
11 June 2014

Glasgow Meet Up - 7 June 2014

After last weeks meet up in London, it was the turn of Glasgow to host its first Philofaxy meet up.

I travelled up by train on the Friday and as this was my first ever visit to Glasgow, I had time after checking in to my hotel for a quick walk around the city centre to get my bearings and see what was where.

On the Saturday morning I waited at Queen Street Station for Laurie to arrive and we had a time for a quick coffee before joining the rest of the people at the nearby restaurant. As always it was lovely to catch up with Laurie and chat about a few things before we went to the main event.

I had a few items with me to give away and they were all snapped up quickly, which lightened my carrying load for the rest of the day :)

I had met one or two people before at previous events, but about half of the people were new to me, but we quickly introduced ourselves and we were showing each other organisers on our table tucked in the corner of the restaurant.

Unfortunately after lunch is started to rain, although we had all come prepared for rain so it didn't stop us visiting Paperchase, John Lewis and The Pen Shop.

Glasgow has a lot of shops on its main street and the ones leading off of it and unlike Edinburgh it didn't seem as hilly!

Time beat us as usual unfortunately and by about 6pm most people had to start looking for their trains home. I had another night in the hotel before I travelled south again on Sunday.

And some pictures of the day...

An unusual sight these days... Steve with a pint of beer!

Dannii, Chantelle, Mhari

Laurie, Bev, Margaret

Lots of Gillio's and Van der Speks and plenty of Filofax organisers and bags.
Margaret with the Deco she found in The Pen Shop

Thank you to everyone who came along to the meet up. Bev, Laurie, Margaret, Dannii, Chantelle and Mhari.

Thank you to Beverley and Laurie for the additional photos of the day. 

So this coming Saturday... The Gillio Think Tank


  1. (High pitched squeal)
    I just saw Laurie's Kendal!
    Jane :)

    1. Yes I love my Kendal! I wrote a post about the meetup today too over on Plannerisms. Had a great time!

  2. This looks so much fun! And I note someone has gone native and is drinking Irn-Bru! And I spy a travel Filofax in that second pic ...

  3. Wow I feel like I was in attendance too with the Life is Crafted Inserts - I hope they are enjoyed in their new homes! Thanks Steve, I'm sure you were weighed down :) What a great meet up and I love the collection of Filofaxes there all lined up.

  4. Wow, that is a lot of binders between 7 people! Looks like another great meet-up.

  5. Looks great - excellent photographs. Everyone was looking good and it looks and sounds like you had a great day.

  6. That looks like such a lot of fun. Wonderful photos.

  7. Thanks for a great post & it looked like you all had a wonderful time. I'll be visiting Glasgow next summer & it would be great if I could fit in a meet up at the same time!

    1. Yes!! Let us know when you have your travel dates and we'll start planning!

  8. Great article and photos, I love seeing all of those Filofax all lined up. Some day I will own one or maybe two. I love all of the colors and I know it would greatly organize my daily life. Thanks for sharing.
