
06 August 2015

Van der Spek Video Competion

From Petra Van der Spek.... 

- C O N T E S T -
I would like to announce the Van der Spek You Tube Organiser Video Contest. 
We would like to see videos of your Van der Spek organisers, how you use them, why you choose the particular colours, what you like about the designs, basically anything you want about your Van der Spek organiser.
The contest is open to any videos published on You Tube in August and September 2015, and the winner will be the video with the most likes on 1 October 2015 at mid-day in Netherlands.
The winner will receive 100% discount off their order for a single organiser of your choice.
The second place will receive a 50% discount of their order for a single organiser of your choice.
The third place will receive a 20% discount off their order for a single organiser of your choice. 
Please ensure you tag your videos with 'Van der Spek'
All the videos will feature in Steve's Webfinds on Philofaxy each week and you can post links to your video in this Facebook group to encourage more people to view them and of course like them too.
The winner will be announced on the Facebook group on the afternoon of 1 October and I will contact the winner via their video comments.
The Rules:
1. The videos must be your own work, not someone else's
2. You can submit more than one video if you wish.
3. No cash alternative is available.
4. Should the winner order more than one organiser, the discount will apply to the highest value organiser in the order at which ever level they are awarded in 1st 2nd or 3rd place
If you have any questions about this contest please contact me or one of the admins of the group (Steve, Janet or Susan) who will be only too happy to help

We have a post on how to improve your videos here. 

Good luck everyone, we will look forward to seeing the videos over the next few weeks. 


  1. Oh, how I wish this applied to blog posts as well, having just gotten into VDS myself. But I can't take on starting up videos, too. In any event, watching the videos others produce for this will be great. I might get some ideas for my next binder!

  2. I'll be voting. This should be exciting!
