
15 March 2016

Free For All Tuesday No. 267


  1. Hey Filofolks: Can anyone tell me about the Miami binder? There is one for sale where I am (a Mini) and it made me curious. Very little about these on the internet. Does someone now when they were made? Thanks.

  2. When will filofax give us 2 inch rings. Or changeable rings?

    1. Knowing Filfax and how they have reduced inventory and offerings, I doubt they will ever offer those options. Why don't you try Van dear Spek? N

  3. Morning,
    I have a 6 ring designers guild filo, inside is suede & a pale blue colour any ideas on how to clean this up ?
    ps it was a bargain on fleabay.
    Any ideas would be appreciated.

    1. It will depend on how dirty it is? But do it carefully and in a small area to start with. A foam cleaner might be best for suede

    2. Many thanx Steve will try that idea.

    3. Many thanx Steve will try that idea.

  4. I heard on the grapevine the other day that Filofax will not be producing a paper catalogue this year. Sad really they provide us with a useful reference as to when particular models were introduced and other facts.

    1. Sad for collectors and future historians, but a vast cost (photography, models etc) especially as there are several different markets and languages. And honestly, who (other than an enthusiast or a collector) would request a brochure these days when all the information (and more) is so readily accessible on line?

    2. I would not mind a catalogue but the cost is high. One function of the site that I did not prefer is scrolling repeatedly to view all binders of a particular size. I think they have eliminated that inconvenience.

    3. I agree Be, I also did not like scrolling down and waiting for the additional images to load. Apparently other people didn't like that either because the website has now gone back to pages.

  5. hi.......i have 2 questions:
    1) why is the baroque so difficult to find?
    2) when the new colors of malden will be released?
    Thanks so much

    1. Hi Melania
      1. Because it was discontinued in about 2010. I'm not sure how popular it was back then, or how many were made. We do see them from time to time on the Adspot page here on Philofaxy. Put a Wanted ad there. You might get lucky.
      2. June is the date we have been told. But we will hopefully publish some details as soon as they become available.
