
22 March 2015

Reader Under The Spotlight - Laurie

Today I would like to introduce you all to Laurie. 

1. When did you buy your first organiser and what was it?

My first organizer was the ARC system from Staples. It's bright pink. I bought this is in September of 2014. Up until then I was using the At-A-Glance student calendar. I needed something that worked more as an organizer than a date book.

2. What other brands have you used or considered using?

I currently have the Filofax Lemon Patent Compact, Webster's Pages binder in Skyblue, a Franklin Covey Macaroon in Black and a Kate Spade Filofax in Red. I love them all and have purses to match.

3. Out of the organisers you own which is your current favourite (Style and Size)?

I love the personal size, its just the right size to put into my handbag and to hold all my stuff.

4. How many Filofax or other brands of organisers do you own?

Currently I own five. I started on this journey in September, now it has turned into a full blown addiction. I love that I can carry around everything I need to keep track of the many schedules in my life. There is no more forgetting to pick up one kid because the other kid has to be someplace else at the same time. I love that they are so busy and have such full lives but it does take some planning.

5. What is the oldest organiser in your collection?

That would be the ARC planner. Its not very old but as I said I am a newbie in this world of personal planners.

6. What do you use your organisers for?

I use them to keep track of the schedules of a very busy family of four. Siena (my 14 year old) is on a dance competition team and has dance three days a week, as well as many other rehearsals and shows. On top of that she is very active in school working with the drama department and of course she is a social butterfly.

My 11 year old, Ani is a total sports junkie, so we have basketball, soccer, track and bike club schedules to contend with as well as all her school and social activities. My husband travels for work so I need to have his schedule at the ready as well as my own schedule. I also keep master copies of the girls teams schedules in my binder. I also use it to schedule errands, and any volunteer work that I do.

Inside my binder you will also find my reading list, my to do list as well as grocery lists and the such. My planners are definitely work horses.

7. How many sections do you have in your organiser and what is each section used for?

I have six sections in my planner at all times. After my dashboard I have the monthly calendar pages, this is where I put everything into before it goes into the weekly pages. The next section is the weekly pages. I keep four months at a time in my binder and I spend time each Sunday night decorating and updating the info for the following week.

The next section is my To Do lists. This usually includes things like "pick up dry cleaning, rhinestone Siena's costume or schedule orthodontist appts". Then comes my Grocery lists, I update this as we run out of things.

Then I have a section for keeping track of my reading lists. I found a great print out on Pop Sugar that I am currently using.

Then I have a pocket for all my inserts, like master schedules for my girls activities as well as the school calendar. Like I said my planner is the control center of my life.

8. What was the feature about Filofax you like most?

This is going to sound strange but I love the rings. They line up perfectly and hold a lot of stuff in place.

9. If you could design your own Filofax what would it feature?

I would probably add a little pocket for my smart phone.

10. How do you carry your Filofax?

I toss it into my purse, on the passenger side seat of my car and it ends up on the kitchen counter quite a bit too. I am so glad its sturdy and easy to wipe down if it gets smutz on it.

11. Which Filofax in the current range do you like the most? Are you going to buy it?

Right now I am lusting after the personal sized Domino in turquoise. Oh yeah I am so buying it and a purse to match.

12. What is the most you have ever spent on a Filofax or other brand of organiser? Which model?

I spent roughly 118 on my Kate Spade for Filofax in red.

13. What's your favourite Filofax tip or hack?

I love the idea of a laminated To Do list that I got from Alexis at

14. Turning to Philofaxy, what do you like the most?

The people are by far the best! I love that everyone is so willing to help everyone else. There is no competition between members that you find in other online communities.

15. And what do you not like about Philofaxy?

So far the only thing is not really a problem with Philofaxy. Its more with my iPhone. Its to darn small to read the blog on when I am in the car. (as a passenger not the driver, LOL)

16. What was the last music track you downloaded or bought?

OMGosh I have no idea. I can tell you the last audio book I downloaded though.  "The Virgin's Lover" by Phillipa Gregory.

17. Have you ever attended a Philofaxy meet-up? if not do you intend to one day?

Not yet but I would love too. That would be so much fun, to hang out with people who share your planner enthusiasm.

18. What was the last movie you watched?

"Into the Woods" with my girls.

19. What was the last book you read?

"The Queen's Fool" by Phillipa Gregory. I am a total history buff. I am currently reading "The Virgin's Lover" and "The Other Queen" is next on the list. All of these are by Phillipa Gregory.

Thank you Laurie. 

As you know we are constantly looking for new people to appear in our 'Reader Under Spotlight feature, you don't have to be 'well known' or a long term user to be considered to appear in this 'spot'. 

So please contact Steve philofaxy at gmail dot com today. Thank you.

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