
01 May 2016

Readers Favourite Organiser - Jackie

Thank you to Jackie for sharing with us her favourite organiser. 

1. What is your favourite organiser (Make/model/size)?

The medium Yale blue compagna is my favorite planner to carry and use for my schedule. It is the perfect size and gives me enough room to write what I need for my day.

I have several shelf planners, a work planner, a master house planner, and pockets for brain-dumping. I prefer that everything is separated, similar to using a planner like a one-subject notebook. There are 9 working schedules in my household so there is a lot to manage.

The medium compagna along with a pocket for brain dumping provide the perfect place to keep track of the schedules.

2. How long have you owned it?

This was my first gillio and I received it in January after purchasing it in the marketplace. Even though I now have 5 gillios in different colors and styles, this remains my favourite.

3. What is it that you like about it so much?

The color is very relaxing and reveals different demensions of color depending on the lighting. It can appear both grayish blue and vibrant blue. Dark and bright.

It can be also be used throughout the seasons with a variety of dashboards, in terms of styles and colors. In this way it is oddly neutral.

The leather is primarily smooth on the inside, but has subtle veining and pebbling on the outside. For me, it is the perfect combinations of texture, not too pebbly, and not completely smooth. The leather feels sturdier than my Aqua and lotus and I don't feel like I need to "baby it". Also, unlike the dark blue, it does not feel as if it has any coating.

For the design, I love the secretarial pockets on both sides and the zipper compartment.

I am a professor and only carry one semester at a time. The medium is the perfect size and fit for my hands, whereas the A6, although comfortable for writing, is not as comfortable for me to carry.

Yale blue with the typewriter. The walls in my office are almost the same color so I like the study in color.

I did my first planner selfie with this planner, so it's definitely love. 

4. Do you use it all the time?
Yes, it is my every-day-carry. I change the accompanying pocket planner, but the Yale blue is my constant companion.

This pic was taken on a cloudy day without a filter and reveals its hidden vibrancy. This is the moment I fell in love.

5. Do you think the design could be improved in any way? How?
I would prefer slip pockets on the right side instead of card pockets.
I would also like to see a bi-color with dark brown and Yale blue combinations, plus the A5 Amica and compagna available in this color.

Thank you Jackie, who you can find on Instagram

If you would like to share with us the details of your favourite organiser, please contact steve @ philofaxy dot com 


  1. What a beautiful planner and I love the art deco dividers!

    1. Thank you! I made copies from my Êrte book. I just wish we had a better printer!
