
31 October 2014

9 years and counting..

Nine years to this day Philofaxy came in to being....

In the beginning was the first post by Philofaxer, who started it all off and helped us celebrate our 5th anniversary four years ago.

A lot has changed in 9 years... but we continue to enjoy writing about our paper organisers. You can see what it looked like back in 2006 here.

A big thank you to all our supporters over the years, the people that read the posts every day, all the people that work behind the scenes in the various companies we have got to know.

Here's to the future and the next 2600 posts!

Nan created this fun video as a sort of celebration, as well as a halloween celebration.

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!


  1. Happy birthday and thank you all for doing such a great job here on Philofaxy!!! And also a huge thank you for this great video, Nan!

    Here's to another xx years!

  2. Happy 9th birthday Philofaxy! :-)

  3. Congratulations everyone!! Here's to another 9 years!!
    And what a brilliant video :D

  4. Happy Birthday and long may the blog continue as I love popping over and seeing everyone else is doing with their planners.

  5. Congratulations and happy bloggiversary! Here's to more and more fabulous years!

  6. Happy 9 years, Philofaxy!!!

  7. Happy anniversary, Philofaxy! One of the best websites ever!

  8. Ooh, happy (late!) birthday to Philofaxy! 9 years is pretty amazing...

  9. Oh my goodness. I just had a chance to see this video and I. LOVE. IT. !!! Great job, Nan! And happy birthday Philofaxy!!!
