
10 March 2015

Free For All Tuesday No. 214


  1. Blimey! Quiet here today...
    Okay - anyone know which vintage leather binders have a compact version? I'm only really interested in ones that lie flat as a bat and have decent rings. :-)

  2. I have the paper that I need for my insert that I am designing for my Franklin pocket binder. I tried to find it in several office supply stores to no avail. They did not have it or they said they could be receiving stock soon. Thus I had to buy it online but I did not select the exact one that I prefer. Nonetheless I am using the paper I received because buying the other one will take more time. I certainly do not need any more list paper and the paper looks fine. Anyway I should have a brief description and photo of my new insert in a comment soon. I finished the layout and it is the one I will use.
