
05 March 2017

Philofaxy Reader Posts

I am sure we all enjoy seeing how other readers used their organisers.

On Philofaxy we have had several different series of posts to help readers share their own experiences of how they use their organisers and which is their favourite one.

We constantly need new people to come along to be able to continue with these series of posts.

So how can you help contribute? We have three different 'reader' series which are very easy to fill in and respond to they are:
  • Reader Under The Spotlight - This is based on 10 simple questions (it used to be 19 questions) as well as the questions we ask you to supply a photo of yourself or your organiser. Previous posts in this series can be found here.
  • Readers Favourite Organiser - This is 5 questions plus a few photographs of your favourite organiser. Previous posts in this series can be found here.
  • Experienced User - This is based on 7 questions, mainly aimed at people who have been an organiser used for more than a year or two, but the questions are fairly generalised. Previous posts in this series can be found here.
  • We also welcome Guest Posts and Reader Reviews of organisers and related products. We also have Readers Tips too. There is no fixed format for these. It is best to contact Steve before you commence writing any of these.
You do not have to be a really long term user of an organiser, or a blogger, You Tuber or celeb in the planner world to take part, they are open to everyone.

If you are concerned about showing your face in any of the posts, you do not have to include a photo of yourself, a picture of your organiser is just fine.

Additionally if you would like to use a different name to the one you use in the real world we are cool about that too. We know how prospective employers do Google searches.... mine would be show up in so many places!

Guest posts/reviews must be organiser related, Philofaxy will not publish non-organiser related posts... we often receive offers of very non-specific posts, one for example about body weight loss, when I published a post on weight loss in relation to removing pages from your organiser!  Clearly they hadn't read our post at all or our guidelines!  In all posts we are happy to include a link or links to your own blog or your You Tube Channel or Instagram feed.

So if you would like to contribute with any of the posts above please contact Steve by email philofaxy at gmail dot com  Please indicate which post you are interested in taking part in and he will send you the questions/instructions.

Thank you.

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