
09 April 2014

Feeling fickle

I bought my first Filofax in 2009 and I admit that I've owned my fair share of different binders since then. I don't want to own a large collection, so I sell or swap the ones that have fallen out of favour. I am definitely a personal size fan as I like the portability and page size, with an A5 thrown in for when I want the extra space. However, recently I've found myself wondering if I could downsize to help me focus on the important things, and I'm sure I could remove quite a bit of out of date stuff from my crimson Malden.

I'm not sure if it's planner envy or just something that seems to happen, but from time to time I find myself thinking things like 'maybe pocket size would be just right' or 'maybe slimline was better for me'. I don't mind making changes if I truly believe that they will be for the better, but I have a suspicion this could easily be a form of procrastination instead. Working on my system can be very helpful, but it can't replace the actual doing.

Rather than rushing and making any changes, I think instead I will look to simplify what I already have and do. I think sometimes the idea of getting a new binder or starting a new set up feels like this time it'll be perfect, but anything takes time and effort to make it work. I've found that it's rarely 'planner fail', but me that's just not getting on and struggling with single tasking or getting the important stuff done. I am feeling fickle, but if anything I think I may go back to just the one binder and focus on making it work instead.


  1. I think I know what you're talking about. It's like when we shop for the perfect purse for everyday use. But sometimes you come to think, hey maybe it's not the strap length or the snap closure. Maybe it's the fact that so and so has a bigger one, or a sleeker one, or something and she seems to make it work. But there is nothing wrong with changing things up a bit and trying new things. Be adventurous. Be creative. definitely try and get the to-do's done though. That's the whole point in the planning, isn't it? Great post. I think you provided some insight that I wasn't aware of. I can relate to that when it comes to the other hobbies I keep. Whatever you choose, it's for you so be happy ^_^


  2. My system has struggled in the past because I changed it too often, so things were lost in transition. I always wanted A5 for the page size, easy printing etc, ideally combined with a pocket size for just calendar/diary (I don't have many appointments, it's more a case of keeping on top of deadlines, planning the daily amount of work etc) and some note paper, lists and cards. I have tried this now for quite a while with my Clipbook as a work book and Pocket as a diary and carryaround, but I have found I need the bigger page size - so it's back to Personal, or rather a Compact, now that I have found out how to separate the two things. My workbook stays on the desk until I take it to meetings and write-ins, but my Compact goes everywhere. I was always carrying around a Personal the size and weight of a brick and this combo is actually lighter!

  3. I think we all go through this thought process - what if I used a smaller planner? Will I be more organized? Will my purse, back pack, bag weigh less? Will I jot down more notes? For me it comes down to how big I write. I need the personal size to keep from using so much paper in the pocket size. And my A5 stays at home.

  4. Interesting. I've been thinking along these lines as well. I have tried every size and have not found anything better or perfect. I know I suffer from planner envy. About a week ago I was ready to order my first VDS. I want one so bad I can taste it. Or do I? Hanging out on the Gillio, VDS and other Facebook groups makes me want every stinking thing. Just recently I thought I wanted a beautiful binder from an Etsy seller that everyone's buying now. I seriously don't know what is wrong with me, I'm behaving like a junior high schooler. Last night I was in my den and I looked at and picked up every single binder I have. I held it and tried to remember why I bought it, what I liked/didn't like about each one. A few days ago I was ready to trash (sell) the whole lot so I could get not one, but two or three VDS binders! I'm glad I didn't give in to this knee jerk response. I know the VDS binders are beautiful, have gorgeous leather, are customized, yada yada yada. I hope to have one someday. The bottom line is I don't know if a $300 VDS or a $600 Gillio is going to get any more love or use than my $99 Malden or my $87 Holborn. Speaking of which after reviewing them carefully last night I came to realize I really do love them and at this point do not want to sell them or trade up for a fancier brand, which would be the only way I could possibly afford to do that at this time. As for the various sizes, I know that for me, an A5 is too big to carry around so my A5 stays home and is more home management. I mainly use a personal but when I watch videos on pocket size I immediately wish I could make that work. So I have set up a pocket that is a duplicate of my personal and use it when I carry a smaller bag. I always wanted to be a 'one planner' person and still do, but until I reign in my planner envy and indecisiveness the one planner model remains elusive! And then there's that damn fine VDS and Gillio leather calling

  5. Additionally I have used a compact as a wallet/planner combo. 15mm rings is a bit tight but at times the 23mm or 25mm rings makes the personal feel like a brick. Unlike most who want 30 or 35mm rings I actually would love a cross btw a compact and personal with 18 or 19mm rings. The 19mm in the pocket size is perfect but i prefer the personal size paper. The search continues I guess and in the meantime...learning to love what I have.

  6. It is a terrible problem, isn't it? I have tried DIYs for home and the cheaper brands in all sizes. I have to say that I have fallen in love with the small ones, tho. I got some really good deals on eBay for personal size( like $5 for a beautiful leather and another pocket Bloomsbury for the same cost!)I just need something to carry around in my purse or just pick up and go. I am using the Metropol mini and love, love the size, but I am waiting on a case for my IPhone and if it fits in my pocket Metropol I will go back to it I am trying to minimize my life more and more and the pocket is good enough! I get a Wo2p (and room for decorating) A-Z index that I use for addys and websites and passwords. So I am hoping it works! Personal size is too large to just carry around. THEN, if that all works out, I want a Malden pocket for Christmas. That should give me plenty time to know for sure it I want to stay with .the pocket sized. Sigh.........I love my mini, but it is such a hassle finding pens and inserts and it is a just a wee bit too small to carry all I need.......sigh again......
