
04 December 2015

Free For All Friday No 368 by Laurie

I admit I'm not the best at keeping up to date with what's in my tabbed sections. Sometimes I forget what I have in there, or under which tab I filed a particular page.

To solve this issue, I recently started using sticky notes to create an index on my tabbed divider. On the sticky note I write a list of everything that's behind that tab so I can quick-reference it. And I write it on a sticky note, not the divider itself, because of course the contents change periodically.

Do you use your tabbed dividers for other purposes?

And as always on Fridays, feel free to discuss anything ring-binder related.

Happy Friday everyone!


  1. I've had a lit of fun trying to identify the models on the Advent calendar so thanks for that, Steve. Is there a crib sheet?

    1. Hi Steve. I think this is the list. The only one I'm not too sure about is the Sandhurst, I just remember basing it off a vintage model with two pen loops but can't for the life of me remember which one!

      Left to right:

      4. Malden
      18. Finsbury
      20. Kensington
      11. Adelphi
      12. Holborn
      6. Lockwood
      15. Metropol
      23. Domino
      19. Cross
      3. Finchley
      1. Aston
      8. Original
      13. Calipso
      22. Deco
      14. Temperley Violet
      9. Siena
      24. Durham Zip
      16. Plimlico
      5. Baroque
      17. Piazza
      2. Cover Story
      21. Ranger
      7. Cuban Zip
      10. Sandhurst
      25. M2 Belgravia

    2. Thank you for this. No 2 was bugging me. I hadn't realised it was meant to be elastic.

  2. I like your idea Laurie, I might try this on the reference/information sections in my A5 and A6 organisers. I can never remember what is where in that section and it sometimes takes me a few attempts to find a page I'm looking for.

  3. Hi Laurie. I do something similar. I keep only 1 divider called Files ( sort of like my planner's filing cabinet) where i house all reference, project, note- related stuff. I then cut down four pieces of blank paper, hole punched them then affixed Redi- Tag sticky notes to them. They have tabs that stick out that I wrote Household, Finance, Business and Personal on. I then sort all those pages begin the tab with the appropriate category The RediTags come with lines to write contents on. Been working really great and they're a lot thinner than additional dividers
