
      US: $79
      UK: £65
      Sweden: not available online now, but according to catalogue 695 SEK

      The original Personal:
      US: $85
      UK: £60
      Sweden: 695 SEK

      Fusion A5:
      US: $75
      UK: £56
      Sweden: 695 SEK

      So cheapest to most expensive:
      US: Fusion A5 - Calipso Compact - The original Personal
      UK: Fusion A5 - The Original Personal - Calipso Compact
      Sweden: well...

    4. Hi Tina ... I'm always converting dollars, swedish krona, danish krone, euros to pounds - and that's just the filofax websites ;) so what I do is keep the google converter on my address bar

      Just go to the link and drag the little icon to your address bar ... works a treat - hope it helps lessen the frustration

    5. when I say address bar, I mean bookmarks bar, just under the address bar :) sorry!

    6. is the currency conversion site I use. But yes, as Steve and others pointed out, prices in other countries are determined by other factors and therefore Steve can't know from Filofax UK what the prices will be in other countries when (or if) those products become available there.

    7. Oh I do keep a converter handy. I was just curious.

    8. I think people forget (sorry to US and UK readers if I an inadvertantly insulting you) that there are more countries out here. Euros are used by millions more people than GBP for example. What I do is use OR just type (for example) 60 usd to gbp in Google and it converts with the current exchange rate. I use Swedish Kronor so I can also type 60 usd to sep and - voila! Also remember that the exchange rates fluctuate on an hourly basis.

    9. Another regular converter here and from the other side of the world in Manila. (:

    10. What's real fun, though, is when you have sales on different filofax websites, for the same model, and you put the same filo in your basket on each website, to get the total price including shipment, in currency. You then convert it in your own currency and can find out that it's cheaper to buy a specific model from Norway than it would have been it you bought in in France (though it's you own country).

      Time consuming but fun :)

    11. I do what Janet and Frederique do. As a New Zealander, I'm very used to having to convert between currencies, and find it strange that it's the source of so many questions in the 'Filofax for Philofaxy Fans' Facebook group. Google is your friend!

  3. Hi,
    I have a couple of Osterleys, And I was hoping one would be my daily organiser that I could take everywhere with me, but the first time I took it out in my bag, it got in a fight with my keys and now looks a little worse for the wear. Any ways I can prevent the Osterleys getting damaged in my bag?

    1. Look on eBay or Amazon-there's a product called 'woman travel insert' which comes in quite a few colors and fits a personal filo just right. It is lightly padded and has several open & zip pockets. All of the pockets are on the outside, so your Osterley can have a little privacy. I have 2 of them and think they're great.

    2. I use the Tintamar purse organisers, made from light material with several pockets that you can move from handbag to handbag. The standard size has a main compartment that is perfect for a personal size binder and they sell a larger one too where even my A5 binders fit. Muji has (had?) something similar too.

    3. Ooh - good timing! I was just after something like that and have now ordered one!

  4. Hello all! I've been wondering how many pages the A5 non-zipped (25mm?) holds. I'll be using my own non-Filo paper to make journals out of it, but does anyone have a rough estimate? Thanks!

    1. Just looked at my own 25mm A5 and measured the thickness of all my insert and then worked out how many sheets of just paper it is 'about' 250 sheets but reduce that to may be about 220 to be on the safe side.

      As a general rule you should only fill up one side of the rings when they are open to ensure they aren't too full and will close easily.

  5. Hi everyone!
    I'm guilty of not commenting on here as much as I should, although I read the blog every day! I will try to comment more now :)
    I was wondering, Steve, if maybe you could start a guest blog post series of people describing/demonstrating how they actually use their Filofaxes for time management and organisation? Let's get this topic in discussion again!! :)

    1. Yes please would love people to step forward with ideas like that... Would you like to be the first?


    2. I'll let you know at the weekend- I've got a busy week this week, so I can't do anything fun until Friday :(
      Plus I'm never 100% satisfied with my set-up! So that's something to work on over the weekend!

    3. C'est une super idée. Si jamais, je serai d'accord d'y participer une fois, mais, je sais pas si en français, ça pourrait être traduit par vous, steeve? Merci.

    4. Oui ce sera possible. Veuillez envoyer votre article en français et nous pouvons le traduire en anglais à pour le blog

      Désolé utilisant Google Translate seulement pour ce commentaire!

    5. I'd be happy to write something like this up.

    6. Ditto - I'm much more interested in the system than in the tool used, so I'd be happy to contribute if asked.

  6. This one is mainly for Steve and Ray - I'm just curious if you design geniuses will be releasing the enhanced TM pages for A5 with five lines in 2014. I was stalking the files section and saw them for 2013, but wasn't sure if they were popular enough to bring back for 2014!

    1. I think I have created it, just not linked to. I will take a look in a moment for you!


    2. OK there now, it was there, just not linked to ;)


    3. Thanks, Steve! You are a rock star!!! :)

  7. Hi,
    I would also be interested in those pages.
    I now have 3 maidens all used too. Wondered if I should be treating them with anything. Especially the A5 which will be used for work extensively from September as my teacher planner. So will have to fight off sketchbooks etc when put (thrown) in the car boot etc. I never have with leather handbags but they do not tend to be handled in quite the same way. Hope this is not an odd question.

  8. Hi All,
    Just wondering how A6 pages fit in a pocket filofax. I know the pages are bigger, but I cant afford a Mulberry and don't want to have to cut out pages for a pocket. Do the pages stick out from the top and side when a binder is open/closed?
    Has anyone ever tried this?

    1. Hello
      I did a very rough and ready test for you. With a bit of A4 paper ripped in to 4... A6 size and

      Yes they stick out top and sides and would need trimming to fit

    2. Please excuse the low quality of the photos, but I think they are clear enough though

    3. They're brilliant actually - thanks for the super quick reply Steve :)

    4. A picture or two saves a thousand words!

  9. Good evening. Why don't you add a new category to your blog: filofax spotted in the wild.
    It's a pleasure to see something like this:

  10. I'd be extremely interested to hear from others who supervise staff: How do you track your staff work? Does this information live in your planner? I'm mostly just using extensive ticklers to touch base regarding projects or to assign out tasks. I'm a delegating machine; I offload much of the daily action list to team members and then need to remember to check in to insure it is done and close it out.

    1. I don't supervise staff, but I manage book projects, so I need to keep track of where manuscripts, contracts, and a ton of other details as a book goes from concept to final product. What really works well for me is my Waiting For list. I'm always scanning that list!

    2. I just made a waiting for list; not much on it yet but I think it can come in handy.

  11. I know it isn't Tuesday, but what planner pages fit into a Louis Vuitton Medium agenda? Sources of printable pages would be greatly appreciated, too!

    1. What are the page sizes in mm, and the ring spacings on that organiser?

