
13 November 2013

Using Year Planners.

What ever diary insert you use be it a Week on Two Pages (WOTP), Week on One Page (WOOP), Day Per Page (DPP) or Day on Two Pages (DTP) there is always the problem of how many weeks/months you can keep in your Filofax personal organiser without the rings becoming overloaded... sound familiar?

Well I've been a long advocate of using a Year Planner to supplement your normal diary insert to aid your long term planning. It also has the added benefit of being quicker to spot diary clashes compared to your usual diary insert, because you are seeing a full year in one view.

If you colour code your entries and label them, then you can quickly see if you are free on a particular date. You might of course need to look at the details on a specific date, but often you will remember the details of a particular appointment without needing to double check your diary entry for it.

Of course this all helps us in our race against the screen tappers... we have a new way of turbo charging our diary access techniques. You can patiently sit there drumming your fingers on the desk or tapping your pen waiting whilst they tap and fiddle with their smart phones. I realise we aren't talking about a big time difference here but seconds matter when it comes to taking command of avoiding the date you want to stay at home or at your office instead of facing the motorway or a crowded train on a Friday afternoon.

With a year planner in your organiser you don't have to load the full 12 months in to your organiser all at once.

If you don't currently have a year planner in your Filofax, why not print one out and give it a try. We have them in A4/A5 sizes and Personal on A4, which you print out trim to size and punch. We also have files available for 2015 so you can double side 2014 and 2015 if you wish, just pop it through the printer again.

Inserts for 2015

A4/A5 Format
Personal on A4 Paper

Inserts for 2014

A4/A5 Format
Personal on A4 Paper


  1. I suppose it all comes down to what information you need in your planner. Just yesterday I printed 2014 diary pages (yearly, monthly, WOOP, and will be buying daily inserts tomorrow. I can´t thank you enough for the printables!) and spruced the binder so that there is now next years pages (I already need to work on 2014 appointments) and 2013 Nov-Dec pages. It´s not too crowded at all. I can´t talk of the rest of the lot but I used to have outstanding ability to stuff my binders with all else but calendar pages. Since I put myself on a short leash it´s very doable to have it all, and then some but just a little of the "some".
    I fully agree that the yearly outlook is a fabulous devise, but the monthlies do carry a lot of the accumulating information I need to have on me every day. Then by referencing monthlies, I can very easily and fast track back to those weekly pages and find more detailed notions and if needed, daily pages hold the sometimes necessary nitty gritty info.
    But it all varies on every person. Lives are different, needs are different. What is right to one, probably is not that great to somebody else and vice versa. For example in my circle of friends, I´m the only one needing this much information with me all the time. Also, if we look back 5 years, there was very little information I actually needed to carry around. But then things change, situations change and like with everything, it´s healthy to evaluate what serves your life.
    To me the key to sprucing up the planner was to differentiate the needed pages from wanted pages. There is a big difference in bulk, I found out.

  2. Have you read my mind?
    My father asked me to look on the Internet for year planners for his Filofax, and a few days later... you post one on Philofaxy! \(^0^)/
    Anyway thank you!

  3. Hear, hear!! I agree, I was just trying to figure out this past weekend where I could get a free Yearly, just like this. Y'all are great. Thanks so much!

  4. the yearly planner is soooo useful to me as a teacher - I use a monthly planner more as an appt diary, but with the yearly I can get a bird's eye view of holidays, where mock/other exams are, half terms, training days ... all that stuff that is forward planned for the whole year ... thank you for reminding me to use one! I've printed out, put in my dates and I'm ready to rock and roll!

  5. the yearly planner is soooo useful to me as a teacher - I use a monthly planner more as an appt diary, but with the yearly I can get a bird's eye view of holidays, where mock/other exams are, half terms, training days ... all that stuff that is forward planned for the whole year ... thank you for reminding me to use one! I've printed out, put in my dates and I'm ready to rock and roll!

  6. I love this and will be using it for sure!!! :) Great find for sure.

  7. brilliant and just printed some out for use for work

  8. awesome, I'm going to start freelancing next year after I graduate and I want to keep track of my projects with these. Thanks so much for spending the time to create and update these for us!! Totally Appreciated!

    Avo (

  9. I absolutely looove year planners and have been looking for one. Thanks so much for providing a free one. Can't wait to use it in my new planner in 2014!
