
05 August 2015

Filofax Catalogue 2004-5

Today we go 'back' to the 2004-2005 catalogue, this catalogue was loaned to us by one of our lovely readers in Canada, thank you Brenda, I collected it whilst I was in Toronto last month.

This one catalogue is like slotting in the last piece of a jigsaw a lot of untied knots where tied by seeing the content of this catalogue. By this I mean knowing the start date of new models in that year and the end of others too. 

The content of this post is the intellectual property of Filofax Group Ltd. The scans are reproduced here with the full permission of Filofax Group Ltd.

As this is a picture heavy post, there is a break after the first image, please click 'read more' to see the whole post.

And there are higher resolution versions of all the pages here.

As always the pictorial content of this post is the intellectual property of Filofax Group Ltd. The scans are reproduced here with the full permission of Filofax Group Ltd. for educational and non-commercial usage.

If you have any catalogues that we don't have in the archive then please contact Steve at  philofaxy at gmail dot com and we can discuss how to plug some more gaps in our archive.

Thank you. 


  1. When the 'Classic' was till called 'Cross'! That's when I got mine. I wonder why that changed?

    1. Maybe because the internal layout is very like the vintage, classic look of the older models? Or maybe (which is my personal thinking) the religious aspect - ?

  2. I love seeing the old catalogs!

  3. OMG - I am dying here! As much as I enjoyed looking at the topaz, balmoral and the briefcase, that's not what caught my attention. There was a DENIM FILOFAX!! I am absolutely dying here! Only 7 months into the planner universe and just stumbled onto the filofax world and I am obsessed! Loved seeing this!

  4. Am I the only one who feels saddened when viewing these catalogs...from a time when FF was still actually interested in marketing itself, and there was truly a beautiful planner for every style? I got into FF (from Franklin Covey) in 2003 so this catalog brings back lovely memories. ;)
