
08 April 2014

Free For All Tuesday No. 166


  1. What Filo would re best recommend for a beginner? I used to keep a tiny planner back in high school and I will be sporting a Day Runner soon. I just wanted to know what would be the best thing to graduate to when I do bite the bullet and choose one of the many beautiful planners. Thanks.


    1. You will find a good overview of planner choices at Laurie's blog,, if you click on the link at the top that says "Find Your Perfect Planner."

  2. I think the suggestion posted a little while back, might be a good idea. Purchase some inserts in the size you think you might want to try out, clip them together with treasury tags and use them for a couple of weeks to get a starting point on your preferred size. You may find that narrows the field in terms of planner choice (some designs are not availble in all of the sizes). Alternatively you could look out for mid-year sales or Ebay, for a bargain buy, to try out a style/layout. Ultimately though, isn't it what's inside the planner that is important? The outside is just packaging (albeit very lovely packaging)!!

  3. I agree with Jacqui. Spending money on inserts and carrying them for a couple of weeks or months helps you decide how big or small you want your planner to be. I also researched by reading this blog for several months, searching through articles showing different size Filofaxes, how they were used, pros and cons, prices, etc. I ended up getting a pocket Chameleon which is now my wallet and holds all my credit and coupon cards, cash, coins, ids and receipts. I use a personal Malden as my go to planner that I always carry with me. Then I have an A5 (really two) at home for all my household needs and to keep articles and clippings from things I want to read or research later. You can have more than one Filofax. If you want to try the personal size, Daytimer sells a binder with three months in it in the US for about $30 at Staples. You can also get inserts there for Dayrunner, Daytimer and Franklin Covey (compact size). Also, ask your co-workers what they use and ask to hold or look at their planners. Remember, you want to be happy with your purchase and actually use it daily. So take your time with your search and experiment.

  4. Does anyone know of a store or stores in the Toronto area that sells Filofax? Thank you in advance.

  5. I just went to the filofax UK website and personal maldens are out of stock!
