
28 July 2015

Free For All Tuesday No. 234


  1. As I'm going back to university in September (MA Museum Studies), I'm thinking about my planning for that year, which means I'm considering moving back to a ring binder. I know from previous experience that I will need to plan to a very high level. I'm currently using an A6 Fauxdori which is working well, although I don't feel as though it has a space for everything or that I'm able to forward plan effectively. I know from experience that a ring binder is more flexible, can have almost unlimited sections, and can incorporate many different diary inserts for different degrees of planning (yearly, monthly, weekly, daily), so it would probably be better for my planning, but I know I've never been good at archiving loose-leaf pages and I'm still worried about dropping the ring binder and breaking the rings, which a fauxdori wouldn't do. If I did get a ring binder for university it would be an A6 VDS Touch Me in purple or light brown.

    1. I just archive everything in binders chronologically. Keep it simple and just make a point of not moving pages out of the binder unless you move them into the archive binder (or binder rings like Maryanne Moll uses).

  2. With your chosen subject I reckon you will soon be so good at archiving that nothing will be beyond you! As for breaking the rings, the two bad things are pulling on them rather than using the tabs, or crushing (like running over the binder in a car). If the unthinkable did happen then replacing the rings would probably be an option in a high quality binder like VDS.
    So I'd say go for it.

  3. I agree with gmax, you'll want that flexibility, and if you did break the rings, at least on a VDS they are easy to change out and just get on with your life (says the person who wrecked her favourite filofax over on it :/). As for archiving, why not just grab a pack of book rings and a box? Does it need to be any more complex than that?

  4. I agree with everyone above! I have a archive that goes back to 1997 of Filofax inserts. For me, not a student, I just divide my archives by section: Budget, Calendar, Contacts, etc. i literally just use rubber bands, plastic envelopes and a shoe box.

  5. Hi! I'm pretty new to owning a filofax but after a year in my personal swift have decided to downsize to a pocket.

    In my personal, I just about fit all the info I need to on a week on two pages diary, but often wish for a little bit more space. In a pocket I'm now torn between a day per page (which I am worried will overstuff the planner) and two days per page (which I'm worried may not be enough room). Any opinions on this?

    I am also torn between a pocket saffiano in poppy and a pocket patent in duck egg or lavender. Has anyone used these planners and could you tell me if either of them lie flat? Thanks!

    1. Hi, just one thought about your wish to downsize to pocket size. I believe that for daily planning you'd go best for a 1DPP layout (one day per page) in addition to your oberview scheduling (e.g. year leoprenello or month on two pages). With these choices however I suggest a smarter Filo-organisation to avoid the overstuffing. Just think about it: do you really need your daily details of each of the yearly 365 days with you at all times? If not, why not having just the days you really need by that time, lets say a month within your edc filo? For proper organising of your past and future months daily pages I suggest using another cheap and basic pocket filo as your filling and reference organiser that only hosts your daily pages that are not in current use. Using this method allowed me to successfuly downsize from Personal to Compact, whilst still using daily inserts. In the end Have Fun with your Filo journey :-)

  6. Thanks to Steve and Ray you could try out each format with their wonderful, free diary inserts

  7. Hi, I've just discovered Filofax and am wanting to purchase my first organizer. It seems like the selection (at least in the USA web store) is a bit low at the moment. Can anyone tell me if there are certain times of the year in which Filofax releases new products or more selections? I don't mind waiting a couple months or so if there's about to be a windfall of new stuff. Also, it looks like many of the organizers I'm drawn to are not being produced anymore (e.g. York, Sandhurst, Belmont). Am I right about this? Which of those available are closest to the look and feel of these?

  8. Hi, you are right, these glorious organisers are not produced any more. You'd best write them directly (store(at) to ask them by what time they intend to produce similar models. Best of luck.
