
13 December 2015

Readers Favourite Organiser - Deborah Jane

Today we continue a new series on Philofaxy about readers favourite organisers. Thank you to Deborah Jane for sharing the details of her favourite organiser. 

1. What is your favourite organiser?
  • A5 Malden in ochre.
  • Name Imogen-Kate Buchanan-Morton
2. How long have I owned it?

Almost 5 months. After about two years of shall I, shan’t I? Then I found one at the price I wanted to pay.

3. What do I like about it?

I am very fussy about leather and how it’s coloured. The look of the leather has to look right, according to me and a lot of the coloured leathers don’t always look right. I saw quite a few Aqua  (when they were being produced)  and the Purple Malden’s and it was very much hit and miss somehow the grain looked wrong or the looked badly creased, just let’s say I wasn’t a huge fan. 

When they got it right in my opinion they looked awesome. However I was going to purchase it unseen and I hadn’t seen an Ochre model I hadn’t liked.

To me this is what I call leather. The Ochre Malden is the colour I expect leather to look like. To me Leather needs to age and show it scars. I also love the grain on the Malden .The Ochre Malden is renowned to scratch very easily and the most scratch prone of all the Malden’s. I like a leather that tells a story of how it’s used. I love the floppiness of it and as I use it at a desk 95 % of the time it’s perfect. I am not precious about my planners but some of you will be relieved to know I don’t use this one as a coaster.

I love the functionality of it. I love that you can stuff it to the gills. Also you can take half of it out yet still looks great. I love that it has the right amount of pockets and I love the zip compartment.
I also like the fact the Malden would equally as good on a modern desk as it would on a 100 year old bureaux. I like the timelessness about it

4. Do you use it all the time?

It’s my work planner so pretty much 5 days a week every week…

5. Do you think the design could be improved?

An element of me wishes it wasn’t as floppy because then I would use the planner as my personal/home planner. Also I wish the pen loops were just a tad bit bigger. 

However right now I am using the Malden as a work planner and other than that I really wouldn’t change at thing.

And some pictures of my A5 Malden. 

Thank you Deborah Jane. 

If you would like to share with us the details of your favourite organiser, please contact steve @ philofaxy dot com 


  1. This is my 'unicorn planner'. That cognac brown, the softness, the floppiness. One day!

  2. I actually have a Ochre Malden in A5 I am not using. Send me an email at lycern at hotmail dot com if you want it :)

    1. Dear Weekend Wife: I had the pleasure and privilege of receiving a beautiful A5 Purple Charleston--my "unicorn"--from Maria ... Maria, I will always remember your kindness ... Holiday Blessings to you both!

  3. Love the color of your Malden! I also love floppy planners--they're just so wonderfully soft the way leather should feel. I've considered this A5 but I just don't *need* another planner, lol!
