
25 November 2014

Free For All Tuesday No. 199


  1. Hi,
    I own a personal hamilton filofax. I saw a guest post by Joshua LaPorte on Janet's blog about his black hamilton filofax and how the ring mechanism is replaceable.
    I wanted to know how can one go about changing the rings of a hamilton? Is the ring mechanism same as the snap on like the Vds/gillio? TIA

    1. Hi
      Yes assuming the mounting points are the same then the method of changing them over is the same.
      What is wrong with the existing ring mechanism?

  2. Anyone know where I could find a 24 hour vertical WO2P for A5? Need all days to have their own column. 1/2 hour spots would be extra nice.

  3. I am now working with a month per view and day per view inserts in my personal filofax and two pocket moleskine volants for "bullet journalling" my projects and random lists. (One notebook for home, one for work) Anybody got any tips for migrating tasks? My notebooks fit comfortably in my Kendal so I can carry the whole thing with me easily, but I still worry about the connection between my projects and my time planning, as this is a new system for me.

  4. Hi Steve,
    just printed the Week on two pages Journal and love them! Wondering if there is a way to change the Excel file into German in order to show the weekdays and months in german language. All my attempts were unsuccessfull :((( Thank you so much!

    1. Hi
      You can do that change on your own machine for that file and it should all swap over (I think!)

    2. Hi,
      thank you Steve, no unfortunately I cannot change the weekdays and months for that file, since they refer to the date cell. All efforts to change the date cell were not successful.

    3. Sorry I remember now, you need to change the date codes in the merge fields in the Word file. I think if you change the YYYY to JJJJ it will change language to German. I will try to find a source for the instructions on this.

    4. Hi Steve,)

      unfortunately I cannot change the merge field in the Word file either (my mistake I guess). If I change the YYYY to JJJJ in the Excel file, it all gets funky and Word crashes!
      However, thank you so much for your efforts to find instructions, I appreciate it!

  5. I was wondering for some time now... why Touch Me model from VDS is not available in other colours? I like the layout of touch me so much more than anything else on the market, yet its only available in boring black and brown (no offence to anyone, I am actually using brown Malden myself ;-) )

    1. Hi, it is because the Touch Me range are bought in from a supplier to the Van der Spek design. To increase the number of colours would have quite a big impact on the space to store them all (it's not that big a factory!) and of course the cost of paying for a huge number of different colours/sizes etc
      These models are also sold through shops in Holland and I suspect they only have so much shelf space too, so two popular colours where chosen.
      On the Facebook group this has been mentioned in the last couple of weeks. It might be possible to add another colour to the range... but will we get agreement on what colour... what shade of colour etc etc!
      A case of watch this space I guess :)

  6. thanks Steve, as long as its not green as I have one green in my collection already.. hehe... i really should start using facebook! thanks for your reply! I will watch the space!
