
12 May 2015

Free For All Tuesday No. 223


  1. On my month page I write information and some tasks that are important for me to see on specific days but are not on the schedule. For example I noted a problem with an appliance on this page. I also write some shopping lists on this page. In past years I used the month calendar on two pages with boxes and there was some overlap on the week pages. Now there is not much overlap since I use my month and week pages for different notations. Also in reducing my paper use I am not rewriting the shopping lists from the month page on a larger list. I just take my binder to the store. I can see though that a full view of events on a month calendar is useful.

  2. I just bought my first filofax this year... yay me! It's a domino personal size. I'm still trying to figure out how to make it work for me. Does everyone print daily pages and cut them out or is there an easier way to do it? I find myself doing a lot of cutting and hole punching, but I need a daily page, a monthly page, a weekly menu, plus the regular note pages for lists (I have four kids, therefore lots of appointments, sports games/practices, and so on). Also, looking for ideas to better organize my organizer. Thanks!!

    1. Buy yourself the Filofax value pack of plain paper for personal size, it contains 100 sheets of plain personal size paper already punched. Then you just have to print on to it.

      Alternatively, buy a ream of A4 paper and get a stationery store or printers to cut it in to three personal size pages for you. Then you just print it and punch on it.

      Printing on personal size paper is not difficult. How? Click on FAQ at the top of the blog, scroll down to 'P' for printing, and follow the link to printing A5 and Personal size pages...

    2. Printing your own pages does take some time and effort. If you're OK with that, great.....

      Otherwise, have you explored using pre-printed pages for your various needs?
      Obviously, there's a cost to buying pre-printed, but you do save time and energy....

      So, question is which is more important to you time or convenience?

      Of course, using pre-printed assumes that you find the ones that work for your needs. But between Filofax pages, Gillio pages, Franklin Covey Compact pages (fit in personal size binder...), Time/System pages, Day-Timer pages, as well the myriad of others out there offering pages (see Etsy and others like, etc...), etc, there are lots to choose from....

      Just some thoughts...........

