
01 July 2014

Free For All Tuesday No. 178


  1. We have made good progress with getting all the 2015 created and on line. There might be a few more added as I check through the folders for ones not linked.
    Thanks as ever to Ray Blake for his continued help and support behind the scenes with the creation of these.

  2. Well done guys!! Off to print my 2015 annual overview page in A4. Much cheaper than the Filofax annual calendar!!

  3. when is the next Skype chat?

    1. Hi
      This coming Sunday, announcement post is scheduled for tomorrow morning with the timing details. Slightly later start than normal for the morning session but I have to go to the airport first thing then slot this in afterwards.
      We missed June, because I was away in UK, looking forward to catching up with everyone.

  4. Hi, new to posting here but I've been lurking and reading for ages, love the site! I have a question I'm wondering if anyone can help with, if that's OK??
    I recently bought a beautiful personal Malden in purple and I absolutely love it, BUT ... after recently acquiring an A5 Finsbury (yes my Filo addiction is in full swing! lol) I have had an epiphany. I now realise A5 is 'my' size, Personal has always felt somewhat cramped to me and having experienced the A5 I now want to upsize... but I can't bear to let my lovely new-ish Malden languish on the shelf just acting as an archive for previous personal pages, such a waste! (I am experimenting with a 2-Filo system right now, mainly to see if I can continue getting the use out of my Malden, but I think it's going to be short-lived, because at heart I just know I want everything in one Filo - I'm way too disorganised to be shuffling between two - and I want my one Filo to be A5.)
    Which has led me to think about perhaps selling my personal Malden and buying a purple A5 Malden instead?? A couple of things are holding me back, though... firstly, I find with my personal Malden I'm always afraid of scuffing or marking it or of something getting on my desk that will then transfer itself on to the Malden. Already I notice that after only about a month it is showing signs of use, little marks here and there and a bit of creasing from the binder sitting open, etc. From what I can gather, though, it's somewhat a characteristic of the Malden that with use it starts to look... well, lived-in?? Lived-in is fine, but I don't want such a beautiful Filo ending up looking ruined. I work from home and so don't have to carry my Filo(s) around with me, BUT... they still get handled a lot. I'm forever picking them up and putting them down as I remember to write things in, and I have some bad habits such as writing with my Filo propped against the edge of a desk or in the mouth of an open drawer. I'm just nervous I'd ruin an A5 Malden, to be blunt, much as I want one. Is the leather more durable than I am giving it credit for, or am I better sticking with my Finsbury which feels so much more robust?? (I've also heard that the A5 Malden can be kind of floppy which is slightly putting me off...)
    Any thoughts from Malden-philes out there? Thanks in advance, sorry I've rambled a bit - hope this isn't too long! :-)
