
08 May 2017

Philofaxy London Meet Up - May 2017

This last weekend I hosted a meet up at the usual venue near Oxford Circus in London. We gathered together for lunch and a great deal of discussion about everything going on in the planner world.

There were some familiar faces as well as some new faces. A couple of people couldn't make the event due to personal reasons but we had a one or two last minute additions as well.

As always it was a very relaxed and un-rushed lunch spread over three hours! But we had plenty to talk about and share.

I got some interesting reports back about my talk the previous weekend at the Cambridge Planner Con which was good to hear.

Jené bought along her collection of old Filofax catalogues, whilst you have all seen the scans here on Philofaxy, seeing the actual paper catalogues is always an added bonus.

Some people had been shopping before they arrived so just Emma and I took a walk to Muji and Paperchase for a quick look around before heading back to Charing Cross and a train ride home to Kent.

I would like to thank everyone who came along and already they have asked me 'When is the next one?' ..... hopefully before the end of the year!!

So some photos to finish off.

L-R Jacqui, Max, Emma, Jené, Louise, Holly

L-R Jacqui, Max, Emma, Jené, Louise, Holly

L-R Jené, Louise, Holly

Julian, Tim, Karen

Steve and Holly


Until the next one......


  1. Looks like fun guys! Looking forward to hearing about more meet ups, I might even make it to one myself!

  2. Looks like it was a good meet up, Steve? Is it possible to add some names to faces on the photos, as I don't do social media or travel far, but I recognise a lot of names from reading Philofaxy. Thanks.

    1. I've added some names to the captions

    2. Thank you Steve :-) That makes it more personal. Pity that I don not have the funds to join the next meeting and I would have loved to visit London again, after my parting 7 years prior.

  3. Hoping for. Philophaxy New York meet up?? ; )

    1. I have organized several NYC meet ups in the past (see posts regarding here on Philofaxy). At more recent meet-ups, attendance dwindled to only 2 or 3. If there is interest, I would consider organizing another one.

  4. Ooh, those beautiful Enigmas!
