
05 June 2015

Free For All Friday No. 342 by Steve

Well the days are counting down to our epic trip to North America. It is difficult to comprehend how important my organiser has been these last few weeks and for the next couple of months that we are away in bringing together all the details.

I lost all faith in electronic calendars when dealing with so many time zones and what time they show at any point in time. So I have got all our schedule recorded for all the flights and train departures all written down!

I will try to do a separate post about 'How I used my Filofax organiser to organise a long distance holiday/expedition!' or similar.

But as today is a Friday you can of course discuss anything Filofax or ring bound organiser related.

Have a good weekend.


  1. It helps Steve if you time the post correctly !!!

    Thank you for the messages asking if I was alright... with no post yesterday and nothing appearing this morning!

    I'm winding down a little in readiness for ma grande vacances dans Etats Unis!!

    Posts are set up to continue whilst I'm away, the frame work of several are already in place. We have a few guest posts scheduled as well to keep things ticking over during the next couple of months.

    And of course I will be sharing reports on all the meet ups that are planned during the visit.

    Serious packing starts this weekend.

  2. Steve - you do a grand job and have done for many years. So regular have your posts been, for so long, that it was indeed a worry when there wasn't one yesterday and still nothing first thing this morning! I've been known, if lying awake around 5am, to wait for the post of the day to appear, before trying to get back to sleep!

    Profite bien de tes vacances dans les États-Unis!

    1. ..before someone (such as my 15 year old daughter) corrects me, it should be "aux Etats-Unis" not dans.

  3. Steve, Allison, have a safe and wonderful trip to our end of the world. Bien Vacance!

  4. Anyone else having issues with finding grid paper in the UK? I live in a fairly big city and can't get my hands on any,.

  5. Try Amazon France. I struggle to buy normal lined paper here in France but there's lots and lots of grid paper!

  6. Katie: I'm not sure if you can find "ZeitPlanner" inserts for sale online but they do packs of punched squared paper at very affordable prices if so. They re everywhere here in Austria and Germany.
