
25 April 2017

Free For All Tuesday No. 325

So what questions or discussion points have you got for us today?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.

Make today the one day you post a comment or a question.

It is Tuesday after all so fire away.


  1. I'd love to know how people manage their to-dos as I can never quite seem to come up with a system that works for me. Do you keep yours in the diary section of your Filofax, in another part, or somewhere separate outside your Filofax altogether? Tips much appreciated... thanks!

    1. I'd be interested in any tips as well. I've tried Filofax diary inserts, Day-Timer/Franklin Covey, and Getting Things Done, but still haven't found a suitable solution.

    2. I adopted the GTD system back in 2011 (?) and have used it more or less consistently (minus a few aberrations) ever since. It works for me, and you can find a handful of guest posts on this site if you want to try it.

    3. I keep a master list of tasks in Todoist, but transfer the key ones to my daily pages in my Filofax. It works for me. I am scared that if I just keep my todos in my Filofax, I will miss something.

    4. I keep a master list of tasks in Todoist, but transfer the key ones to my daily pages in my Filofax. It works for me. I am scared that if I just keep my todos in my Filofax, I will miss something.

  2. Hello! Has anyone used a clipbook as a main planner? I am tempted by the new personal size.

    1. I have the new personal size in Rose, tis lovely and it could quite easily be used as a main planner, although it only comes with 13 weeks of week to view planning pages, so you would also need appropriate inserts. I prefer the inserts that come with clipbooks because they are printed on a higher quality paper. Personally I am using mine for on the go writing, but definitely viable to use as a main planner x

  3. For Purpleprose: I am in grad school, so most of my to-dos are day/week related. I used a 2p/week spread that has a spot by each day for what's due for class by day but It has a to-do section for general things I need to get done that week so I can note it and what day I want to do it. I tend to keep everything for the week on those 2 pages so I don't have to flip back and forth to others. For me, if it's out of sight it's out of mind as far as to-do lists go. I've simplified in the past year and it's great. I have the weekly pages, a couple of months at the front for long-range things and an alphabetical section for reference stuff, projects, research ideas, etc. The only other section is for blank note paper. I am finally using everything in my planner ! :)

    1. Peach I would love to know which weekly pages you are using! I'm constantly searching for weekly pages with enough space for my daily and weekly to-dos.
