
24 August 2014

Reader Under The Spotlight - Robert

Today I would like to introduce you to Robert. 

Hi, my name is Robert and I have been a software developer since 1998. I work part time and study Computer Sciences right now. As far back as I can remember, I have been a paper person. Even my mother told me a few weeks ago that she only had to go to the paper sections in the super market to find me when I was a child.

I use many many electronic gadgets and since I have a quite good understanding of how they work I know and respect their limits. Thats why I use paper for my planning needs.

In February 2014 I started a wiki for Filofax-models feeling the need for a reference myself: 

It is working and growing quite well and 14 weeks later (June 2014) I had the pleasure of adding the 100th model.

1. When did you buy your first organiser and what was it?

I have always been toying around with the kind of bound organisers you get at school but never had enough to write in them. In 2007 I bought a ring bound organiser (not Filofax) but failed in using it. Since 2012 I have been using a Filofax, the first was an A5 Domino in red which I still have but do not use anymore (A5 is just not my size).

2. What other brands have you used or considered using?

I have been using loads of Moleskines but always suffered from the limitations of a bound organiser. And I didn't even realize the reason. I used every hack for Moleskine I could find and even attached different sections to the notebooks just because I could not use them for everything.

What I did not realize was that the solution was so near. A Filofax.

3. Out of the organisers you own which is your current favourite (Style and Size)?

I do really like the vintage models and as I have a few of them it is not easy to answer this question. I think it's the crocodile print Winchester or the Dundee. Both in Personal size.

4. How many Filofax or other brands of organisers do you own?

A quick count gets me to 25. 2-3 of other brands. Most of them are Personal size, there are a few Pockets and Minis. I especially like my Winchesters, the Dundee, the Balmoral, the Sandhurst, the Henley, ....

I try to keep an online-overview of my collection up to date: 

5. What is the oldest organiser in your collection?

That have to by my three Winchesters. Two with crocodile print, one made of pigskin.

6. What do you use your organisers for?

I use my Pocket on the go having a M2P (this and the next year) for an overview of appointment possibilities and a few sections for frequently needed lists and jotting down ideas.

I use a few Personals for daily needs. Like:
  • meal planning (WPP)
  • goal logging & financial logging (W2P)
  • ToDo's (private and university) (W2P)
  • Waiting for (delegated tasks)
  • daily tasks and appointments (DPP)
  • a few lined pages for brainstorming
  • lined pages for every year until 2040 (right now) as reminders for things far ahead
  • goal oversight & definitions
  • a diary on lined pages
Hmmmm, I think thats it. Btw, the Personals stay at home.

7. What was the feature about Filofax you like most?

Definitely the flexibility. With a Filofax you can define/find your own system!

8. If you could design your own Filofax what would it feature?

I'd like them to be designed like the Winchesters. I don't put any cards in my Filofaxes but I sometimes need the pockets.

9. How do you carry your Filofax?

I only carry my Pocket Filofax which resides in the front pocket of my Lloyd leather-shoulderbag.

10. Which Filofax in the current range do you like the most? Are you going to buy it?

I am very curious about the Lockwood and I always had a soft spot for the Holborn in Personal. Especially in that whine red.

11. What is the most you have ever spent on a Filofax or other brand of organiser? Which model?

56 EUR. For the dark green crocodile print Winchester. But it was worth every cent! Even if I had to wait a long time to get it.

12. What's your favourite Filofax tip or hack?

A tip: Never be afraid of trying something out. Step out of the obvious path.
A hack: I love using the clear tabbed flyleaf from Filofax and I was lucky that my local paper shop had them. I used many rulers, for many sections making the Filo a little bit lopsided and hard to write in. But since I switched to the flyleafs the Filo is way more usable.
13. Turning to Philofaxy, what do you like the most?

The community and the printables. An easy way to try different calendars but I have to admit that I am lucky to have a very reliable duplex-printer.

14. And what do you not like about Philofaxy?

That I have to login to comment on articles.

15. What was the last music track you downloaded or bought?

David Bowie - Starman (from the album Ziggy Stardust)

16. Have you ever attended a Philofaxy meet-up? if not do you intend to one day? 

No. But I would if there is one reachable for me. =)

17. What was the last movie you watched?

The Book of Eli

18. What was the last book you read?

I always read about 5-6 books simultaneously. That takes a long time for each of them but I simply cannot read only one book. So maybe a few examples: The diary of Samuel Pepys, Edward Abbey´s Desert Solitaire, George R.R. Martin´s Series A Song of Ice and Fire, Walter Kempowski´s Echolot Project, ...

Thank you Robert and keep up the good work on Filo-Wiki. 

If you would like to appear in this feature on Philofaxy please contact philofaxy at gmail dot com


  1. Welcome Robert! It's nice knowing about the person behind FiloWiki. I stumbled upon your site when you had approximately nine or ten items and the first thing I thought was "thank you thank you thank you!!". FF users crave comprehensive details of Filofax's especially vintage etc and you've managed to build a fantastic reference site. Brilliant!

    Also, I like very much your hack re: clear tabbed flyleaf, which I am considering for my compact Temperley Violet. I've been using two x Kate Spade paper clips but they can be tricky when writing at the start of a page.

    Thanks again Rob and best of luck with FiloWiki.

  2. Good to see another Edward Abbey fan, not many of us there!

  3. I just found your site last week and was very impressed. Great resource!

    So agree about having to sign in. I have to remember to copy my comment because I lose it when I sign in and then have to re-write. So, many times I just skip commenting.

  4. Wow the FiloWiki is amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing.

  5. love the chester tapestry..i need one!
