
16 March 2015

Filofax Time Management Catalogue 2006-7

Today we go back to 2006-7 to look at the Time Management catalogue. Our thanks to Tim Edwards for supplying the scans of this catalogue.

The content of this post is the intellectual property of Filofax Group Ltd. The scans are reproduced here with the full permission of Filofax Group Ltd.

And there are higher resolution versions of all the pages here.

As always the pictorial content of this post is the intellectual property of Filofax Group Ltd. The scans are reproduced here with the full permission of Filofax Group Ltd. for educational and non-commercial usage.


  1. If you're interested in time management and the history of the Filofax Professional System, look out for other posts coming later this week!

    1. Thanks Tim. Look forward to it.

    2. Hi Cloudberry (sorry, I don't know your real name!). I'm glad you've spotted today's post as I recall you were an 'A' Time user in the 1990's? If so, do have any surviving copies of the pink pages, I could see a scan of? (email me at timatilkleymoorcottagesdotcodot uk if you do!) Thanks!

  2. Thanks for sharing this and look forward to more about the system. Quite by chance my first foray into Filofax was using the time management inserts. I really liked them but the paper was so thin it seemed to suck all the ink out of the pen in use, particularly if it was a fountain pen!

    The layout of the year, month and day all on one view reminded me of the DIY Fish inserts

    1. Yes, Thanks to Tim for sharing....and had the same thought when I saw the pages....reminded me immediately of DIY Fish.....

  3. This was the time when Filofax actually promoted their products for time management, and not for fashion!

  4. I like how the daily schedule always shows on the right hand side, although that may have been frustrating for a lefty.

  5. I love this! I wish I had a hard copy!

  6. These are now available on the US Filofax site, but they don't have any instructions for how they were designed to be used. I bought the 2020 one day on two pages because I needed the space.
