
27 July 2014

Reader Under The Spotlight - Triona

Today I would like to introduce you to Triona

My name is Triona, I'm an Irish mamma of two small boys, working in financial services, with a serious habit for stationery, paper, organisers, sewing and fabric. I have blown hot and cold with Filofax over the years but since having kids I'm finding I use one all the time now just because my memory is so bad.

I only discovered Philofaxy this year though, and have learned a lot since then. I enjoy the interaction on the Facebook page and the info on the website but am trying not to be tempted into buying any more Filofaxes as I am saving for a Van der Spek.

1. When did you buy your first organiser and what was it? 

In 1999 before I took off on my travels to Canada and Australia, I bought it in Dublin, it was a pocket Filofax, zipped with quite a sturdy almost sports type zip, it was red PU with black trim and a filofax logo down the front at the side, I WISH I knew the model now cause it's bugging me that I can't be specific :)

2. What other brands have you used or considered using? 

I have two pockets from Akiko, and I am definitely going to get a VdS but I have to think long and hard about it because I want to adore the VdS and be 100% happy with colours etc

3. Out of the organisers you own which is your current favourite (Style and Size)? 

I'm definitely a personal person but much to my surprise my favourite is an Akiko pocket in a turquoise and black snake skin effect, I usually dislike anything that looks reptilian but the colour on this one is amazing and the craftsmanship is wonderful , I use it as a notebook and carry it in my bag every day.

My favourite practical diary planner is a purple malden, really smooth and a perfect shade

4. How many Filofax or other brands of organisers do you own? 

Mmm, this is highly classified : currently own 2 Akiko and 7 Filofaxes, one Filofax is A5 for work - purple patent original; the rest are personal - ochre malden, purple malden, red finsbury, brown zip holborn, an indie which is navy orange and white patterned fabric, and a grey Osterley.

I also have an older brown leather one branded 'Moores of London' which was made for a bank, I worked in banks so used to sometimes collect bank memorabilia. I have a blue Buckingham on the way too....

I also have a specific family health organiser which I got for recording all the medical details of the kids and us, if I had thought about it I would have used a leather A5 and bought the inserts !! Oh and I have a pink clipbook, does that count...

5. What is the oldest organiser in your collection? 

Probably the Moores bank one although I don't know the year.

6. What do you use your organisers for? 

One for diary/recording everyday appointments and info re my kids or house, they have a different coloured pen each which works for me.

One for work for note taking and noting deadlines etc, I use outlook at work for meetings but the FF is for my own deadlines or small notes regarding ad hoc stuff.

One as a notebook, one as a commonplace book and the rest as storage for old diary and insert spares etc.

7. What was the feature about Filofax you like most? 

The variety of styles, the interchangeability of sections and pages, the fact I can keep a much loved outside and change the inside anytime I like. Or conversely swap outer covers and keep same diary. Also their feel, I love leather and fabric and they are more practical for me than having a big handbag collection.

8. If you could design your own Filofax what would it feature? 

Slightly bigger rings but not much, say 28mm, amazing colours, either turquoise or purple , a more surprising inside (like the rio has ) and lots of slots, a mesh pocket like a finchley has and a leather fly leaf with a zip pocket in it. Not sure that flyleaf is exactly practical but I like the idea of it.

9. How do you carry your Filofax? 

The work one comes each day in my lunch bag, I never leave it at work overnight in case the building burns down! The Akiko stays in a tiny pocket in my handbag and the rest stay at home.

10. Which Filofax in the current range do you like the most? Are you going to buy it? 

I'm rather liking the electric blue Finsbury even though that model wouldn't be my favourite normally, but I love the colour. Also love the Charleston but I don't want a compact so I won't buy that. The patents put me off a bit because of finger prints and they don't have that leather feel I love, so I probably won't buy one from current range right now. I think I would prefer another Akiko or a VdS

11. What is the most you have ever spent on a Filofax or other brand of organiser? Which model? 

My goodness, a bishop wouldn't ask me that :) Oh well, we're all friends and enablers here right? The Akiko ones were most expensive, they work out around €115, I like to buy for her because they are unique and hand made and I feel she is a real artisan. I got my Osterley half price and the rest were reduced in various places.

12. What's your favourite Filofax tip or hack? 

Mmm, don't know if I have any tips really, something I do is to punch things like fancy tags to make page finders or I punch cards people have given me to make flyleaves or dividers that are of sentimental value. I also sometimes punch fancy envelopes and use them for holding bits and bobs instead of the FF clear zipped envelopes.

13. Turning to Philofaxy, what do you like the most? 

The fact that any model you want to research is on there somewhere, usually pictured to within an inch of its life and reviewed in detail, it's an amazing resource.

Also that it has behind it a wonderful community of people who are very generous with their knowledge and time , people criticise social media but the Facebook group attached to Philofaxy is very generous and a lovely place to hang out sometimes.

14. And what do you not like about Philofaxy? 

Nothing comes to mind, maybe just the fact that all the meet ups are a flight away from me :)

15. What was the last music track you downloaded or bought? 

Ed Sheerans album, we're big fans of his in my house

16. Have you ever attended a Philofaxy meet-up? if not do you intend to one day? 

I probably would if there was one in Ireland but I probably wouldn't fly for one.

17. What was the last movie you watched? 

'Ted' which my husband put on the DVD player the other night, it wasn't my favourite to be honest

18. What was the last book you read? 

Siblings without rivalry ... My kids are 4 and 1 so toddler and child behaviour are topics of the moment :)

19. George Clooney or Brad Pitt? 

Clooney by a country mile!

Thank you Triona for your contribution to this popular feature. And if you would like to appear on 'Reader Under the Spotlight' please email philofaxy at gmail dot com 


  1. Love your Akiko binders sooooo much, Triona! And I have the orange version of that Filofax with the zip - and it's been driving me mad, as I can't find it, nor remember what sort it was!

  2. Lovely to 'meet' you, Triona! And the Akiko binders are gorgeous :)

  3. So nice to meet you. Learning something new - I've never heard of Akiko binders.

  4. Well Akiko is the lady's name but the shops Kiko's attic, so maybe I am not helping her brand identity, but they are gorgeous.
    The red one is an active Shaz, I saw one on the sale page around three weeks ago, I couldn't believe it!!

    1. I am addicted to Akiko's binders - I've got four of them, and love dribbling over other people's! Yours are gorgeous. And thanks for the name on the other one - now to find it!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Is the first Filofax you bought an Active? Like in this video: (sorry for video, Google Images is only giving dead eBay links).
