
07 July 2014

Filofax France Catalogue 1991

OK, aujourd'hui, nous «visite» de France en 1991 et voit son catalogue à l'époque ...

To convert the prices to Euros you need to use the fixed rate of 6.55957 French francs for 1 Euro

And there are higher resolution versions of all the pages here.

As always the pictorial content of this post is the intellectual property of Filofax Group Ltd. The scans are reproduced here with the full permission of Filofax Group Ltd. for educational and non-commercial usage.


  1. I love the video storyboard insert. I could have done with that years ago when I was in a creative design job.

  2. Awesome, this has just given me an approximate age of my Tejus \o/ Thank you!

  3. Your use of tenses in French is better than mine Steve!! *Must brush up my French grammar!!*

  4. I wish they still made all those inserts! Fun to see that, thank you!

  5. Another great insight into yesteryear! I have a used accessory kit which I knew little about until I spotted it on page 30, so thank-you Steve - this catalogue is very useful.
