
24 February 2017

Free For All Friday No 432 by Laurie

One of the many joys of using a Filofax or similar ring binder is being able to have other things in your planner besides just planner/ diary pages.

I have loads of random things in my Filofax. On my dividers I have taped post cards of my favorite locations (Glen Coe and Rannoch Moor). It's like taking a mini vacation every time I turn my pages!

I also have a printed page of photos of oystercatcher birds. I love these charming little birds. This time of year they come inland and nest in the fields around my house. I love their loud PEEP! call. Seeing them in my planner just makes me happy.

I like having fun things like these in my planner so it's not all business and to-dos.

What do you have in your ring binder that's there just for fun?

And as always on Fridays, feel free to ask and/ or discuss anything ring-binder related!


  1. I do too! Currently, I have Lime Tree's Prince-inspired dashboard, a sweet note from my husband, and a cat meme with a Dalai Lama quote on it. I also have a receipt envelope I made out of Mickey Mouse scrapbook paper and my Spring/summer pages (my design) have pink flamingos, surfboards, flip flops, and palm trees on them. I love a visually interesting and cheerful planner.

    1. I'm intrigued by your 'Lime Tree's Prince-inspired dashboard'. Where can I find it please?

    2. I am intrigued too! Do you have a link to it, please?

  2. I keep a piece of painted bark cloth given by my Grandmother and a picture of my son. Both guaranteed to make me smile

  3. Concert tickets from Garbage and Silversun Pickups. Every time I see them it brings back what a fabulous time we had those nights. It also serves as a reminder to make time for joy. Also a laminated drawing of a Moonkin from World of Warcraft.
