
28 April 2015

Free For All Tuesday No 221


  1. Had to share my glee with people who would appreciate my charity shop find. Two identical unused compact personal Regency filofaxes for £1.50 each... Both a beautiful brown, absolutely lovely. I was practically skipping down the road after, and have already moved into one of them for my EDC.

  2. I have had my planner blog up and running for a while (, and I have signed up for the monitoring list on Philofaxy. Do you have any other tips to help gain new readers?

    1. Are you on Twitter, or Instagram? But there are so many (too many) social networks these days blogs struggle to gain readers or retain readers.

      Your posts will be appearing in Webfinds later today. I'm just finishing off today's post.

    2. I'd think most important thing is to keep your blog 'fresh', post new content on a regular basis, so, that your readers know that it's worthwhile to come visit your site regularly.

      When people visit blogs that haven't been updated for over six months or a year, etc, for example, seem 'stale' and think people go elsewhere for 'new stuff'......

      Of course, the hard part is to keep up a blog on a regular basis with great content like Steve does here on Philofaxy........ ;-)

      Hope this helps a bit.....


    3. Doing guest-posts for others and having others guest-post for your blog can increase your readership as the normal readers from the other person's blog will also come to yours. But ArchiMark is absolutely right - regular posting of good quality posts is key. Readers will come! Be patient - once they start it picks up.

      Oh my other tip would be NOT to have too much advertising. There are a couple of blogs that I will NEVER read, however enticing the title of the post is because there is far too much advertising on it, including words within the text getting converted to links (which even happened to a comment I left on the blog - the blog converted one of my words to a hyperlink to some product!). The way this blog does it with affiliate links in a sidebar is about the best option I've seen.

    4. Also agreeing to do a 'Reader Under The Spotlight' feature on Philofaxy also includes a link to your site.

  3. Hey Philofaxy people, I need done advice: Malden or Finsbury?

    The backstory is that I have a Vintage Jack which has frayed through on one corner a year in (I am going to try Steve's superglue suggestion to stop it getting worse, but I think I need to dial it down from daily use.) and I'm trying to replace it. The problem is that I'm quite hard on my stuff, so I need to pick out something that's a bit harder to break.

    I've done a quick bit of research; the grained leather of the Finsbury looks like it won't show scratches, while the leather of the Malden looks pre-worn to me. (I want an Original, I do, but I will scratch that within a day and cry.) Does anyone have any thoughts? Are any other owners of filofaxes hard on theirs and have a recommendation of which will last longer? I'm heading off to the Filowiki now to try to judge it, but I'll appreciate any advice.

    1. (A major deciding factor is that I've heard that Maldens are actually floppy as all hell, whereas Finsburys are quite sturdy? I generally prefer covers to be stiff so that I can balance them on my lap, so this may swing the vote.)

    2. Have had Maldens in various sizes from A5 down to Mini.....while the covers aren't real stiff, I don't find they are literally floppy. When you have the binder full of pages, it seems to have plenty of body to least to me......but others might have a different opinion... Finsbury will feel a bit stiffer....

  4. Not sure I can advise which is best for you....I have several Maldens and one reason I like them is that they have a vintage look and feel to, from that perspective, think it might be a good choice....

    But do have a thought for you.....don't know how you are 'hard on your stuff'....but wonder if you need a soft cover to put over your binder when you travel around with it or put it in a bag, etc....just to protect it while moving around.......but maybe you're referring to some other issue of usage....

    Hope this helps a bit...


    1. I have noticed that Maldens are REALLY popular in the community, and they do look really classy! I've just never seen one in the flesh, as it were, so I'm a bit anxious in case it doesn't feel right?

      I'm hard on my stuff in that my Filofax goes with me EVERYWHERE... But it can end up, for example, stuffed in the middle of a backpack that has thirteen library books shoved in every which way for my three hours of travel getting to and from work. Prime environment for it getting scuffed and dinged. :( I have considered covering it in something, and every time I've very foolishly decided against it as something that'd get in the way of my using it. Might be time to invest.

      Thank you for commenting!

    2. You're welcome, Susan....

      Addressed the 'feel' issue up above by your other comment.....

      Now I understand your usage pattern.....that is a bit of a rough environment for most any binder to survive in good shape for long......

      I have a nice leather 'manbag' that has some compartments in it for laptops, etc. So, my Filofaxes fit nicely and securely in one of the compartments. My binders don't rub up against another item, just the nylon cloth lining of the bag. So, don't have any noticeable wear to my binders this way....and very easy to retrieve them quickly.

      I do think you should think about a simple cloth pouch cover for your binders, to keep them looking nice....and a pouch is quick and easy to remove. If you don't have or can't make a cloth cover, another thought is to go to a store that sells computers and related stuff and look for a neoprene pouch case for a tablet that would fit. Would give a little more cushion around the binder to protect it.....

      Just some thoughts....

  5. The Filowiki website is a great reference, but from I can tell, does not have every model Filofax listed, but has most.

    So, my question is whether there is a true comprehensive list of Filofax models and what sizes they were made in. Is there such a reference available? If so, where is it?



    1. Which ones are missing? Tell Robert and he will add them. It's the most complete list I know of on the net

    2. Berkeley for example.....also, some of his listings, show a model in A5, but not in another size, yet, I know in some cases that the other sizes exist.

      Will contact him.....

      Meanwhile, I found your PDF file....thanks, Steve!
