
26 August 2016

Free For All Friday - No 406

Why do some people find it necessary to hide from others that they still use a paper planner?

I came across someone the other day who at first seemed ashamed to admit they still used a Filofax on a daily basis. I was quite surprised at this.

Then they asked the question.... 'So what are you doing these days...' and then I told them!

But as it is a Friday you are of course more than welcome to discuss anything related to ring bound organisers.  Have a great weekend.


  1. To be honest, I never came across this phenomenon... I am occasionally asked why I prefer it, but actually many people in my environment use some sort of paper planner.

  2. Same here. Always the question why paper and not the digital calender.
    But I was wondering about something else. Did you notice, 2016 has just 4 months to go. How does the planning system that one has put up 8 months ago stands now? What will change next year. For me, the main system has stand up. Just minor tweeks, but it is the same.

  3. One friend said to me "you know you're in a very small group". However, my longtime friends are used to it.

  4. I find the same as TinaKaren at work, 6 other people in my office use a filofax. Sometimes visitors attending a meeting have one. Some others in the office reply on their A5 paper diaries.

  5. I've never been asked, but I can see why someone would hide their paper planner preference when surrounded by those who are furiously texting and typing into their phones. Maybe they don't want to be seen as 'archaic' or 'old fashioned' (though I much prefer the term 'old school'!) It's funny when I make my next batch of appointments with the girl who does my nails. I'm sitting across from her while she puts the appointments in her phone while I'm writing them in my planner!

  6. I have people so interested in planners I am teaching one to a class of entering college freshmen and another at our local library in September. People are really interested in planners and planning and increasing their productivity or at least staying 'organized'.

  7. We can't be that much of a minority seing that stationery sells so well. I found it much more difficult to find planners that meet my needs 10 years ago, the variety of layouts and sizes has increased significantly. Being part of a subculture looks differently...

  8. For me it's the paper-pen-hand-brain connection that makes using a Filofax both effective at keeping my schedule and my to-dos, and pretty much goof proof. Further, I can plan, write, journal in any place at any time. I love a keyboard and computer as much as anyone, but I came to understand that it's not that great for how my brain (with its lovely ADD) works.

  9. The military hospital where I work has many people walking from A-B with their planners firmly in hand. They are mostly A5 sized, filled to the brim, and well-used. The under 30 crowd favors their phones. They walk by looking down, bumping into the occasional person, texting like mad things. My officemates do not use planners, but I hear them say they wish they did. They use Steno pads at meetings.

    My oldest turned 24 recently, had just moved out to finish school upstate, and is a keen mocker of my Filofax and planning sessions. What did he request for his birthday? "Mom, my phone just isn't working with all the stuff I need to keep track of. I want a planner like yours." Come to the dark side, my friend. His classes started this week, and the A5 is working quite well for him.

    I'm not going to be sucked in by people's perceptions. My life needs to work for ME. To each his/her own.

  10. As a user of pocket size notebooks I am constantly asked by strangers for paper when spotted writing,so I staple a few sheets together and glue then in the front of the cover.
    One time I had to have my car towed in an unfamiliar part of a large city and wrote down the street directions as the driver took me to the nearest station.I knew I'd have to call a family member to pick me up.
    Well, the driver went into a panic at the sight of me writing and demanded me to stop and show him what I was writing! He was yelling at me to stop,I didn't as I explained that I wanted to be certain I could give accurate directions.He did not calm down until we arrived and he had time to think clearly.After that I always carried some kind of notebook as security.

  11. I prefer to carry my binder without monthly tabs on the side and titled dividers because more projects and processes are scheduled and managed digitally. I compiled a list of shapes and symbols for the notations on my weekly insert. I purchased my Franklin pocket binder over two years. No one I know is so interested in the length of time or typical formats.
