
20 February 2014

Filofax Tip No.3

So today's tip.

Do you worry about carrying your Filofax organiser in your bag/purse? Could it get damaged by other things in your bag, such as keys or loose change etc?

Why not carry it in a dust bag. There is a great simple to make travel pouch on Thomas's site here. Or look out for dust bags, some examples posted below.

Until the next tip happy organising.  Check out other tips here.


  1. Thank you very much!!!
    Thomas (blushes deeply)

  2. personally this is an awesome way of hiding purchases so you can genuinely say "this Filofax, had it for ages"

  3. Lol Deborah! I actually didn't take my new one out today for fear I would "hurt" it.

  4. Personally, I love a Filo that bears the scars of it's working life. One of mine has a multitude of creases on it's strap closure and it's spine from repeated use. The stitching is worn (but still intact) and the leather has picked up a few dents and lines too. But I think that a well worn Filo is like an old friend - of course we enjoy making new ones, but we've been through a lot with our old and dear friends and love them all the more for it.

  5. I have actually taken to knitting my own dust bags for my planners. Then I can carry my colorful planner in a matching case and its a way to share my love of knitting because I get asked about where I got my pouches all the time.

  6. Just to say - I have started to use Chinese silk shoe bags I found on ebay to protect my Maldens. They are really cheap (£1.75 each), and come in so many colours I can colour coordinate with my Filo. They are just the right size for an A5. :)
