
18 October 2016

Free For All Tuesday No. 298


  1. Who else combines a ring organiser like Filofax, VanderSpek, Gillio etc. With a bound BulletJournal?

    1. I use rings for planning and my own reference material
      I use a travellers note book for podcast notes, it keeps them all in one place!
      And I use a bound Quo Vadis daily planner as my daily journal, great paper and I can file the book at the end of each year. Approaching the end of my fourth year of using one as well.

    2. Thank you Steve. I believe my transition from ring-organiser (compact=my EDC) to a more productive combination with a detailed A5 size time scheduler(vertical week with time slots from 8:00 to 23:00 plus space before and after the day plus for another three topic/goals columns on the right), so I can see exactly which time is still available for another task... plus a separate A5 BuJo (currently in a Fauxdori with Moleskin cahiers). The great effect: I can have both at once in front of my eyes: The week view and my task list for proper allocation. My EDC is now minimalist for appointment scheduling on the go. But my in-detail-planning is made with the two A5 organisers, mentioned above.

    3. I have my on the go planner (personal compact) which is just for rough scheduling of events and appointments with note paper for a mind sweep - it also serves as my wallet - and then I have an A5 bound notebook for more detailed planning and notes to different categories, that I use until it's full. Once it's full I cut out the pages that I need or want to keep and punch them into my thematic a5 planners. This for me is the perfect combination of a simple, light system that still provides enough writing space.

  2. What's the full range of colours the Finsbury has been produced in?

    1. Finsbury Personal, Pocket, Mini or A5, A4?
      For a good overview Filowiki:

      Still don't know if the newest colours are also entailed.

    2. Let's take the Personal size:
      a) First generation (visible popper on clasp):
      b) Second generation (covered popper on clasp):
      electric blue (2014-)
      emerald green
      pale blue
      vintage pink

    3. Aqua, Turquoise, the mustard yellow...?

      There's a few missing from that list

  3. Yes, I combine a Filofax (appointments and work to-do's) with a bullet journal (everything personal) in a simple pocket notebook and have next tot that a plethora of journals in Travellers Notebooks. Seperating it all keeps me organized and on track.

    1. Hi Natascha, I see that we both have this alternative organisation need (not all my life in one place) in common :-)

  4. Hi, I apologise for my lack of knowledge. But I was hoping to use your source files to create my own diary. I have downloaded the docx and xls files, but am unsure how to mere the data into a usable diary. Could you give me any pointers? Thanks
    Simon (Evesham, UK)

    1. Have you watched the videos on the Diary Inserts page they will help you understand how to do the mail merge.

  5. I have been using a planner on and off for years. The thing is I may have only 2 appointments in a month and have no social commitments ever. Any suggestions as to what inserts I should be using or if I should just use a pocket planner?

    1. It depends on what you have going on day to day. Do you need a place to write to-do lists? Reminders to pay bills? Other things you need to remember?

    2. I have a bill book. Most of the time my pages go unused because I'm not that busy. I feel like I'm wasting money.

    3. If you do not do daily journaling and have few daily appointments/tasks, etc..., consider a month-on-2-page calendar layout and just note papers to keep your lists, planning and notes for the day. You keep the 2 appointments per month on the Mo2P calendar; everyday, you draw a line under the previous day, date the new day and take notes for the day, repeat... That way, no wasted pages as with the pre-dated daily or even weekly pages. You can do this with ring planners or midori-style TN or even bound planners (I tuck/taped a pocket size monthly calendar under the cover of an A6 bound notebook).
