
12 September 2014

Free For All Friday No 304 by Laurie

There's a phenomenon I call New Planner Super-Productivity, when a new planner works extremely well but for only a short period of time then tapers off to a normal level of productivity. Recently I realized a big part of that initial super-productivity is because of recopying all my plans, tasks and goals into my new planner which forces me to review, re-evaluate and remember them. This made me realize I should be doing a total-planner review on a regular basis to keep everything current and at the forefront of my mind.

Do you do a total-planner review on a regular basis?

And as always on Fridays, feel free to discuss and/ or ask anything ring-binder related!


  1. Hi everyone.
    I'm thinking of making some changes to Webfinds. These as you know are currently published on Tuesdays and Saturdays. I would like to move them on one day to Wednesday and Sunday.
    Couple of reasons, firstly I think it might balance them out in terms of the number of posts I'm finding. Also those days would help me when I'm travelling and generally fit in to my week better.
    We will see how it goes, I might not make the change for a week or two yet, and then it might be a trial period to see how it works out.

    1. Fine by me, Steve- as long as you don't stop them. Really appreciated and the highlights of the week!

    2. I love reading them - any day(s) of the week is fine

    3. No problem at all! Do what's best for you!

    4. I agree with the above any day will be fine, in strange way the new scheduled day would suit me better..IMHO

    5. I agree too, just keep them coming Steve please as they are brilliant! Have you stopped the Filofax Focus via flipboard? Like viewing the web-finds via that tool :-)

    6. Not stopped, it's just I run out of time to do everything! I will do the last week or so in a moment :)

      And don't panic folks Web finds isn't disappearing, I just need to occasionally adjust things to fit around life a bit better

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love that term - New Planner Super Productivity! I'm sure that's why I've changed my system as often as I have -- it's such a high to feel like you're accomplishing so much and enjoying it!

  4. Since moving to a slimline binder, I have had to keep things streamlined. Because I can't carry the whole year of stuff around, or all my lists of next actions, I have to be much more focussed and do my weekly reviews - these are keeping me much more on track! It's not so much New Planner Super Productivity it's Enforced Super Productivity!

    1. I'm with you Amanda. As soon as my 13mm Slimline Holborn rings start to bulge, I know it's time for a quick streamline! I still follow my weekly (usually 7pm ish Friday night whilst waiting for holiday cottage guests to arrive) review and plan for the week ahead together with page cull. It's not really GTD but I've stuck with this (sort of!) ever since starting with Time Manager (TMI) nearly 30 years ago!

  5. I still do my GTD weekly review every week, on Fridays, usually in the morning, so I guess I'm in a permanent cycle of review......

  6. @Steve, I appreciate these posts so much, even if you did it biweekly or monthly, whatever fits your life.

    @David Popely.. me too, I love my weekly GTD reviews. I have finally arrived at a point that I tell people, "no I am not available on Friday 2-5 ET", and I do not feel bad about it, i dont' have to explain..

    1. Hi RP! It still astonishes me that anyone at all could be put out by someone taking an hour or two once a week to keep themselves organised. I thought those attitudes died out in the 90s. I don't think anyone should feel bad about making that 'appointment with themselves' (in TMI-speak).

      Another thing I've noticed is that if you say to people 'I'm sorry I have another commitment', no-one ever asks what it's a perfect way to ring-fence time for all kinds of activity. Sometimes my 'commitment' is to be doing my Review...sometimes it is to be at home relaxing. Always, it's a commitment just as much as a client meeting or a task from my list.

    2. I think that because we live in a society that's so full of instant gratification, the idea of someone being unavailable or having other commitments is a real shock to some of us.

  7. Such a good observation, Laurie, it makes so much sense! I think it would really work for me! Now to just implement this in my routines... (I find it hard to adopt new routines!)

  8. Hi guys
    As a constant silent observer of the Philofaxy Website (and many of the other sites!) I thought I'd break my silence with a question, if I may...
    Wonder if you're able to point me in the direction of printing diary pages (notably, Philofaxy and My Life All In One Place's WO2P CC Layout for Pocket Filofaxes) directly into pocket size Filofax paper instead of A4?
    Thanks in advance for all your help

    1. Hi,
      The main issue will be finding a printer that can handle that size of paper. What make and model printer are you using?
      I print on to personal size paper without any issues, but via the envelope tray, I do have to have a wider bottom margin than I would like to have, but it does work.
      Pocket paper is only 81x120 mm I would be surprised if your printer can feed paper that small, but I would love to be proved wrong. If it can then the instructions are similar to printing on Personal size paper:

  9. Hi,

    Im sorry that my issue is not belong in this subject, but I cannot find where I could give a question, so I will leave it here if its ok.
    Im using Finsbury mini navy color as memo, and im carring this one always in my hand bag or bag stuff like that, but one day I found that the ring inside got really rusty and this affects to the leather and also the paper, so I dont know how I should handle this issue, so if anyone could help me, pleas give me some advise, because I really like this one and want to keep using it.

    1. Hi there,
      Yes this can happen, I suggest taking out all the pages and then cleaning the effected area with some metal cleaner which is mildly abrasive on a cloth. If that doesn't shift it, then go to the next stage of using some 'wire wool' steel wool and dip it in some thin oil to help shift the rust.
      Protect the cloth of the organiser with some sticky tape during the cleaning operation.
      If the cleaning does the trick use a metal polish to buff the rings and help to protect them in the long term.
