
22 December 2013

Reader Under The Spotlight - Lynda

I am a planner geek/nerd who also devotes a good deal of time and energy toward not taking myself too seriously.
Planners became all-important for me when I attended college as a single mom to finish my business degree, and they became a necessity when I later took a job with a global accounting firm as a staff auditor.  As it had during school, my planner kept my juggle focused and manageable.

Shortly after earning my CPA, I left the firm to work as a financial analyst for a blue-chip pension fund's real estate asset management firm. At that point, I was no longer tracking billable hours in half-hour increments in my planner (thank heaven), but my growing children and their extracurricular activities kept my Franklin Covey Compact zip in active use.

Some years and a lot of life later, I find myself now richly blessed with a larger, still-busy family of grown and growing children, and am drinking the kool-aid of a happily married SAHM.  Add to this mix:  a special needs child, a part-time job, and attention issues, all of which contribute significantly to my absolute dependence on my Filofax. A soothing beacon, it is.

1. When did you buy your first Filofax and what was it?

First, a spiral WO2P academic planner that I used in college.  Afterwards, a green leather Franklin Covey Compact zip. The leather was a handsome, polished dark green.

2. What other brands have you used or considered using?  

Prior to the Filofax brand, I used a series of Franklin Classic size planners, thinking I needed the larger space for daily journaling (I actually do not).  I have considered a beautiful Gillio; I am a stuff-it-to-the-gills binder switcher, however, and would rather not invest that much money into one binder.

3. Out of the organisers you own which is your current favourite (Style and Size)?  

My recently-acquired red personal Amazona.  Gorgeous.

4. How many Filofax organisers do you own?  

The short answer is 11. Personals Amazona, Original, Holborn, Osterley, rose Finchley, Sketch, Woodlands, ochre Malden, Portland, Cavendish, Portland Grand.  Plus some Coveys.

5. What is the oldest Filofax in your collection?  

The Portland Grand, from the late 20th century.  Kinda fun to write that ;)

6. What do you use your Filofax? 

Tracking and planning family activities and info, daily journaling, my various lists, household business, to-dos.  Will probably move the household management items into a binder of its own to remain at home.

7. What was the feature about Filofax you like most?  

The slimmer profile and variety of colors and styles.  And I'm one of those that like the international reference inserts and foreign language headings.

8. If you could design your own Filofax what would it feature?

It would be a Holborn with 30mm rings and pockets that do not interfere with either of two pen loops.  And one pen loop that can truly accommodate a fat pen without inducing an I'm-gonna-rip-the-side-stitching panic attack when the pen's inserted.  Nice, real (the defined term) leather that is not padded or reinforced with cardboard.  A long clasp with two fastener options for us stuff-it-to-the gills folks.  Color choices:  a black or brown option, and also a Chanel lipstick red model.  Yup.

9. How do you carry your Filofax?

In a large handbag.  I used to put them in a freezer ziploc to protect the binders from key scratches and such, and I still do that with the Osterley and Amazona, but the Portland Grand is well-used and I love to just toss it in there, my style, and see how the leather takes it.

10. Which Filofax in the current range do you like the most? Are you going to buy it?

The current samurai stand-off is between the Amazona and Portland Grand. The Amazona has a solid feel, along with beautiful texture and color.  The Portland Grand is stuffable, with buttery leather and 30mm rings that allow my stationery to flourish.  I feel lucky to own one of each.

11. What is the most you have ever spent on a Filofax? Which model?

Ugh, there are the experienced and more-patient-than-I-am horsetraders here that will no doubt read in eye-popping disbelief that I spent $188 on my well-used Portland Grand on e-Bay (thank you, Alan, for the heads up). is worth every penny, I absolutely adore every well-stitched and quiet ring-popping inch of it.

12. What's your favourite Filofax tip or hack?  

Not my hack, but simple and effective:  two small binder clips clipped side by side on a fly-leaf to slip in a clipped pen.  Instant and readily movable pen loop.  Thank you, sandrajohn27 on YouTube.

13. Turning to Philofaxy, what do you like the most?

The well-crafted and generous insert files, and the free-for-all sharing of people with a passion for written organization.

14. And what do you not like about Philofaxy?  


15. What was the last music track you downloaded or bought?  

Kashmir by Led Zeppelin.

16.  Mark Darcy or Daniel Cleaver?  

I'm drawn to the fellow in Bridget's group of friends that tried, unsuccessfully, to take Bridget to Paris.

Thank you Lynda for being our Reader Under The Spotlight this week. If you would like to take part, please contact philofaxy at gmail dot com


  1. Your dream filofax design sounds scrumptious. This was a fun read!

  2. You rock Lynda! As do your FFs' ....enjoyed reading this...what better combo: Led Zeppelin and Filofax...yes ! Great post!

  3. I enjoyed the read, Lynda! You will forever be the girl that snatched the Portland Grand from underneath me! hehe

  4. Thanks everyone!

    Ashley, there's one out there for 'ya, keep looking!
