
27 April 2017

Opening and Closing the rings on your organiser correctly.

Are all opening and closing the rings correctly? I'm sure some of us have been watching You Tube videos and seen people pull the rings open with their fingers!

To ensure that you don't damage the ring mechanism on your Filofax personal organiser, always use the tabs at the ends of the ring mechanism to open the rings. Place your organiser on a firm surface and press evenly on both tabs at the same time.

Do not under any circumstances pull the rings open using the rings themselves; this could result in the internal mechanism becoming damaged.

Opening the rings

To close the rings use your rings on either sides of both sets of rings with a light even pressure and the rings should snap shut. Be careful to not trap your fingers in the closing rings.

Closing the rings

The mechanism does not require any routine maintenance or oiling, just an occasional wipe with a soft dry cloth will keep the metal clean and rust free.


  1. Pulling the rings to open them is also the main cause of closure gaps, which can then prevent the pages from turning smoothly. Unfortunately, people unfamiliar with the tabbed mechanism tend to approach opening Filofax rings as they would those on a conventional ring binder. So if you allow others to handle your precious planners it's worth educating them first.

    1. A lot of the plain 3-ringed binders have the tabs on them as well. I just bought one from the $1 store, and it has tabs.

  2. I just bought an inexpensive personal size organizer for my 9 year old daughter. One of the first things I taught her is to use the tabs to open them! It makes me cringe when I see people pull the rings to open! Thanks for this informative article.
